泰国中英文地名对照带翻译 泰国中文名字(6篇)

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facing the open mother river, huangpu river, the bund leans back on thebuildings with rigorous modeling and different styles. because of its uniquegeographical location and its influence on shanghai and even china in the fieldof economic activities in the past century, it has a very rich culturalconnotation. the bund's riverside, levee, green belt and beautiful buildingsconstitute the street view, which is the most characteristic shanghai the morning, the bund is a place for people to keep fit; in the daytime, itis a bustling tourist attraction; in the evening, it is a place for lovers tofall in love. when the lights start to shine, the buildings on the bund areresplendent, like crystal palaces, which make tourists at home and abroadmarvel. strolling here, we appreciate the style of huangpu river, the motherriver of shanghai, overlook the new appearance of lujiazui area on the otherside of pudong, feel the different flavor of metropolitan gardens among greentrees and flower beds, and enjoy the rare fresh air and sunshine in ametropolis.

the bund got its name

huangpu river is the largest river flowing through shanghai. the source ofhuangpu river is located in longwangshan nature reserve, anji, zhejiangprovince. as the huangpu river is connected to the sea, it is affected by average, there are obvious rising and falling tides twice a day. the waterlevel drop in a day can reach more than 4 meters. in case of astronomical springtide, the water level drop will be even greater. (as for the source of huangpuriver, some said it was in dianshan lake, others said it was in taihu r, it is rare to see lakes as the source of rivers in the world er, taihu lake is a shallow lake basin with water from many sources, whichcan not be regarded as a complete source. only by finding the source of taihulake can we find the real source of huangpu river. after investigation andresearch, xitiaoxi, located at the foot of longwang mountain, has a drainagearea of 2800 square kilometers with a length of 145 kilometers, 1.8 billioncubic meters of water. its water supply accounts for 70% of taihu lake's watersupply, making it the first water source of taihu lake. longwang mountain is thesource of huangpu river. )

150 years ago, shanghai was only a medium-sized county along the coast ofthe south of the yangtze river. the shipping industry was very underdeveloped,and people did not have the necessity or ability to build embankments along theriver. therefore, most of the river banks were natural beaches except thehuangpu river bank in dongmen. at ebb tide, the river water stagnates in thecenter of the riverbed, exposing a large area of beach. at high tide, the rivernever crossed the bank. huangpu river is the main channel of shanghai. becausethe river is wide and the water is fast, ships going against the river have topull their boats. for hundreds of years, the track of the trackers has steppedon a winding path on the huangpu river beach, which is known as the "trackway",which is the earliest road on the bund.

in terms of place names used in shanghai, the upstream of the river isgenerally called "li", and the downstream of the river is called "wai". forexample, people in shanghai today are used to call hanyang road and bridge onhongkou port "lihong bridge", changzhi road and bridge "zhonghong bridge", anddaming road and bridge "waihong bridge", which is named according to thelocation of the river where the bridge is located. similarly, the first bridgeof the suzhou river entering the huangpu river estuary is called "wai bai dubridge". the bridge in turn is also commonly known as the "li bai du bridge"(now zhapu luqiao) and the three bai du bridge (now sichuan luqiao). forexample, based on the county seat, the place close to the city is called "li",and the place far away from the city is called "wai". today's southern urbanarea is named "lixiangua street" and "waixiangua street"; "licang bridge" and"waicang bridge" are named after this.

the huangpu river near the county seat of shanghai forms a sharp bend atthe exit of lujiabang, so the shanghainese take lujiabang as the boundary. itsupstream is called "lihuangpu" and its downstream is called "waihuangpu". thebeaches in lihuangpu are called "lihuangpu beach" for short, and the beaches inwaihuangpu are called "waihuangpu beach" for short.

after 1840, shanghai, as one of the five trading ports, opened to theoutside world. in 1845, the british colonialists seized the bund and establishedthe british concession. in 1849, french colonists also seized the bund andestablished the french concession. from then on to the early 1940s, the bund wasoccupied by the british concession and the french concession, and was called"the bund of the british concession" and "the bund of france" respectively. theministry of industry of the public concession and the council of the frenchconcession are their highest municipal organizations and leading bodiesrespectively.

