一般人身伤亡心得体会总结 人身伤害心得(六篇)

  • 上传日期:2023-01-11 01:09:33 |
  • ZTFB |
  • 7页



1.1 这些一般条款旨在与icc国际货物销售同(仅用于旨在转售的制成品)的具体条款(a部分)结合使用。但亦可单独并入任何销售合同。在一般条款(b部分)独立于具体条款(a部分)而单独使用的情况下,b部分中任何对a部分之援引都将被解释为是对双方约定的任何相关的具体条款之援引。一旦一般条款与双方约定的具体条款相抵触,则以具体条款为准。

1.2 本合同本身所包含的条款(即一般条款和双方约定的任何具体条款)没有有明示或默示解决的任何与合同有关的问题,应由:

a. 联合国国际货物销售合同公约(1980年维也纳公约。以下称gigs)管辖;及

b. 在cisg对这些问题未作规定的情况下,则参照卖方营业地所在国的法律来处理。



1. 5除非书面约定或证明,任何对合同的修改都是无效的。但,若一方当人的行为已为另一万当事人信赖,那么,就此而言,该方当事人就不得主张此项规定。

























第10条 迟延交货、不交货及其相应的救济措施







第11条形码 货物不符





a) 在不给买方增加额外费用的情况下,用符合合同的货物替代不符货物;或

b) 在不给买方增加额外费用的情况下,修复不符货物;或

c) 偿还买方不答货物支付的价款,并因此终止这些货物的合同

对按照以上第11.1条通知货物不符之日起至按第11. 3(a)条提供替代品或按11.3(b)条修复货物之间的延迟期,每延迟一周,买方有权请求第10.1条所规定的预定损害赔偿金额;这些赔偿金额可与第10.1条下应支付损害赔偿金额(如果有的话)合并计算,但在任何情况下,总计不得超过这些货物价款的5%。












b) 在订立合同时,不能合理预见到他已把这一障碍及其对其他履约的能力产生影响考虑在内,以及




13.3在不影响第10. 2条效力的前提下,本款下的免责理由,只要且仅在此限度内该免责事由继续存在,可使未履约方得以免除损害赔偿之责任,免除处罚及其他约定的罚金,免除所欠款项利息支付之责任。











「章名」 第一部分














「章名」 第二部分

「章名」 /fas条件







「章名」 15.c&f条件










「章名」 条件


「章名」 17.装船通知


「章名」 18.装船单据



















「章名」 19.合同所订货物如用空运,则本合同有关海运的一切条款均按空运条款执行。

「章名」 20.危险品说明书


「章名」 21.检验和索赔


「章名」 22.赔偿费


「章名」 23.赔偿例外


「章名」 24.仲裁


卖方:                        买方:


「名称」 1. purchase contract


「章名」 whole doc.

contract no:


the buyer:

the seller:

the contract, made out, in chinese and english, both version being

equally authentic, by and between the seller and the buyer whereby the

seller agrees to sell and the buyer agrees to buy the undermentioned goods

subject to terms and conditions set forth hereinafter as follows:

「章名」 section 1

1 name of commodity and specification

2 country of origin & manufacturer

3 unit price (packing charges included)

4 quantity

5 total value

6 packing (seaworthy)

7 insurance (to be covered by the buyer unless otherwise)

8 time of shipment

9 port of loading

10 port of destination mark shown as below in addition to the port of destination, package number, gross and net weights, measurements and other marks as the buyer may require stencilled or marked conspicuously with fast and unfailing pigments on each package. in the case of dangerous and/or poisonous cargo (es), the seller is obliged to take care to ensure that the nature and the generally adopted symbol shall be marked conspicuously on each package.

12 terms of payment: one month prior to the time of shipment the buyer shall open with the bank of _______an irrevocable letter of credit in favour of the seller payable at the issuing bank against presentation of documents as stipulated under clause 18. a. of section ii, the terms of delivery of this contract after departure of the carrying vessel. the said letter of credit shall remain in force til the 15th day after shipment.

