unity漫游心得体会及感悟 unity场景漫游教程(7篇)

  • 上传日期:2023-01-09 02:36:24 |
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  • 8页



本课围绕学生感兴趣的主题 my family引出句子及其回答this is my … ….she’s/he’s…, 同时教会学生brother,sister,grandfather,grandmother,这四个单词。这些新词对于三年级的学生来讲比较容易掌握。但其回答she’s , he’s… ….有些学生分得不是很清楚。





【知识目标】听、说、认读单词brother,sister,grandfather,grand mother, 句子this is my … ….she’s/ he’s…并能在情景中运用。

【能力目标】能通过询问知道一些人物是谁,能根据主题my family展开对话,并尝试模仿情景自编对话。






unit 2 my family (b部分第一课时)


一、 复习热身:

1、 游戏:now,first,let’s play a game :

you can say: “yes or no”.

this is ×××. he is a boy/girl.

this is ×××. she is a girl/boy.


2、 meet my family:(拿照片)

a、 指定学生回答:

who’s that man ? this is my father .(板书)

who’s that woman ? this is my mother .(板书)


b、 揭示课题:

yes, this is wangruidi’s family .

this is miss li’s family,too.

so, today we learn unit 2 《my family》(板书)并跟读。

二、 新授

1、 出示树干图片:(look here , this is a tree.)

同学们,这是一棵树,我们家里的每一个人就像书上开的花,结 的果,那么这棵树上究竟会有哪些人呢?(指名回答)。

师:哦,那么这就是一棵家庭树:family tree.

2、 出示班上学生照片:(复习句型)

this is my father .

this is my mother .(一边说一边还照片)

3、 出示mike 图片:

who is he ? this is mike .


师:where is mike come from ?

he comes from his mother + father .

贴 mother and father 图片。


4、 这是幸福的三口之家,可我们班上的同学家里不只有一个孩子,那么mike 会有兄弟姐妹吗?

师:so, mike has a sister and a brother .

图片出示 sister and brother

(再次齐读,教读,i have a brother. this is my sister.)

5、 now, if you are mike ,look, this is my family.(板书)

this is my father . this is my mother .

this is my sister. this is my brother.(学生试说)

6、 如果你是一个大家庭,家里除了老爸老妈,兄弟姐妹,还会有谁呢?

look ,where is the father come from ?

拿出奶奶的图片:who is she ?

师自答:this is my grandmother.(grandma),提醒口语区别。


7、 指名学生完成:look ,where is the mother come from ?


8、 教师教读、拼读、指名读,带句读:

i have a sister/brother.

this is my grandfather/grandmother.

i love my mother/father.







lesson85 the language of honey bees(1)

i. do true or false on p229 of the workbook

ii. reading comprehension:

1. which of the following statements is right?

a. all the bees live together.

b. most bees live together.

c. many bees live together.

d. some bees live together.

2. the scientists can study the language of honey bees only after the development of


a. the modern beehive b. experiments

c. dishes of honey d. both a and b

3. you can find out the main idea of the text simply from_______.

a. the title

b. the first sentence of paragraph 1

c. the first sentence of paragraph 2

d. the first sentence of paragraph 3

4. the phrase “ tell the bees apart” in paragraph 2 means _________.

a. let the bees live separately

b. tell one bee from the other

c. drive the bee away

d. tear the bees into pieces

5. karl von frisch made an experiment to research _________.

a. the food of honey bees

b. the dance of honey bees

c. the hive of honey bees

d. the ways honey bees communicate

6. the marked bee told the other bees by ________.

a. making a circle to the left

b. making a circle to the right

c. performing a circle dance

d. all of the above

7. after the marked bee danced, the other bees ______.

a. danced together

b. became very excited

c. seemed not to notice it

d. both a and b

8. different dances indicate different _______.

a. food b. feeding places

c. steps d. semicircles

9. the circle dance communicates ________.

a. the distance of food

b. the information of food

c. the amount of food

d. both a and b


iii. questions:

1. how did karl von frisch find that one bee was able to communicate the news of food to the other bees in its hive?