the concession is like a sovereign area, and the western powers operate andmanage it in their way. with the construction of the concession, the bund becamethe earliest and most prosperous place in the concession. in the early days, thebund was a center of foreign trade, where there were many foreign companies andtrade flourished. since the late 19th century, many foreign and chinese bankshave been established on the bund, which has become shanghai's "financialstreet" and also known as "oriental wall street".

as a result, the bund has become a "geomantic treasure land". owning apiece of land on the bund is not only a symbol of wealth, but also a symbol ofreputation. after commercial banks and financial enterprises occupied a place inthe bund, they built the company building. most of the buildings on the bundhave been rebuilt for three or more times. architects from all over the worldhave shown their skills here, making the bund, which is not large in area,gather more than 20 buildings of different periods, different countries anddifferent styles. therefore, the bund is also known as the "world architectureexpo".

for more than a hundred years, the bund has always appeared in front of theworld as a symbol of shanghai. it is the pride of the people of shanghai. itshows the world the culture of shanghai and the excellent ability of integratingforeign civilization with local civilization, innovating and developing.

the historical evolution of the bund

the first stage is the formation period, from 1843 to 1885. at thebeginning of the opening of the bund, the buildings were mostly 2-3-storeyveranda buildings. the earliest building was the former british consulate, whichwas completed in 1849.

the second stage is the development period, from 1886 to 1920__. at thebeginning of the 20th century, it was called "far east wall street", and thebund's position as the far east financial center was further consolidated.

the third stage is the mature period, from 1920__ to 1937. in the 1930s,the bund "international architecture expo" finally became the scale oftoday.

after the founding of new china, the bund experienced two large-scalereconstruction in the 1990s and on the eve of the shanghai world expo in bund reconstruction in the 1990s focused on solving the problems of trafficfunction and flood control safety. on the eve of the world expo, the purpose ofrenovation is to improve the environmental quality of the bund waterfront area,highlight the historical and cultural years and characteristics of "universalarchitecture", fully interpret the expo theme of "better city, better life", andbecome the most iconic and classic urban landscape area of high-quality blockand shanghai.

introduction to scenic spots

huangpu park

huangpu park, which once recorded the humiliating history of "chinese anddogs are not allowed to enter", is the earliest european style garden inshanghai. it was built in 1886, and it is a witness to the vicissitudes of thebund for a century. today, the shanghai people's hero memorial tower stands talland upright, and the bund historical memorial hall, which is free to open at thebottom of the tower, is a century long history of struggle of the chinesenation.

shanghai people's hero memorial tower

located in huangpu park, which used to be "forbidden for chinese and dogs",it gives people deep thinking. the three gun shaped towers symbolize theimmortality of the martyrs who died in glory since the opium war, the may 4thmovement and the liberation war, with profound generality.

pujiang tide

located in the south gate of huangpu park, it is a large bronze statue. aworker with a great body raised his sails to fight against the coming waves. itis vivid and dynamic. it shows the fearless spirit of the proletariat, which isincomparable in strength, fearless in difficulties and dangers, courageous inadvance and breathtaking. the theme of the work is to commend the brilliantachievements of the working class in shanghai in the cause of revolution andconstruction.

large scale granite relief in shanghai

located on the sunken round island of huangpu park, the relief is 120meters long and 3.8 meters high. the relief depicts typical historical events ina realistic way and shows the revolutionary struggle of shanghai people from1840 to 1949. the two wings are decorated with wreaths, symbolizing the memoryof the shanghai people for the revolutionary martyrs. relief can be pided intoseven groups, 97 typical characters, showing the great achievements of themartyrs.

wai bai du bridge

the famous garden bridge of shanghai is one of the landmark buildings inold shanghai. it is located at the mouth of the lower reaches of suzhou river,on the west side of huangpu park, on the suzhou river section betweenzhongshangdong 1st road and dongdaming road. it is an all steel structure bridgewith two spans of 52.16 meters and a width of 18.3 meters. it is an importantchannel connecting the north and east of shanghai. the flow of people andvehicles passing the bridge is very high.