13 other terms: unless otherwise agreed and accepted by the buyer, all other matters related to this contract shall be governed by section ii, the terms of delivery which shall form an integral part of this contract. any supplementary terms and conditions that may be attached to this contract shall automatically prevail over the terms and conditions of this contract if such supplementary terms and conditions come in conflict with terms and conditions herein and shall be binding upon both parties.

for the seller for the buyer

「章名」 section 2

「章名」 14 fob/fas terms

14.1 the shipping space for the contracted goods shall be booked by the buyer or the buyer‘s shipping agent __________.

14.2 under fob terms, the seller shall undertake to load the contracted goods on board the vessel nominated by the buyer on any date notified by the buyer, within the time of shipment as stipulated in clause 8 of this contract.

14.3 under fas terms, the seller shall undertake to deliver the contracted goods under the tackle of the vessel nominated by the buyer on any date notified by the buyer, within the time of shipment as stipulated in clause 8 of this contract.

14.4 10-15 days prior to the date of shipment, the buyer shall inform the seller by cable or telex of the contract number, name of vessel, eta of vessel, quantity to be loaded and the name of shipping agent, so as to enable the seller to contact the shipping agent direct and arrange the shipment of the goods. the seller shall advise by cable or telex in time the buyer of the result thereof. should, for certain reasons, it become necessary for the buyer to replace the named vessel with another one, or should the named vessel arrive at the port of shipment earlier or later than the date of arrival as previously notified to the seller, the buyer or its shipping agent shall advise the seller to this effect in due time. the seller shall also keep in close contact with the agent or the buyer.

14.5 should the seller fail to load the goods on board or to deliver the goods under the tackle of the vessel booked by the buyer. within the time as notified by the buyer, after its arrival at the port of shipment the seller shall be fully liable to the buyer and responsible for all losses and expenses such as dead freight, demurrage. consequential losses incurred upon and/or suffered by the buyer.

14.6 should the vessel be withdrawn or replaced or delayed eventually or the cargo be shut out etc., and the seller be not informed in good time to stop delivery of the cargo, the calculation of the loss in storage expenses and insurance premium thus sustained at the loading port shall be based on the loading date notified by the agent to the seller (or based on the date of the arrival of the cargo at the loading port in case the cargo should arrive there later than the notified loading date)。 the abovementioned loss to be calculated from the 16th day after expiry of the free storage time at the port should be borne by the buyer with the exception of force majeure. however, the seller shall still undertake to load the cargo immediately upon the carrying vessel‘s arrival at the loading port at its own risk and expenses. the payment of the afore-said expenses shall be effected against presentation of the original vouchers after the buyer’s verification.

「章名」 15 c&f terms

15.1 the seller shall ship the goods within the time as stipulated in clause 8 of this contract by a direct vessel sailing from the port of loading to china port. transhipment on route is not allowed without the buyer‘s prior consent. the goods shall not be carried by vessels flying flags of countries not acceptable to the port authorities of china.

15.2 the carrying vessel chartered by the seller shall be seaworthy and cargoworthy. the seller shall be obliged to act prudently and conscientiously when selecting the vessel and the carrier when chartering such vessel. the buyer is justified in not accepting vessels chartered by the seller that are not members of the piclub.

15.3 the carrying vessel chartered by the seller shall sail and arrive at the port of destination within the normal and reasonable period of time. any unreasonable aviation or delay is not allowed.

15.4 the age of the carrying vessel chartered by the seller shall not exceed 15 years. in case her age exceeds 15 years, the extra average insurance premium thus incurred shall be borne by the seller. vessel over 20 years of age shall in no event be acceptable to the buyer.

15.5 for cargo lots over 1,000 m/t each, or any other lots less than 1,000 metric tons but identified by the buyer, the seller shall, at least 10 days prior to the date of shipment, inform the buyer by telex or cable of the following information: the contract number, the name of commodity, quantity, the name of the carrying vessel, the age, nationality, and particulars of the carrying vessel, the expected date of loading, the expected time of arrival at the port of destination, the name, telex and cable address of the carrier.