2. how did karl von frisch find out whether the dance of one bee told the other bees how far away the feeding place was?

suggested answers:

1. first karl von frisch built special hives, and each hive had got only one honeycomb. he then built a glass wall so that he cold watch what was going on inside. in order to tell the bees apart, he painted some bees with little spots of colour. when all this was ready, he watched through the glass. he found that as soon as a marked bee returned to the hive from the feeding place, the bee began to perform a dance on the surface of the honeycomb. and the circle dance, he thought, seemed to communicate news of food.

2. karl von frisch set up two feeding places. one was close to the hive while the other was much farther away from the hive. he marked all the bees that came to the nearby feeding place blue, and all the bees that went to the faraway place were marked red. when all these bees came back to the hive, he found that all the “blue” bees were doing a circle dance. but the “red” bees were doing a wagging dance. things were quite clear now. the circle dance meant that food was near, while the wagging dance meant that food was far away.

lesson 86 the language of honey bees (2)

i. do true or false on p230 of the workbook

ii. reading comprehension:

1. which of the sentences tells the main idea of paragraph 1?

a. but then another question came up.

b. the number of wagging dances per minute told the exact distance to the feeding place.

c. von frisch and his co-workers wet up a feeding place close to the hive.

d. then they slowly moved it farther and farther away.

2. the phrase “came to light” in paragraph 1 means ________.

a. became known

b. came to a bright place

c. turned bright

d. both b and c

3. we can rewrite the last sentence of paragraph 1 as “_______”

a. they also discovered that bees can only fly 3.2 kilometres.

b. they also discovered that bees can fly as far as 3.2 kilometres.

c. they also discovered that the farthest distance bees can fly is 3.2 kilometres.

d. both b and c.

4. the word “astonishing” in paragraph 1 means ______.

a. unusual b. surprising

c. frightening d. shocking

5. which paragraph(s) is (are) mainly about “the wagging dance shows direction”?

a. paragraph 2 b. paragraph 3

c. paragraph 2 and 3 d. paragraph 2, 3 and 4

6. the different position of the sun can be shown by _______.

a. the right part of the wagging dance

b. the right part of the circle dance

c. the straight part of the wagging dance

d. the straight part of the circle dance

7. which of the following statements is possible according to the last paragraph?

a. we human beings can communicate as honey bees do

b. we human beings can go as quickly as honey bees.

c. we human beings can come to help each other in a very fast way.

d. we human beings can learn something from animals’ behavior


iii. questions:

1. did the wagging dance tell the bees how far away the food was?

2. how did the bees learn the direction of a feeding place?

suggested answers:

1. in order to answer this question, karl von frisch and his co-workers set up a feeding place close to the hive. then they slowly moved it farther and farther away. they then watched the wagging dance and discovered that the father away the feeding station was, the slower the dance was. so it was clear that the number of wagging dances per minute told the exact distance to the feeding place.

2. karl von frisch watched the wagging dance very carefully. he noticed that the straight part of the dance was different in the afternoon from what it had been in the morning. he found out that the straight part of the dance changed when the sun’s position changed. if the feeding place was toward the sun, the dancer headed straight upward during the straight part of the wagging dance. if the feeding place was away from the sun, the straight part of the wagging dance pointed downward. in this way, the wagging dance of the bee showed the direction of a feeding place.



do you think the inventions in the pictures above were made?(火车,电灯和蒸汽船)

was electricity discovered and how was it used in the following two hundred years?

the early nineteenth century, people had no idea what the inside of the earth might look like. can you explain what we know about it today?

down eight key words that you expect to find in the reading passage below.