shop 16

xiaodongmen, formerly known as "baodai gate", has 16 shops outside. themarket is adjacent to huangpu river in the east, danfeng road in the west, oldtaiping lane in the south, longtan road in the north, and wanyu dock street inthe south. this is the water gate of shanghai.

the new luyuan commercial building, shenke hotel, longshen restaurant andthe jasper pool luxury bathroom, which are suitable for high-end consumption,together with a number of small and medium-sized hotels, can provide nearly 900rooms and more than 20__ beds, providing comprehensive services for passingpassengers.

the 16th shop logo appeared on august 7, 20__. the new 16th shop logostands out in more than 20__ applications. it is designed by an advertisingdesigner with special feelings for 16th shop. its creative inspiration comesfrom the shape of the cloud and lotus of the pujiang river in the new shiliupubuilding. the three water patterns reveal the geographical characteristics ofshiliupu, which is located in the city along the river. the gorgeous turn of thenew shiliupu starts from this. blue symbolizes the profound cultural heritage ofshiliupu. the combination of water patterns and the shape of the new landmarkbuildings in the new logo endows shiliupu with unique visual identificationcharacteristics.

on the 630 meter building belt of shiliupu, three small buildings will beerected. they are like bright diamonds inlaid on the magnificent crown ofhuangpu river. as the perfect embellishment of the 16 shop wide green space andthe boundless river scenery, they will become the model of bund architecture. inthe total construction area of about 68000 square meters, the total constructionarea of the three small buildings is only 5000 square meters, which makes thegreening rate of the project as high as 52%. citizens and tourists can feel thewind of the river and the shadow of the trees when they stay in the smallbuilding; they can sit on the roof platform like a garden in the sky andoverlook the vastness of the huangpu river and sigh about the great changes onboth sides of the river.

bund city sculpture group

the beauty of a city should consist of three parts: architecture, sculptureand greening. urban sculpture, also known as "urban eyes", is an important partof beautifying the city. the bund city sculpture group is composed of threestainless steel sculptures: "light of the pujiang river", "sail" and "wind". itis located in the green corridor on the bund of jinling east road, shining inthe sun. "the light of the pujiang river" has a unique style. it combinesvertical water waves and water drops, such as jumping notes on the staff, andplays the music of shanghai's mother river huangpu river with a relaxed andcheerful melody. "sail" shows that there are many masts on the huangpu river,the fleet is sailing all over the country, foreign exchange and tourism areflowing in this economic river; the connection between sails and sails, themulti curve floating, increases the three-dimensional dynamic. "wind" ischaracterized by sharp and obtuse angles, arcs and broken lines, and foldfluctuation. the east wind blows vigorously and has a myriad of appearances.

chenyi plaza

at the end of nanjing road, a statue of chen yi, the first mayor ofshanghai, stands tall. the statue of chen yi, which faces south, is 5.6 metershigh, cast in bronze, and its base is 3.5 meters high, built with red polishedgranite. the statue reproduces the typical posture of comrade chen yi wheninspecting his work, showing his diligent public servant image and amiable andopen-minded confucian demeanor. every weekend, a grand square concert will beheld in front of the statue.

yongquan of chen yi square: located on the bund of east nanjing road, southof chen yi statue. its shape is a modern fountain with square outside and ovalinside. with the sound of water jet, high and low, the pool bottom is installedwith a color light source, at night with the change of light, the water columnreflects red, yellow, blue and green beams, adding a magnificent night scene tothe bund.

bund tourist tunnel

the bund sightseeing tunnel is located in the bund road between puxinanjing road and pudong lujiazui oriental pearl. it is the first cross riverpedestrian tunnel in china, with a total length of 646.70 meters and completedat the end of 20__. after the completion of the tunnel, the entrances and exitson both sides of the tunnel will be transported by escalators, and the disabledwill be transported by hydraulic elevators. in the tunnel, the fully automatic,driverless, traction type closed carriage, which is internationally advanced inthe 1990s, will be used to transport tourists. the box is beautiful,comfortable, light and transparent. the whole river crossing time will takeabout 2.5-5 minutes, and its transportation capacity can reach up to 5280 people/ hour. at the same time, the tunnel also uses space and modern high-tech meansto demonstrate and reflect various patterns, scenes and background music, suchas people, history, culture, science and technology, scenery, etc. in thetunnel, which makes the process of crossing the river very interesting,entertaining and stimulating, and leaves beautiful memories for tourists.