15.6 for cargo lots over 1,000 m/t each, or any other lots less than 1,000 metric tons but identified by the buyer, the master of the carrying vessel shall notify the buyer respectively 7 (seven) days and 24 (twenty-four) hours prior to the arrival of the vessel at the port of destination, by telex or cable about its eta (expected time of arrival), contract number, the name of commodity, and quantity.

15.7 if goods are to be shipped per liner vessel under liner bill of lading, the carrying vessel must be classified as the highest ____________ or equivalent class as per the institute classification clause and shall be so maintained throughout the duration of the relevant bill of lading. nevertheless, the maximum age of the vessel shall not exceed 20 years at the date of loading. the seller shall bear the average insurance premium for liner vessel older than 20 years. under no circum -stances shall the buyer accept vessel over 25 years of age.

15.8 for break bulk cargoes, if goods are shipped in containers by the seller without prior consent of the buyer, a compensation of a certain amount to be agreed upon by both parties shall be payable to the buyer by the seller.

15.9 the seller shall maintain close contact with the carrying vessel and shall notify the buyer by fastest means of communication about any and all accidents that may occur while the carrying vessel is on route. the seller shall assume full responsibility and shall compensate the buyer for all losses incurred for its failure to give timely advice or notification to the buyer.

「章名」 16 cif terms:

under cif terms, besides clause 15 c&f terms of this contract which shall be applied the seller shall be responsible for covering the cargo with relevant insurance with irrespective percentage.

「章名」 17 advice of shipment:

within 48 hours immediately after completion of loading of goods on board the vessel the seller shall advise the buyer by cable or telex of the contract number, the name of goods, weight (net/gross) or quantity loaded, invoice value, name of vessel, port of loading, sailing date and expected time of arrival (eta) at the port of destination. should the buyer be unable to arrange insurance in time owing to the seller‘s failure to give the above mentioned advice of shipment by cable or telex, the seller shall be held responsible for any and all damages and/or losses attributable to such failure.

「章名」 18 shipping documents

18.a the seller shall present the following documents to the paying bank for negotiation of payment:

18.a.1 full set of clean on board, “freight prepaid” for c&f/cif terms or “freight to collect” for fob/fas terms, ocean bills of lading, made out to order and blank endorsed, notifying ___________at the port of destination.

18.a.2 five copies of signed invoice, indicating contract number, l/c number, name of commodity, full specifications, and shipping mark, signed and issued by the beneficiary of letter of credit.

18.a.3 two copies of packing list and/or weight memo with indication of gross and net weight of each package and/or measurements issued by beneficiary of letter of credit.

18.a.4 two copies each of the certificates of quality and quantity or weight issued by the manufacturer and/or a qualified independent surveyor at the loading port and must indicate full specifications of goods conforming to stipulations in letter of credit.

18.a.5 one duplicate copy of the cable or telex advice of shipment as stipulated in clause 17 of the terms of delivery.

18.a.6 a letter attesting that extra copies of abovementioned documents have been dispatched according to the contract.

18.a.7 a letter attesting that the nationality of the carrying vessel has been approved by the buyer.

18.a.8 the relevant insurance policy covering, but not limited to at least 110% of the invoice value against all and war risks if the insurance is covered by the buyer.

18.b any original document(s) made by rephotographic system, automated or computerized system or carbon copies shall not be acceptable unless they are clearly marked as “original.” and certified with signatures in hand writing by authorised officers of the issuing company or corporation.

18.c through bill of lading, stale bill of lading, short form bill of lading, shall not be acceptable.

18.d third party appointed by the beneficiary as shipper shall not be acceptable unless such third party bill of lading is made out to the order of shipper and endorsed to the beneficiary and blank endorsed by the beneficiary.

