中英美学者大讨论心得体会简短 英美文化概论心得体会(二篇)

  • 上传日期:2023-01-11 03:36:19 |
  • ZTFB |
  • 9页




集体备课是发挥群体优势,提高备课质量的重要途径,也是落实教学常规,提高课堂教学效率的必要措施。为此,我组的集体备课有序地进行,做到定时间、定地 点、定内容、定主讲人。活动内容有教材分析、有教法研究、有质量分析、有教学反思等,并且认真学习《新课标》,不断钻研新教材。主讲教师提前钻研教材,吃 透重难点,并能提出重难点突破方法,其他组员质疑、补充、完善,做到集思广益。集体备课后,各位老师分别承担各项任务,任务具体到人,具体到写教案、 制作课件、出单元检测、语法专项、月考试卷、模拟试卷等。

每个老师必须按时完成任务并传到共享文档, 供其他老师分享,当然,其他老师都在此基础上根据所教班级的实际情况,进行必要的修改,然后把修改过的教案等共享在网上。通过集体备课, 发挥所有老师的智慧,扎扎实实上好每一课;通过集体备课,使各位教师明确近期和远期任务。除了正式的备课时间外,我们还不分时间与地点,有问题随时随地讨论研究,并得到解决,有时是一个信息的传递,有时是一个知识点的落实,有时是一个考点的分析,有时是一点教学体会的交流—— 总之,集体备课不流于形式,更注重内容与实效。


开学初,在制定本学期工作计划时,为进一步了解学生,并了解教学情况,对学生以前学过的教材进行了仔细的研究,分析了学生现有的英语水平,以及进行纵向横向比较, 备课组各位老师共同商讨制定了详细的备课组工作计划及高一英语教育教学计划,并以此作为我们的工作指导方案来贯彻实施。


为了提高教学质量,高一全体英语老师都根据自己的计划,采取了具体的行动,尽最大的努力使工作细化,具体化。 如每天早读的任务,培优补差的工作,默写环节的落实,课后的个别答疑,期中考试后开始的作业分层等,老师们都费尽心机。虽然工作忙,但我们备课组内常常互相听课评课,取他人之长,补已之短。


为了使学生能尽快地适应牛津教材,我们还把每单元词汇表上没有而学生没有学过的单词整理出来,督促学生背诵、记忆。他们自主学习能力的逐渐形成。 然而,我们在肯定成绩、总结经验的同时,必须清醒地看到,我们教学经验的积累还是粗浅的,存在的问题不容忽视,也有一些困惑有待解决。


初中英语 unit 1 a trip to beijing


本单元以a trip to beijing为话题,学生通过本单元学习,能够表达请求许可,能够询问及表达两地距离,掌握一百以上数字的读法与写法,初步学习比较等级的形式及用法; 学会制定计划以及用英语购买票。

1 、 lesson 1 要求学生通过学习李明与妈妈关于去北京旅行的对话,通过技能训练掌握表示意愿以及请求许可的表达方式。

2、 lesson 2 以打电话的形式,要求学生学习如何邀请别人一起旅行以及一些旅行安排的表达方式。

3、 lesson 3要求学生通过学习本课能够询问及表达两地的距离,并掌握100以上数字的读法与写法。

4、 lesson 4以唱歌和对话的形式要求学生复习各种交通方式,并通过对比初步学习比较等级的形式及用法。

5、 lesson 5通过学习本课掌握一周七天的读法与写法,重点掌握如何作旅行计划,学会征询别人的意见。

6、 lesson 6通过学习jenny和li ming做旅行准备的对话,重点复习this, that, these, those的用法,及谈论数量,提供帮助的表达方式。

7、 lesson 7通过本课学习购票的表达方式及劝阻他人不做某事的表达法,同时要求学生学会书面讲述令自己兴奋的一次经历。

8、 lesson 8帮助学生复习运用本单元所学内容。


句式: 1. talk about distance

—how far is it from … to …?

—it’s … kilometers. / it’s about …

2、 asking for permission

may i …?

yes, you may. /no, you may not.

3、 showing intentions

do you want …?

i want…。

let’s take a …, …is faster/slower than…。

4、 others

how many … do you have?

please (don’t) 。.。




重点句子 1. —may i go on a trip to beijing? —yes, you may. / no, you may not.

1、 how far is it from china to canada? it’s about eight thousand five hundred kilometer.

2、 a train is slower than a plane, but faster than a bus.

3、 what do you think of it?

4、 i want to go to the great wall.

5、 may i help you? sure.

6、 how much for a ticket on the t58 from shijiazhuang to beijing, please?

7、 please don’t run or jump.


the students and get them to talk about their holidays.

t: i haven’t seen you for long ages, boys and girls! how is it going?

s: quite well. how are you?

t: i’m fine, too. thanks. did you have a nice holiday?

s: yes.

t: would you like to share your experience with me? … what did you do?

s: i read a lot.

t: you must have learnt a lot.

some other students to talk about their holidays. and then show some places of interest and

continue talking with the students to make them understand the phrase go on a trip to.

t: i had a nice holiday too. i went on a trip to beijing. look! there are some pictures about this city.

show the students the following pictures.

t: how about the first picture?

s: it’s tian’anmen square.

t: that’s right! the second one?

s: it’s gugong. (in chinese)

t: in english it is named the palace museum. s: the palace museum.

t: how about the last one?

s: it’s changcheng.

t: it’s the great wall in english.

s: the great wall.

t: there are so many beautiful places in beijing. and beijing is the capital city of our country. would you like to travel to beijing? (to one student)

s: yes.

t: would you like to go on a trip to beijing too?

the student to answer. make sure the students know the meaning of go on a trip to.

s: yes. i’d like to go on a trip to beijing. t:…(略)

the students to learn to talk about permission by using the phrase: to go on a trip to. the teacher can show them some pictures of places of interest to help them to discuss.

t: what city would you like to go on a trip to, beijing or guilin?

s: i’d like to go on a trip to guilin.

more students the same question to let them learn the phrase go on a trip to well

t: gulin is a very beautiful place. may i go on a trip with you?

the student to answer: yes, you may. or no, you may not.

explain the meaning in chinese if necessary. s: yes, you may.

t: (to another student) i have no money to go on a trip to guilin. may i borrow some money?

s: no, you may not.

t: li ming wants to go on a trip to beijing. listen to the tape carefully. does li ming’s mother go on a trip to beijing too?

s: (after listening) yes.


听 listen to dialogues about distance, intentions, and numerals

说 talk about distance, show intentions, say numbers and make a phone call in english

读 read dialogues about trips 写 write a plan