main buildings

1. asia building

no. 1, east 1st road, zhongshan (also known as bund no. 1), was built in1920__, with eclectic architectural style.

the original 7-storey building was added to 8-storey building in 1930. thefacade is composed of 3 horizontal sections and 3 strong sections. after thecompletion of the building, it was named as maclean building, and then changedits name to asia building because the property right was transferred to asiafire oil company. the bottom two floors are decorated with ionic columns, themiddle three to five floors are decorated with roman stone arches, and themiddle section is decorated with simple and clear modernist architectural style;the upper section of the building is baroque, with ionic columns and arc-shapediron balconies. the entrance gate is decorated with double column supportingarc-shaped door cover and carved with patterns. there is a semicircular topabove the door and carved with flowers, giving people a strong visual depth.

the vast number of foreign firms in the asia building are secretorganizations of the communist party of china underground. their public identityis that they operate import and export trade. in fact, they are institutionsthat plan funds and foreign exchange for the central committee of the communistparty of china. in june 1948, due to the betrayal of the traitors, theunderground party organizations were exposed. under the command of the higherparty organizations, the majority of foreign firms moved to hong kong. after thefounding of new china, asia building changed its name to yanjiang building,which is now the headquarters of pacific insurance company.

2. shanghai federation building

no. 2, east 1st road, zhongshan, built in 1920__, with renaissancestyle.

originally the overseas chinese club in shanghai, it is the first waldorfhotel in asia under hilton group. the wall is a concrete structure with 5 floorsabove the ground and 1 floor below the ground, with the entrance of the gate asthe main axis and symmetrical on both sides. three door openings and two roundwindows on the ground floor set off the vertical flower carving combined withthe keystone of the middle door, and two pairs of tashi dry columns are used asdecoration at the auxiliary entrance on both sides. the glass awning at theentrance was installed by later building owners for practical purposes, butvisually destroyed the integrity of the facade composition. the third and fourthfloors are run through the gate root ionic column. the windows on the fifthfloor are arched, with baroque pavilions at the north and south ends of the interior of the building is also very elegant and luxurious. in the south ofthe hall was the largest bar in the far east at that time, 34 meters long. theinterior decoration of the building imitates the style of the british royalpalace, so it is known as the "royal society".

3. china commercial bank building

no. 6, east 1st road, zhongshan, built in 1920__, victorian gothicstyle.

in 1897, sheng xuanhuai raised funds to set up one of the chinese people'smost run banks, china tong shang bank, bought this building and opened businesshere, so people generally call it "china tong shang bank building".

from bottom to top, the shapes of the window openings are different in eachfloor. they are semicircle, arc, flat and sharp, which are very rare in the bundbuildings of the same period or later. at the entrance of the gate, there areroman thorn pillars; at the bottom and second floors, there are long windows onthe ground, with voucher shaped window frames and symmetrical shoulders; theslope of the roof is steep, with tiger windows, forming a row of five sharpcorners on the east facade; at the top of the top, there is a cross, and on bothsides of the top, there are small minarets, such as a giant candle to god. thereis a platform to the south of the top floor, which is the best place to view thehuangpu river. now, like "bund no.3" and "bund no.18", it is another new fashionlandmark of the bund.

4. hsbc building

no. 11-12, east 1st road, zhongshan, built in 1920__, with classicalarchitectural style and decoration of new greek architectural style (the onlyone). the british boast of "the most exquisite building from the suez canal tothe bering strait". now it is pudong development bank.

it is the building with the widest facade, the widest area and the largestvolume on the bund. the main entrance of the building is composed of three romanstone arched copper gates with delicate floral ornaments. there are one high andlow cylindrical lamps on the left and one pair of bronze lions on the right. sixgreek corinthian columns run through the middle of the second to fourth floors,two of which are double columns. the top of the building is the dome of theancient roman pantheon, and there is a baroque spire on the top, just like ahuge crown, showing a gorgeous and solemn style.