jules verne: the father of science fiction

jules verne was born in 1828, in france. his father sent him to paris to study law, but instead verne developed his love for the theatre. to make a living, verne had to write and sell stories. jules spent many hours in paris libraries studying geology, physics and many other subjects. he used the latest ideas and technical inventions of his day in his books. many of the instruments in his novels will remind the reader of dr benjamin franklin’s experiments with electricity. by taking the scientific developments of his day one step further, jules verne laid the foundation of modern science fiction. he also suggested how inventions could be used in the future to allow man to do things that were considered impossible in his own time. jules verne died in 1905, long before any of his dreams came true.

at the beginning of 20,000 leagues under the sea, one of his most famous novels, ships are disappearing all over the world and it is believed to be caused by a sea monster. dr aronnax, his servant and a canadian whale hunter set out to find the monster. after months of searching they find it and in the collision that follows, the three men are thrown overboard. in their efforts to survive, they find themselves on the surface of the monster itself, which turns out to be a submarine. they are taken on board and captain nemo decides not to kill them but makes them his permanent guests. from that day on they start planning their escape.

captain nemo takes them on a voyage across the oceans. the nautilus is an extraordinary ship. the furniture is precious and huge glass windows that can be opened and closed give a view of the underwater world. the ship is also very strong and protected with thick iron plates. all that is needed for life on board comes from the ocean. electricity is used for light, heating, power and to defend the ship against attacks. the food aboard the nautilus is all sea food.

dressed in ping suits, they walk around in this magic world, lighted by the lamps of the ship. they find themselves surrounded by colourful rocks, fishes, shells and plants, all waving and moving slowly in the blue waters.

readers have wondered about the character of captain nemo ever since the book was published. you could say he is someone you will neither like nor dislike. you might think that he is a cruel man because he keeps aronnax and the others as prisoners and destroys ships. but at other moment you will find him gentle and weak, when he cries about the lost lives of people drowned in ships that have sunk.

another wonderful story is that of journey to the center of the earth. the story begins with the discovery of an ancient document in an old book. it explains how to find a secret road to the centre of the earth. two men decide to go on this adventure and travel to iceland, where they enter the earth through a chimney in an extinct volcano. their guide leads them through a narrow passage deep into the earth. passing through layers of coal and marble they go deeper and deeper. they drink the water from a boiling underground river and after many days they reach a huge lake or underground ocean. walking along its shores they go through forests of mushrooms and plants that lived on the earth millions of years ago. they build a raft to cross the sea and are attacked by ancient sea creatures. in the end, their raft is drawn into a fast steam and with ever increasing speed and temperatures they are shot out of a volcano in southern italy.


be the character of captain nemo.

rase the following sentences or parts of sentences using your own words.

1.)to make a living he had to write and sell stories. he had to write and sell stories to make money.

2.)in their efforts to survive…

3.)they find themselves on the surface of the monster itself.

4.)his permanent guests

water travel and space travel have many things in common. describe the similarities and differences and fill in the chart below.

submarine spaceship



about all the knowledge we now have about the earth and explain where jules verne might have got his ideas from when he wrote his novel.

1)why would there be a huge underground ocean?

2)why do the characters find plants and animals that lived on the earth millions of years ago?

3)how could they find an old metal object that is about 500 years old?

tools and things would you bring if you were going to climb down into a very deep cave? what would be the most important dangers and things that could happen?

preparation:tools and things to bring risks: dangers and things that could happen

language study

word study

choose the right word to complete the following sentences. some may be used more than once.

collision permanent voyage escape on board fiction fantasy

this is not a real story; it is ___________. in 1898, an american writer wrote a novel. in the story, a huge ship called titan of which it was said that it could not sink, set off from southampton on her first ___________ across the atlantic ocean. it sank after a ____________ with an iceberg, killing most of the 2,500 people ___________________.

fourteen years later, in 1912, titanic, which was called the “ship of dreams” or the “ship that cannot sink”, set off from southampton on its first _________. on its way to new york city, it hit an iceberg. three hours after the _________, it sank to the bottom of the sea. it had more than 2,220 passengers __________, of whom 1,513 did not ________ the cold ocean water and died.