18.e documents issued earlier than the opening date of letter of credit shall not be acceptable.

18.f in the case of c&f/cif shipments, charter party bill of lading shall not be acceptable unless beneficiary provides one copy each of the charter party, master‘s of mate’s receipt, shipping order and cargo or stowage plan and/or other documents called for in the letter of credit by the buyer.

18.g the seller shall dispatch, in care of the carrying vessel, two copies each of the duplicates of bill of lading. invoice and packing list to the buyer‘s receiving agent, _______________at the port of destination.

18.h immediately after the departure of the carrying vessel, the seller shall airmail one set of the duplicate documents to the buyer and three sets of the same to ______________________________ transportation corporation at the port of destination.

18.i the seller shall assume full responsibility and be liable to the buyer and shall compensate the buyer for all losses arising from going astray of and/or the delay in the dispatch of the above mentioned documents.

18.j banking charges outside the people‘s republic of china shall be for the seller’s account.

「章名」 19 if the goods under this contract are to be dispatched by air, all the terms and conditions of this contract in connection with ocean transportation shall be governed by relevant air terms.

「章名」 20 instruction leaflets on dangerous cargo: for dangerous and/or poisonous cargo, the seller must provide instruction leaflets stating the hazardous or poisonous properties, transportation, storage and handling remarks, as well as precautionary and first-air measures and measures against fire. the seller shall airmail, together with other shipping documents, three copies each of the same to the buyer and___________________ transportation corporation at the port of destination.

「章名」 21 inspection & claims:

in case the quality, quantity or weight of the goods be found not in conformity with those as stipulated in this contract upon re-inspection by the china commodity import and export inspection bureau within 60 days after completion of the discharge of the goods at the port of destination or, if goods are shipped in containers, 60 days after the opening of such containers, the buyer shall have the right to request the seller to take back the goods or lodge claims against the seller for compensation for losses upon the strength of the inspection certificate issued by the said bureau, with the exception of those claims for which the insurers or owners of the carrying vessel are liable, all expenses including but not limited to inspection fees, interest, losses arising from the return of the goods or claims shall be borne by the seller. in such a case, the buyer may, if so requested, send a sample of the goods in question to the seller, provided that sampling and sending of such sample is feasible.

「章名」 22 damages:

with the exception of late delivery or non-delivery due to “force majeure” causes, if the seller fails to make delivery of the goods in accordance with the terms and conditions, jointly or severally, of this contract, the seller shall be liable to the buyer and indemnify the buyer for all losses, damages, including but not limited to, purchase price and/or purchase price differentials, deadfreight, demurrage, and all consequential direct or indirect losses. the buyer shall nevertheless have the right to cancel in part or in whole of the contract without prejudice to the buyer‘s right to claim compensations.

「章名」 23 force majeure:

neither the seller or the buyer shall be held responsible for late delivery or non-delivery owing to generally recognized “force majeure”causes. however in such a case, the seller shall immediately advise by cable or telex the buyer of the accident and airmail to the buyer within 15 days after the accident, a certificate of the accident issued by the competent government authority or the chamber of commerce which is located at the place where the accident occurs as evidence thereof. if the said “force majeure” cause lasts over 60 days, the buyer shall have the right to cancel the whole or the undelivered part of the order for the goods as stipulated in contract.

「章名」 24 arbitration:

both parties agree to attempt to resolve all disputes between the parties with respect to the application or interpretation of any term hereof of transaction hereunder, through amicable negotiation. if a dispute cannot be resolved in this manner to the satisfaction of the seller and the buyer within a reasonable period of time, maximum not exceeding 90 days after the date of the notification of such dispute, the case under dispute shall be submitted to arbitration if the buyer should decide not to take the case to court at a place of jurisdiction that the buyer may deem appropriate. unless otherwise agreed upon by both parties, such arbitration shall be held in ________, and shall be governed by the rules and procedures of arbitration stipulated by the foreign trade arbitration commission of the china council for the promotion of international trade. the decision by such arbitration shall be accepted as final and binding upon both parties. the arbitration fees shall be borne by the losing party unless otherwise awarded.