"rare three treasures"

the bronze lion of hsbc building

as an important symbol of hsbc, the one who opened his mouth and yelled"stephen" was the general manager of the hong kong branch; the one who shut hismouth and thought hard was called "shidi", which was the name of the manager ofthe shanghai branch at that time.

giant mosaic murals on the dome of octagonal hall

the lower half of the hall is made up of eight arched openings with 16figures of greek style inlaid on the arched shoulders. the eight main panelsabove the circular arch hole represent the financial centers of the east and thewest, symbolizing the eight banks of hsbc in london, new york, tokyo, shanghai,hong kong, paris, bangkok and calcutta. the theme of each mural is the goddessin different costumes and meanings. the design of the round zenith in the hallis: helios drives the golden carriage across the sky from east to west, chasingthe twin sister artemis, the moon god; the cloud supports seles, the goddess ofgrain, holding the horn of harvest, which is full of ears of grain and variousfruits, which is the symbol of abundance. the whole painting symbolizes the sky,the earth, the sun, the moon and the stars. outside the dome is an image of thezodiac.

four italian marble columns

in the marble project of the hall, it is particularly worth mentioning thatthere are four columns chiseled from the whole piece of italian natural is no splicing, and two columns are arranged at each end. the columns,made in italy and weighing about 7 tons each, were transported from italy to thesite intact. it is said that there are only six such marble columns in theworld, and the other two are in the louvre palace in france.

5. customs building

no. 13, dongyi road, zhongshan, was built in 1920__, with eclecticarchitectural style.

jianghai beiguan, built here in 1857, can be called the first generation ofcustoms building. the second generation of customs building adopts thearchitectural style of tudor dynasty in england. there is a bell tower in thecenter of the main building, which is the first time to set up a bell tower inshanghai.

it is composed of 8-storey building and 5-storey auxiliary building with abuilding height of 79.2m. the bell tower on the top is the longitudinal axis ofthe whole building, with symmetrical doors, windows and carved patterns on bothsides. the east gate is supported by four stout doric pillars polished by base part is in strict classical style, with vertical lines from the thirdto the seventh floor. the facade decoration is very simple. the shape of thebuilding belongs to the style of art deco. the whole building is decorated withtowering shapes and geometric patterns. it is the first building in shanghai toend the style of retro and try "new trend" or "modern".

the building at the top of the building is made in imitation of the bigclock of the parliament building in london. the clock face is round, and eachface is combined with a 12 angle diamond pattern, with a diameter of 5.4 hands of the clock are made of red copper, of which the minute hand is 3.17meters long and the hour hand is 2.3 meters long. there are three pendulums inthe clock. the largest one weighs about 2 tons, and the other two also weighabout 1 ton. there is also a big bell and four small bells. the spring of theclock is 15.65 meters long. there are 72 automatic lights on the clock. thecustoms building and the hsbc building are called "sister and brotherbuilding".

6. china russia dao sheng bank building

no. 15, east 1st road, zhongshan, built in 1920__, with french classicalarchitectural style.

in 1895, czarist russia, france and the qing government jointly establishedsino russian dao sheng bank. the next year, it set up a branch in shanghai,becoming the first sino foreign joint venture bank in china. the three storeybuilding follows the italian renaissance style advocated by the banking industryat that time. the facade is composed of three horizontal sections and threevertical sections, and takes the little trianon palace in the garden ofversailles palace in france as the prototype. at that time, shanghai mediagenerally believed that "this is the first building in shanghai that can rivaleuropean architecture in design, material and construction."

the entrance porch of the building is decorated with tashkent doublecolumns on both sides. on the facade, there are two giant column semi-circularionic pilasters, and two square ionic pilasters on the left and right. 2、 theexterior walls of the three floors are inlaid with marble and milky glazedtiles, and the interior has a atrium style hall covered by a three-layer coloredglass ceiling. it is not only luxurious, but also uses a lot of new technologyand new equipment, creating several first buildings in shanghai: the firstbuilding with ceramic tile veneer, the first building with sanitary equipment,and the first building with sand cushion instead of piling.

in november 1920x, the nanjing government set up the national bank, thecentral bank, to take over the property rights of the building. it is nowchina's foreign exchange trading center.