the story of titanic is an example where ________ meets reality. the disaster has become a __________ pain in people’s hearts.

word formation (2)

the meaning of these stems and affixes. match the words and the correct definitions.

mis = wrong extra- = outside inter- = between sub- - under

under- = below over- = too much dis- = not -marine = sea

1. _______ submarine a. do not like

2. _______ underground too hard

3. _______ overwork and reaction between two people or things

4. _______ interaction in the wrong place

5. _______ misplace e.a ship that can travel below the surface of the sea

6. _______ dislike the surface of the earth

the meaning of the words in italics, using context clues and what you know about word parts.

1. _______ mum tole me not to misbehave at my grandparents’ house.

2. _______ the chinese subtitles at the bottom of the screen help us understand foreign movies.

3. _______ don’t misunderstand me; i’m only trying to help.

4. _______ in many cases, the words “fiction” and “novel” are interchangeable.

5. _______ people like to take the subway because it is faster than buses and cheaper than taxies.

6. _______ he looks very tired because he has been working overtime all week.

7. _______ people will think you are mad if you walk in public in your underpants.

intergrating skills

reading and writing

the story of dr frankenstein

no human being could have passed a happier childhood than myself. instead of children’s play and adventure, i was driven by a desire to learn. i wasn’t interested in the structure of language or law. i wanted to learn the secrets of heaven and earth. my father was not scientific, so i had to look for a road without having a map. i entered the search for wisdom and dreamt of finding a way to cure any disease.

i read all the books i could find that threw light upon these matters. i studied maths and physics and the works of many learned author. at the age of seventeen, my parents sent me to university. but i found all that was taught at university very disappointing and decided that i would pioneer a new way, explore unknown powers, and unfold to the world the deepest mysteries of nature.

one of the phenomena that attracted my attention was the structure of the human body, and any animal that was alive. i often asked myself, where the principle of life came from. after days and nights of incredible labour i discovered the cause of life and how to create life from dead matter.

when i found this amazing power placed within my hands, i hesitated a long time how i should use it. although i knew how to create life, how to prepare a body for it with all its muscles and organs still remained a difficult job. i doubted at first whether i should try to create a being like myself, or one of simpler organization. but soon i dreamt of nothing else but the creation of a creature as complete and wonderful as man.

it was with these feelings that i began the creation of a human being. as the small size of the parts slowed down my speed, i decided to make the being much larger than man; about eight feet in height. with these ideas, spending some months collecting and arranging materials, i began.

who can imagine the horror of my secret work? i collected bones from graves and cut up dead bodies. many of my materials came from butcher shops and hospitals. it was on a night in november that i looked at the result of my work. i collected my instruments around me, with which i would light the flame of life into the dead thing that lay at my feet. it was already one in the morning, and my candle was nearly burnt out, when i saw the dull yellow eye of the creature open.

i looked at the terrible monster that i had created. he opened the curtain of the bed; and his eyes, if eyes they may be called, looked at me. his hair was black and his teeth as white as snow, but his skin was yellow. when his thin black lips opened, nothing came out some strange sounds. while unfinished, he was ugly, but now he was a living horror.


one of man’s greatest dreams has always been to create life, especially a life form that looks like us to create a man. answer the questions below to help you brainstorm about how that could be done. then name of your own mysterious doctor and write a short story about how he or she would create a human being.

1)how does your doctor create a life form that looks like a human being?

2)describe your doctor’s efforts to do that.

3)create a word web of nouns, verbs and adjectives for the story. add all the words you need.

arms cells hospital butcher fur


test tube


一、教材分析:这节课主要教学part a中的let’s learn和let’s play,需要生掌握四个单词:family,parents,uncle,aunt,baby brother,并能用英语介绍自己的家庭。对英语国家中成员之间的称呼习俗作简要了解。


三、教学目标:1、能听、说、认读单词:family,parents,uncle,aunt,baby brother。2、能用英语简单介绍自己的家庭。3、弄清各个家庭成员之间的关系。4、培养学生热爱家人的美好品德。

四、教学重难点:1、能听、说、认读单词:family,parents,uncle,aunt,baby brother,并能用英语简单介绍自己的家庭。2、理解parent(s) 、uncle、 aunt 、baby brother等词的含义以及family的发音。



step i、warm up

1.教师播放小视频《family》导入本节新课。it’s a story about the family.