「章名」 第一部分














「章名」 第二部分

「章名」 /fas条件







「章名」 15.c&f条件










「章名」 条件


「章名」 17.装船通知


「章名」 18.装船单据



















「章名」 19.合同所订货物如用空运,则本合同有关海运的一切条款均按空运条款执行。

「章名」 20.危险品说明书


「章名」 21.检验和索赔


「章名」 22.赔偿费


「章名」 23.赔偿例外


「章名」 24.仲裁


卖方:                        买方:


「名称」 1. purchase contract


「章名」 whole doc.

contract no:


the buyer:

the seller:

the contract, made out, in chinese and english, both version being

equally authentic, by and between the seller and the buyer whereby the

seller agrees to sell and the buyer agrees to buy the undermentioned goods

subject to terms and conditions set forth hereinafter as follows:

「章名」 section 1

1 name of commodity and specification

2 country of origin & manufacturer

3 unit price (packing charges included)

4 quantity

5 total value

6 packing (seaworthy)

7 insurance (to be covered by the buyer unless otherwise)

8 time of shipment

9 port of loading

10 port of destination mark shown as below in addition to the port of destination, package number, gross and net weights, measurements and other marks as the buyer may require stencilled or marked conspicuously with fast and unfailing pigments on each package. in the case of dangerous and/or poisonous cargo (es), the seller is obliged to take care to ensure that the nature and the generally adopted symbol shall be marked conspicuously on each package.

12 terms of payment: one month prior to the time of shipment the buyer shall open with the bank of _______an irrevocable letter of credit in favour of the seller payable at the issuing bank against presentation of documents as stipulated under clause 18. a. of section ii, the terms of delivery of this contract after departure of the carrying vessel. the said letter of credit shall remain in force til the 15th day after shipment.

13 other terms: unless otherwise agreed and accepted by the buyer, all other matters related to this contract shall be governed by section ii, the terms of delivery which shall form an integral part of this contract. any supplementary terms and conditions that may be attached to this contract shall automatically prevail over the terms and conditions of this contract if such supplementary terms and conditions come in conflict with terms and conditions herein and shall be binding upon both parties.

for the seller for the buyer

「章名」 section 2

「章名」 14 fob/fas terms

14.1 the shipping space for the contracted goods shall be booked by the buyer or the buyer‘s shipping agent __________.

14.2 under fob terms, the seller shall undertake to load the contracted goods on board the vessel nominated by the buyer on any date notified by the buyer, within the time of shipment as stipulated in clause 8 of this contract.

14.3 under fas terms, the seller shall undertake to deliver the contracted goods under the tackle of the vessel nominated by the buyer on any date notified by the buyer, within the time of shipment as stipulated in clause 8 of this contract.

14.4 10-15 days prior to the date of shipment, the buyer shall inform the seller by cable or telex of the contract number, name of vessel, eta of vessel, quantity to be loaded and the name of shipping agent, so as to enable the seller to contact the shipping agent direct and arrange the shipment of the goods. the seller shall advise by cable or telex in time the buyer of the result thereof. should, for certain reasons, it become necessary for the buyer to replace the named vessel with another one, or should the named vessel arrive at the port of shipment earlier or later than the date of arrival as previously notified to the seller, the buyer or its shipping agent shall advise the seller to this effect in due time. the seller shall also keep in close contact with the agent or the buyer.

14.5 should the seller fail to load the goods on board or to deliver the goods under the tackle of the vessel booked by the buyer. within the time as notified by the buyer, after its arrival at the port of shipment the seller shall be fully liable to the buyer and responsible for all losses and expenses such as dead freight, demurrage. consequential losses incurred upon and/or suffered by the buyer.