7. huizhong hotel

it is now the south building of peace hotel. the main entrance is locatedat no.23 east nanjing road, and the side door is located at no.19 near the was built in 1920x, with renaissance style. it was completed in e it was designed in 1920__, the lintel of the building is engraved with"1906". the building has 6 floors. the exterior wall is made of white fair facedbrick and inlaid with red water brick as waistline. at that time, it occupiedthe first position in shanghai in terms of luxury and comfort, scale andbuilding height, and it was also the first building to install elevators.

in particular, a garden was built on the roof of the building, and abaroque pavilion was built on the east and west sides of the garden. people cansit in the pavilion on the east side of the building to see the city of shanghaiand the countryside on the other side of the huangpu river. unfortunately, onaugust 15, 1920__, a sudden fire destroyed the roof garden.

from february 1 to 26, 1920__, the first anti drug conference was held inshanghai, and the newly completed huizhong hotel was selected as the main the afternoon of december 29, 1920__, the headquarters of the chinese leagueheld a meeting to welcome sun yat sen back to china by huizhong hotel. sun yatsen attended the meeting and made a passionate speech. coincidentally, 17provincial representatives elected sun yat sen as the first provisionalpresident of the republic of china in nanjing that morning.

on november 25, 1996, drug control experts and officials from 33 countries,regions and international organizations gathered here to attend the "shanghaiinternational doping conference" organized by the united nations drug controlagency (undcp). at the same time, a commemorative plaque was set up on the westside of the gate for the 1920__ "world no smoking conference". at present, onthe ground floor of the building are the top watch brands of swatch group, suchas baoji, baopo, omega and swatch, opening boutique watch flagship stores.

8. sassoon building

shaxun building (now the north building of peace hotel) is located atno.20, east 1st road, zhongshan. it was built in 1920__, with the style of artdeco. it is the first building in shanghai to end the retro style and create theera of "modern architecture". there are 12 floors in the front and 9 floors inthe rear of the building, including one underground floor and 77 meters tower is crowned with a 19 meter high corrugated copper square cone, whichis now dark green and the color of copper after oxidation. at that time, it wasknown as "the first building in the far east" because of its luxurious interiorand exterior decoration.

after the completion of the building, the ground floor and the first tosecond floors will be built into rental shopping malls, the third floor will bethe office of shaxun foreign company, the fourth to ninth floors will be theguest rooms, restaurants and dance halls of the chinese chem hotel, and the 10thfloor and above will be used by shaxun family. the hotel has suites of differentstyles in 9 countries, including germany, india, spain, france, britain, china,japan, usa and italy.

now, the hotel bar has the shanghai all watch jazz band, which is popularwith overseas tourists. it plays the famous music of various countries andregions in the world. in 1998, us president clinton held a dinner in thisbuilding during his visit to shanghai. in the same year, the "wang gu talks"(wang daohan and gu zhenfu) held by the mainland china association for relationsacross the chinese taiwan straits and the chinese taiwan strait foundation also took placehere.

in 20__, shanghai jinjiang international hotel group co., ltd. transformedshaxun building. after the renovation, the famous "nine country characteristicsuite" is still a major feature of the hotel.

the past and present of bund architecture

no.1, formerly known as asia building, is the headquarters of china pacificinsurance company. it was built in 1920__ and is the office of asia fire oilcompany in shanghai. historically known as "the tallest building on the bund",the bottom and upper sections are baroque, and the middle section is is the oldest building in high-rise buildings in shanghai.

