
  • 上传日期:2023-05-21 13:08:04 |
  • zxfb |
  • 13页



b:yes,i do.i enjoy wrestling and skiing.

a:where do you go skiing?there aren’t many places to go skiing in this country.

b:i usually go to switzerland or ’s expensive,but the facilities and slopes are excellent.

a:do you go alone or with a group of friends?

b:i usually go with some other we are a large group,we can get a group also gives me some other people to ski with and chat with.

a:how often do you wrestle?

b:there’s a club in the city center.i usually do once or twice a week.i’m not very good but i enjoy people there are really sometimes meet and go out together in the evenings.

a:i go shooting most weekends. i only shoot at the targets,i don’t hunt wild course,we only use air rifles,not real guns.


a:are extreme sports popular in your country?

b:they are not very a relatively small number of people do people enjoy watching them on ’s a very popular tv programme on each week,which looks at extreme sports and the people who participate in them.

a:which sports are usually featured on the programme?

b: bungee jumping, sky ping, and cliff ping are the most common, but there are other kinds of sports, such as motor racing and skateboarding.

a:i think that the people who do the skateboarding are very must take a lot of practice to stay on the skateboard while doing so many jumps and turns.

b:the kids who do it are so ,it’s better for them than sitting at home watching the tv all day.

a:would you like to try any extreme sports?

b:i’m going bungee jumping on saturday.i’m very nervous about it,but my friends convince me to give it a try.

a:i’m sure you’ll be organizers have lots of safety i come and watch?

b:i guess might even be tempted to do a bungee jump.

a:i ’s something i’ve often thought about doing.


a:how do you celebrate national day in your country?

b:there are parades in most cities and people fly the national flag from almost every public building.

a:what kind of parades are there?

b:the parades are usually military ones,but sometimes there are processions of people carrying flags and singing patriotic songs. what do you do on national day in your country?

a:we don’thave an national day.

b:really?that’s unusual.

a:i guess it countries have one,but we don’t.

b:actually,even though we have parades,most people just use the national day holiday to visit family or go the evening,many people watch special tv shows which celebrate national day.


a:is everything ready for the christmas party?

b:almost.i’ve put up the decorations and we’ve decorated the christmas tree wth plenty of tinsel and baubles.

a:i like the big star on the top of the tree.i’ll put the presents under the tree ’s the food?

b:i’ve prepared most of it already and we’ve got plenty of snack foods,you know, crisps, biscuits, and things. are you going to make the punch?

a:yes,i’ve bought all the things to go in won’t take long to many people are coming to the party?

b:i think everyone will be can’t come,because he has to go to his parents’ home and they live in scotland.

a:do we have christmas pudding?.

b:yes,we do.i hope we have enough for you send out all your christmas cards in time?

a:yes,i did.i sent most of them a week ago.i’ve brought some with me to the party to give to people in person.

b:i did the same.i spent hours yesterday evening wrapping presents.i hope i didn’t forget to buy anyone something.

a:i hope you didn’t forget mine!