14.6 should the vessel be withdrawn or replaced or delayed eventually or the cargo be shut out etc., and the seller be not informed in good time to stop delivery of the cargo, the calculation of the loss in storage expenses and insurance premium thus sustained at the loading port shall be based on the loading date notified by the agent to the seller (or based on the date of the arrival of the cargo at the loading port in case the cargo should arrive there later than the notified loading date)。 the abovementioned loss to be calculated from the 16th day after expiry of the free storage time at the port should be borne by the buyer with the exception of force majeure. however, the seller shall still undertake to load the cargo immediately upon the carrying vessel‘s arrival at the loading port at its own risk and expenses. the payment of the afore-said expenses shall be effected against presentation of the original vouchers after the buyer’s verification.

「章名」 15 c&f terms

15.1 the seller shall ship the goods within the time as stipulated in clause 8 of this contract by a direct vessel sailing from the port of loading to china port. transhipment on route is not allowed without the buyer‘s prior consent. the goods shall not be carried by vessels flying flags of countries not acceptable to the port authorities of china.

15.2 the carrying vessel chartered by the seller shall be seaworthy and cargoworthy. the seller shall be obliged to act prudently and conscientiously when selecting the vessel and the carrier when chartering such vessel. the buyer is justified in not accepting vessels chartered by the seller that are not members of the piclub.

15.3 the carrying vessel chartered by the seller shall sail and arrive at the port of destination within the normal and reasonable period of time. any unreasonable aviation or delay is not allowed.

15.4 the age of the carrying vessel chartered by the seller shall not exceed 15 years. in case her age exceeds 15 years, the extra average insurance premium thus incurred shall be borne by the seller. vessel over 20 years of age shall in no event be acceptable to the buyer.

15.5 for cargo lots over 1,000 m/t each, or any other lots less than 1,000 metric tons but identified by the buyer, the seller shall, at least 10 days prior to the date of shipment, inform the buyer by telex or cable of the following information: the contract number, the name of commodity, quantity, the name of the carrying vessel, the age, nationality, and particulars of the carrying vessel, the expected date of loading, the expected time of arrival at the port of destination, the name, telex and cable address of the carrier.

15.6 for cargo lots over 1,000 m/t each, or any other lots less than 1,000 metric tons but identified by the buyer, the master of the carrying vessel shall notify the buyer respectively 7 (seven) days and 24 (twenty-four) hours prior to the arrival of the vessel at the port of destination, by telex or cable about its eta (expected time of arrival), contract number, the name of commodity, and quantity.

15.7 if goods are to be shipped per liner vessel under liner bill of lading, the carrying vessel must be classified as the highest ____________ or equivalent class as per the institute classification clause and shall be so maintained throughout the duration of the relevant bill of lading. nevertheless, the maximum age of the vessel shall not exceed 20 years at the date of loading. the seller shall bear the average insurance premium for liner vessel older than 20 years. under no circum -stances shall the buyer accept vessel over 25 years of age.

15.8 for break bulk cargoes, if goods are shipped in containers by the seller without prior consent of the buyer, a compensation of a certain amount to be agreed upon by both parties shall be payable to the buyer by the seller.

15.9 the seller shall maintain close contact with the carrying vessel and shall notify the buyer by fastest means of communication about any and all accidents that may occur while the carrying vessel is on route. the seller shall assume full responsibility and shall compensate the buyer for all losses incurred for its failure to give timely advice or notification to the buyer.

「章名」 16 cif terms:

under cif terms, besides clause 15 c&f terms of this contract which shall be applied the seller shall be responsible for covering the cargo with relevant insurance with irrespective percentage.

「章名」 17 advice of shipment:

within 48 hours immediately after completion of loading of goods on board the vessel the seller shall advise the buyer by cable or telex of the contract number, the name of goods, weight (net/gross) or quantity loaded, invoice value, name of vessel, port of loading, sailing date and expected time of arrival (eta) at the port of destination. should the buyer be unable to arrange insurance in time owing to the seller‘s failure to give the above mentioned advice of shipment by cable or telex, the seller shall be held responsible for any and all damages and/or losses attributable to such failure.