2.教师呈现一张学生的全家福(family photo),介绍这张照片。it’s a family photo.

3.重点介绍family的特殊含义:father and mother i love you!提醒学生观察,每个单词的首字母组合起来就是family。

step ii、presentation

1、learn: parents

(1)、教师用课件出示自己的家庭照片,使用句型“this is my…”,”she/he is my…”教师把爸爸妈妈的照片放在一起,指着照片告诉学生,they are my parents.


(3)、板书、教读parents---- they are my parents. 生跟读、自由读。

2、learn: uncle

(1)t:(教师用ppt展示一张照片)guess!who is he? ss: … t: he is my uncle. he’s my father’s brother. he is tall and strong.

(2)板书、教读uncle--- he is my uncle. he is tall and strong.

3. use the same way to learn aunt、baby brother、 is my aunt. she is thin. she has long is my baby brother. he is is my cousin. she is short.板书、教读aunt、baby brother、cousin (运用多种方式读单词)

4、play a game : can you read ?课件呈现今天所学的单词,找不同的同学来回答。(将全班同学分为男女生两组进行pk。boys代表校草,每回答对一个问题就增加一根小草贴图;girls代表校花,回答对问题就增加一朵小红花贴图。)

step iii、practice

1、try to draw a beautiful family tree.(帮助同学理清家庭成员之间的相互关系。)

2、group work:introduce your family members!四个同学一组,根据自己带来的家庭成员照片,来相互介绍自己的家人,然后每组推荐一名同学上台展示。 this is ...(father/mother/aunt...)he / she is … (tall/short/thin...)he / she has … (long/short hair)

3、lets play:lets draw and say! draw some cute facial expressions on the fingers. then choose one finger to introduce to us. for example, this is my father. he is tall and thin. he has short hair….

step iv、moral education

show a short video and think about this question: what can you learn from the boy?love your parents, love your family!

step v、homework

about your family members to your friend.

your parents do some housework.


unit 6 meet my family!




baby brother


本课时主要学习有关家庭成员的单词parents、uncle、aunt、baby brother及句型this is….he/she is … he/she has …我注重在情境中呈现词汇,如:教师通过播放小故事《family》和介绍自己的家庭成员导入新词的学习。出示课件的同时运用family tree来进行单词的教学,化难为易。让学生用所学单词和词汇简单介绍自己的家庭成员。单词的拼读操练易枯燥,教师注意发挥学生的学习自主性和积极性,开展各种竞赛,小组活动和游戏,教学形式活泼,让孩子在轻松的活动中习得语言。但学生在小组活动时,由于时间关系,没有运用好学生带来的家庭照片,所以在对话中的呈现和句型的操练就显得没那么流畅了,降低了学生的积极性。没有充分发挥学生在学习中的主体地位。在小组活动和游戏开展的各种竞赛中,没能把握好学生克服单词拼写的单调和枯燥。总之,“路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索”。在今后的教育教学工作中,我将继续努力,争取更上一层楼!


教学目标 1. 掌握单词:mother, father, woman, man

掌握句型: whos that woman? shes my mother.

whos that man? hes my father 并能在情景中运用。


教学重点 1. 句型:whos that man(boy)? hes my…

whos that woman (girl)? shes my…

2.词汇:father, mother, woman, man

教学难点 1.能区分和正确使用人称代词he 和she,及发音。

2.新句型who’s that …?的运用。

教具准备 1.教师及学生的家庭照片。



导学过程 二次备课


1.课前先让学生复习介绍朋友怎么说内容如下:hi, this is my friend , amy …


一、热身/复习(warming up)

1.播放英语歌曲boy and girl和学生一起唱一唱。

2.日常口语练习,播放unit 1 b lets talk录音,让同学上讲台操练一下,并做的好的奖励贴画

二、新知呈现 (presentation)

1. 教师给学生出示照片,告诉学生老师给大家介绍一位新朋友。do you know who is she? 你想知道他是谁吗? 然后说:this is my friend. her name is linda. 讲解 she’s ...