no. 2, now dongfeng hotel, used to be the most luxurious club in shanghai -shanghai federation. it is known as "oriental london". it imitates britishclassicism in design and also refers to the empire state building of le elevator is made by siemens, which has a history of more than 90 is a 110 foot bar, which is known as the longest bar in the far east.

no. 3, now known as advantaged building, formerly known as union building,is owned by advantaged bank of america and is now the seat of singapore jiatonginvestment co., ltd. built in 1920x, it is the first steel structure building inshanghai, made of steel from germany.

no. 5, now belonging to huaxia bank, was originally the building of riqingcompany in japan. it is the product of the combination of modern westernarchitecture and classical architectural style in japan. the external facade ismade of granite. it was built in 1920__.

no. 6, now belongs to hong kong qiaofu international enterprise co., ltd.,formerly known as china general commercial bank building. the exterior wall isdecorated with granite, with british gothic architectural style. it is a typicalbuilding on the bund in the late 19th century and early 20th century.

no. 7, which is now the seat of the consulate general of the kingdom ofthailand in shanghai and the shanghai branch of pangu bank of thailand, wasoriginally the building of dabei telegraph company, and was completed in1920__.

no.9, china merchants general administration building of steamship, builtin 1920__, sheng xuanhuai invested 2.2 million taels of silver.

10-12, now the seat of pudong development bank, formerly the seat ofshanghai branch of hongkong and shanghai banking corporation, was founded in1920__. the three bronze gates and the bronze lions on both sides were speciallycast in england. it is said that the bronze mold was destroyed immediately aftercasting, and the lions became out of print treasures. an octagonal foyerprotrudes from the middle of the ground floor to enter the spacious businesshall. on the top of the foyer are eight color mosaic murals, depicting thearchitectural features of eight major cities in the early 20th century,including shanghai, hong kong, london, paris, new york, tokyo, bangkok andcalcutta. beside the painting, there is the word "brothers all over the world".the building costs 8 million taels of silver and is known as "the most elegantbuilding from suez canal to bering strait".

no. 13, now the customs building, is the sister building of the hsbcbuilding. it was built in 1920__ and imitated the clock of the u.s. capitolbuilding. after it was built in the united states, it was assembled in clock on the facade of this building is the largest clock in asia and one ofthe most famous in the world. it plays the westminster chime every hour.

no. 15, now china foreign exchange trading center, was originally thebuilding of sino russian dao sheng bank, which was completed in 1920__.

no. 16, now belongs to china merchants bank, formerly the bank of chinese taiwanbuilding. bank of chinese taiwan was originally a japanese commercial bank. after chinese taiwanbecame a japanese colony, japan set up a branch in taipei and shanghai in1920__. after the victory of the anti japanese war, the kmt government put thebank of chinese taiwan under the ownership of shanghai branch of agricultural bank ofchina.

no. 17: it is now aia building, which was the first high-rise building inshanghai. founded in 1850, zilin west daily is an english daily run by thebritish. it is also the largest press and publication organization in first, zilin west daily was only a four page english weekly newspaper, whichpublished information on merchants' market, shipping schedule and , it was called the mouthpiece of the british concession industry bureaubecause it often published notices and news bulletins of the british concessionauthorities. it was discontinued in 1951. the white marble floor, the blackmarble wall and the golden mosaic dome inside the building are verymagnificent.

number 18: built in 1920__, it is a 84 year old city classic protectionbuilding. it is located at the east junction of nanjing, the bund. it wasoriginally named the bund eighteen building, mecca bank. it was the headquartersof the british standard chartered bank in china and was built in 1923. since therelocation of standard chartered bank in 1985, it has been used by manyunits.

the four ancient greek marble pillars at the entrance of the restored bundbuilding 18 are original, and they are enigmatically from the church in italy200 years ago. two customized three meter high red glass chandeliers are allassembled by hollow glass tubes, and each lamp is assembled by 185 parts. thedazzling 24 k gold brick mosaic murals in the lobby are all handmade. it hasbeen built into an international famous fashion, jewelry, watch, food,entertainment and art center.