「章名」 18 shipping documents

18.a the seller shall present the following documents to the paying bank for negotiation of payment:

18.a.1 full set of clean on board, “freight prepaid” for c&f/cif terms or “freight to collect” for fob/fas terms, ocean bills of lading, made out to order and blank endorsed, notifying ___________at the port of destination.

18.a.2 five copies of signed invoice, indicating contract number, l/c number, name of commodity, full specifications, and shipping mark, signed and issued by the beneficiary of letter of credit.

18.a.3 two copies of packing list and/or weight memo with indication of gross and net weight of each package and/or measurements issued by beneficiary of letter of credit.

18.a.4 two copies each of the certificates of quality and quantity or weight issued by the manufacturer and/or a qualified independent surveyor at the loading port and must indicate full specifications of goods conforming to stipulations in letter of credit.

18.a.5 one duplicate copy of the cable or telex advice of shipment as stipulated in clause 17 of the terms of delivery.

18.a.6 a letter attesting that extra copies of abovementioned documents have been dispatched according to the contract.

18.a.7 a letter attesting that the nationality of the carrying vessel has been approved by the buyer.

18.a.8 the relevant insurance policy covering, but not limited to at least 110% of the invoice value against all and war risks if the insurance is covered by the buyer.

18.b any original document(s) made by rephotographic system, automated or computerized system or carbon copies shall not be acceptable unless they are clearly marked as “original.” and certified with signatures in hand writing by authorised officers of the issuing company or corporation.

18.c through bill of lading, stale bill of lading, short form bill of lading, shall not be acceptable.

18.d third party appointed by the beneficiary as shipper shall not be acceptable unless such third party bill of lading is made out to the order of shipper and endorsed to the beneficiary and blank endorsed by the beneficiary.

18.e documents issued earlier than the opening date of letter of credit shall not be acceptable.

18.f in the case of c&f/cif shipments, charter party bill of lading shall not be acceptable unless beneficiary provides one copy each of the charter party, master‘s of mate’s receipt, shipping order and cargo or stowage plan and/or other documents called for in the letter of credit by the buyer.

18.g the seller shall dispatch, in care of the carrying vessel, two copies each of the duplicates of bill of lading. invoice and packing list to the buyer‘s receiving agent, _______________at the port of destination.

18.h immediately after the departure of the carrying vessel, the seller shall airmail one set of the duplicate documents to the buyer and three sets of the same to ______________________________ transportation corporation at the port of destination.

18.i the seller shall assume full responsibility and be liable to the buyer and shall compensate the buyer for all losses arising from going astray of and/or the delay in the dispatch of the above mentioned documents.

18.j banking charges outside the people‘s republic of china shall be for the seller’s account.

「章名」 19 if the goods under this contract are to be dispatched by air, all the terms and conditions of this contract in connection with ocean transportation shall be governed by relevant air terms.

「章名」 20 instruction leaflets on dangerous cargo: for dangerous and/or poisonous cargo, the seller must provide instruction leaflets stating the hazardous or poisonous properties, transportation, storage and handling remarks, as well as precautionary and first-air measures and measures against fire. the seller shall airmail, together with other shipping documents, three copies each of the same to the buyer and___________________ transportation corporation at the port of destination.

「章名」 21 inspection & claims:

in case the quality, quantity or weight of the goods be found not in conformity with those as stipulated in this contract upon re-inspection by the china commodity import and export inspection bureau within 60 days after completion of the discharge of the goods at the port of destination or, if goods are shipped in containers, 60 days after the opening of such containers, the buyer shall have the right to request the seller to take back the goods or lodge claims against the seller for compensation for losses upon the strength of the inspection certificate issued by the said bureau, with the exception of those claims for which the insurers or owners of the carrying vessel are liable, all expenses including but not limited to inspection fees, interest, losses arising from the return of the goods or claims shall be borne by the seller. in such a case, the buyer may, if so requested, send a sample of the goods in question to the seller, provided that sampling and sending of such sample is feasible.