出示另外几张画片问: who’s this girl? 引出句型“she’s ... she’s my friend."并强调she的发音。同 样方法引出he’s ...he’s my friend. 突出he的发音。并强调he和she的区别。

2.出示姚明等明星画片,引出句型who’s that woman /man ? she’s ...he’s...领读新句型。

然后出示卡通图片说:look! who’s that woman? 学生回答:she’s dog.教师适时加上yes, she’s mother dog. 出示mother(mom) dog以同样的方式介绍father(dad).领读新单词。


a.让学生看课文,了解课文的大概意思,并试着回答下列问题:(1)who’s that girl ?

(2) who’s that man?

(3) who’s that woman?

b.听课文录音的方式展示let’s talk的内容。 让学生看书听录音,跟读课文对话。教师一句一句的领着学生读句子。


d. play the tape. sing a song :”father and mother”分组比赛唱一唱。

e.鼓励学生把其他家庭成员也编成歌曲,并给大家表演。(引出“he is 和she is,轻松地学习本节课的单词。


’s family is this?

教师先收集几张学生的全家福,出示其中一张问:who’s family is this? 引导该家庭的学生迅速反应:this is my family.然后让其他同学对照片中的人物发问,该生回答。


请一名学生到前面,蒙上他/她的眼睛,再叫一名学生说几句英语,让全班学生问:who’s that boy/girl?猜的人说:he’s ... /she’s ...猜对了,就蒙住说话学生的眼睛,继续游戏。(在游戏过程中播放英语歌曲,创设愉快氛围。)猜对的同学贴画奖励。

3.做本单元let’s talk部分的活动手册配套练习。






课 题 unit 2 my family(第二课时)

教学目标 1.能够听、说,认读主要生词:man, father(dad), grandfather(grandpa), woman, mother(mom)和grandmother(grandma)。



教学重点 man, father(dad), grandfather(grandpa), woman, mother(mom)和grandmother(grandma)。

教学难点 单词的发音尤其是grandpagrandma的发音。

教具准备 1. 一张family tree的挂图


3. 教材相配套的教学录音带

导学过程 二次备课


1、课前先让学生复习三年级下册unit2 part a let’s talk部分的内容:whos that man(boy)? hes my…


一、热身/复习(warming up)


t: good morning,boy and girls.

s: good morning, mr. mrs..;


s1: who’s that man?

s2: he’s my father.

s1: who’s that woman?

s2: she’s my mother?


1、教师出示linda的照片,问学生:who’s this girl?让学生回答:she’s linda,并把照片贴在黑板上。出示father, mother 的图片,问学生:who’s that man(woman)?引导学生说出:he’s linda’s father (dad). she’s linda’s mother (mom).出示图片,让学生认读 father, dad,

mother, mom.. 指出:dad, mom 更多的用于日常口语当中。

2. 教师出示一张family tree的挂图,如下

my family

grandfather(grandpa) grandmother(grandma)

father(dad) mother(mom)

i sister brother

教师指着挂图说: this is my family. there are 7 people in my family: my grandpa, my grandma, my dad, my mom, my sister, my brother and me.引出所教单词grandfather,并将grandfather的照片贴在相应的位置上。 要指出grandma和grandpa更多的用于日常口语当中。领读新单词。


2、听录音:听let’s learn部分录音带,让学生边听音边认读单词:man, father(dad), grandfather(grandpa), woman, mother(mom)和grandmother(grandma)。


1、教师说show me the picture of your mom. dad 学生立刻高举momdad 的照片说this is my momdad,举错的退出。

2、让学生在family tree上展示他的家庭成员情况。

how many people are there in your family?

whos that man (woman)?

she’s / he’s my...