19. no. 20: now peace hotel, pided into south building and northbuilding, south building was huizhong hotel building, north building was huamaohotel building. huizhong hotel is one of the oldest hotels in shanghai. it wasbuilt in 1854 and is the most luxurious hotel in shanghai. it was renovated in1920x. when renovated, it was the first time that elevators were installed inbuildings in old china. in 1965, it was changed into the south building of peacehotel; huamao hotel, invested by real estate tycoon shaxun, also known as shaxunbuilding, was known as "the first building in the far east", and was changedinto the north building of peace hotel in 1956.

no. 23, now belonging to the bank of china, is a building with chinesenational characteristics.

no. 24, now industrial and commercial bank of china, is the address of oldsassoon.

no. 26, now the seat of shanghai branch of agricultural bank of china, wasthe building of yangtze insurance company.

no. 27, now the building of the foreign trade corporation, was originallyowned by jardine matheson. jardine matheson, founded in guangzhou in 1872, isthe first british trading firm to enter china.

no. 29, now belongs to china everbright bank. it used to be the building oforiental huili bank.

(note: all the house numbers are zhongshangdong 1st road)



























闻名中外的外白渡桥(garden bridge ofshanghai)是旧上海的标志性建筑之一。处于苏州河下游河口,位于黄浦公园西侧,架在中山东一路,东大名路之间的苏州河河段上。是一座全钢结构的桥梁,两跨52.16米,宽18.3米,是上海市区连接沪北、沪东的重要通道,过桥人流量和车流量很高。



















































































































如果是廊曼国际机场,一般亚洲航空等廉价航班都驻点在此,往市区需要乘坐机场大巴到达mochit站,然后转乘轻轨(sky train)等路线到达各个地方。机场大巴就在门口,可以清楚看到具体的时刻表和班次,很方便。若回机场,在mochit的公交车站等候即可。






一般在酒店边上的水果摊(如榴莲)要贵许多,可以往前逛逛,一般在一些生活区购买,会便宜许多。便利店(seven eleven)比较多,基本可以买到需要的生活用品和食物。我比较喜欢尝尝当地啤酒啥的,看你喜欢。




在曼谷,可以考虑去第一高楼(baiyoke sky hotel)吃自助餐,淘宝上可以提前购买餐券,有些都具有泰国味的菜,可以提前过去,先拍拍照和参观,然后边吃边欣赏夜景。就在ratchaprarop地铁站旁,走过去很近,强烈不建议打的,超堵。


在清迈大学对面,有一些特色餐馆,如果上午上山参观双龙寺,中午可以途经此地吃午饭,然后继续参观清迈大学等周边景点,下午到宁曼路休息,尝尝咖啡等,有一种thai tea可以试试。



在曼谷,大皇宫等景点挺有标记性的,乘坐silom线到达saphan taksin下车,从2号出口出来,然后坐湄南河快船(chao phraya express boat)往北在n9站tha chang pier下船(注意船上的插有不同颜色的旗帜,代表可以在不同的点停靠,也就是代表快船或慢船,在码头售票处有票明,注意选择性乘坐),然后走一段即到达大皇宫。

wat arun(郑王庙、黎明寺)都有附近的,可以乘坐摆渡船过河即到。n4或n5码头即到中国城,都可以选择坐船前往。

在清迈,佛寺挺多,契迪龙寺(wat chedi luang)、帕辛寺、清曼寺等都在古城内,比较集中。周日夜市贯穿于古城中心主干道ratchadamnoen road,其实都在一个地方。中午过去,午饭后慢慢地浏览,晚上逛过夜市后再回酒店。


10)关于酒店预订,可以考虑在agoda等网站预订,一般来说,曼谷分几个区域,据说考山路那地方乱些,当然,越靠近商圈价格要贵些。如果要赶早班或晚班机,可以考虑住在机场附近的酒店。如果在清迈,地方不大,而且许多便车,住那应该都比较方便,当然有一些远点的地方很有特色。这些都可以在网站上查找,有许多评价和介绍,可以仔细地查看并参考。在清迈,特意推荐empress hotel,服务很周到,礼物很贴心,而且自助早餐不错,建议选择有早餐供应的酒店会更方便。
