教师告诉学生family 的组成是father






i love my mother. i love my father.请学生模仿



2、唱let’s sing部分的歌曲。

课 题 unit 2 my family(第三课时)

教学目标 1. 学习字母ff、g g

2. 能够认读以两个字母开头的单词:father、fish、girl、goose

3. 能够跟节奏说唱歌谣

4. 使学生对中西饮食习惯有初步的认识

教学重点 学习字母ff、g g并且能够认读以两个字母开头的单词:father、fish、girl、goose扩展其他的单词。

教学难点 chopsticks、fork和knife三个单词的正确认读。

教具准备 1.与本节课相关的单词卡



phrases in the unit

unit 1

page 1 to page 5 [welcome to the unit1 to reading]

1. carry out an interview 展开一个访问

2. can’t tell 无法判断

3. run into 偶遇

4. believe in sb. 相信某人

5. crop circle 麦圈

6. in charge of 负责,掌管

7. receive great interest受到关注

8. due to 由于

9. go straight to sp. 直接去某地

10. show up 出现、露面

11. do research on 做……的研究

12. take charge of 负责、掌管

13. make up 组成,编造,弥补

14. look into 调查

15. hard evidence 确凿的证据

16. according to 按照、依照

page6-17[word power, grammar and task]

17. go around the earth环绕地球

18. send up into space把……发射升空

19. so far 到目前为止

20. dream of doing sth. 梦想着做某事

21. at a certain distance在某个距离

22. fall into 落入; 注入; 陷于

23. take off 脱下; 起飞; 移去; 休假

24. at a time 一次、每次

25. pide … into … 把……分成

26. state one’s opinion 发表某人的观点

27. be avoided 被避免

28. in return 作为回报

29. take turns to do sth. 轮流做某事

30. draw a conclusion 得出一个结论

31. make appropriate suggestions提出合理建议

32. base … on … 把……建立在……基础上

33. three more conclusions另外三个结论

page 18 to page 20[project]

34. be similar to与……相似

35. dozens of许多

36. run after追赶

37. belong to 属于

38. be linked to 与……相关

39. make one’s way to 朝……方向

40. have the chance to do sth. 有机会做某事

41. leave out遗漏

42. space exploration太空探索

unit 1

page 1 to page 5 [welcome to the unit1 to reading]

1. carry out an interview ________________

2. can’t tell ____________________

3. run into _____________________

4. believe in sb. ____________________

5. crop circle _____________________

6. in charge of ____________________

7. receive great interest_________________

8. due to ___________________

9. go straight to sp. ____________________

10. show up ___________________

11. do research on _________________

12. take charge of ________________

13. make up _________________

14. look into _________________

15. hard evidence _______________

16. according to _______________

page6-17[word power, grammar and task]

17. go around the earth_________________

18. send up into space_________________

19. so far _________________

20. dream of doing sth. _________________

21. at a certain distance_________________

22. fall into _________________

23. take off _________________

24. at a time _________________

25. pide … into … _________________

26. state one’s opinion _________________

27. be avoided _________________

28. in return _________________

29. take turns to do sth. _________________

30. draw a conclusion _________________

31. make appropriate suggestions____________

32. base … on … _________________

33. three more conclusions_________________

page 18 to page 20[project]

34. be similar to_________________

35. dozens of_________________

36. run after_________________

37. belong to _________________

38. be linked to _________________

39. make one’s way to _________________

40. have the chance to do sth. _______________

41. leave out_________________

42. space exploration_________________


































2月13号——3月1号 unit 6

3月2号——3月15号 unit 7

3月16号——3月30号 unit 8

4月1号——4月20号 unit 9

4月21号——5月4号 unit 10

5月5号——期末 总复习