「章名」 22 damages:

with the exception of late delivery or non-delivery due to “force majeure” causes, if the seller fails to make delivery of the goods in accordance with the terms and conditions, jointly or severally, of this contract, the seller shall be liable to the buyer and indemnify the buyer for all losses, damages, including but not limited to, purchase price and/or purchase price differentials, deadfreight, demurrage, and all consequential direct or indirect losses. the buyer shall nevertheless have the right to cancel in part or in whole of the contract without prejudice to the buyer‘s right to claim compensations.

「章名」 23 force majeure:

neither the seller or the buyer shall be held responsible for late delivery or non-delivery owing to generally recognized “force majeure”causes. however in such a case, the seller shall immediately advise by cable or telex the buyer of the accident and airmail to the buyer within 15 days after the accident, a certificate of the accident issued by the competent government authority or the chamber of commerce which is located at the place where the accident occurs as evidence thereof. if the said “force majeure” cause lasts over 60 days, the buyer shall have the right to cancel the whole or the undelivered part of the order for the goods as stipulated in contract.

「章名」 24 arbitration:

both parties agree to attempt to resolve all disputes between the parties with respect to the application or interpretation of any term hereof of transaction hereunder, through amicable negotiation. if a dispute cannot be resolved in this manner to the satisfaction of the seller and the buyer within a reasonable period of time, maximum not exceeding 90 days after the date of the notification of such dispute, the case under dispute shall be submitted to arbitration if the buyer should decide not to take the case to court at a place of jurisdiction that the buyer may deem appropriate. unless otherwise agreed upon by both parties, such arbitration shall be held in ________, and shall be governed by the rules and procedures of arbitration stipulated by the foreign trade arbitration commission of the china council for the promotion of international trade. the decision by such arbitration shall be accepted as final and binding upon both parties. the arbitration fees shall be borne by the losing party unless otherwise awarded.







i shall be late home tonight。我今晚会晚回家。

he will graduate from harvard university next year。他明年哈佛大学毕业。



spring will e again。春天会再回来。


1)be going to+动词原形。这种结构表示“决定、打算要做什么事,或有迹象证明即将发生、可能会出现什么情景,有趋势,注定会,不限于指人的活动”。


i am going to buy a new coat this winter。今年我打算买一件新大衣。

there is going to be a thunder-storm。将有一场雷暴雨。

the journey is going to be difficult。这次旅行将极为艰难。

2)be going to和will等的比较。

①will表示说话人认为、相信、期望或假定要发生的事,不含任何具体时光,能够指遥远的将来。而be going to指有迹象证明某事即将发生或肯定会发生,通常表示很快就要发生的事情。


there is going to be a quarrel between them,i think。看来两人要发生争吵了。

he is going to get better。他的病就要好了。

②be going to和will均可表示“意图”;但事先研究过的意图用be going to,而不是事先研究的意图用will。


a:why have you torn the paper into pieces?

b:i am going to rewrite it。(事先研究的)

a:it is really a big stone。

b:i will help you to move it。(未经研究的)



we are having a meeting this morning。我们今日上午要开一个会。

the plane is taking off at 10。飞机将于10点起飞。

i'm planting more apple trees in the ing spring。来年春天我将种植更多的苹果树。




they are to be married in october。他们打算10月结婚。

am i to take over his work?我是不是要接管他的工作?

②表示应当怎样做或应当发生什么,表示情态意义,接近should,could,must,ought to,have to等。


you are not to smoke in the room。你不能够在房间里抽烟。(must)

suppose he es here,what am i to tell him?如果他来那里,我该对他说些什么?(should)

we chinese people are not to be bullied。我们中国人是不容欺辱的。(can)



better days are soon to follow。好日子肯定会很快到来。

this i was only to hear later。这事我之后才明白。

④用于if条件句,表示“如果想,设想”,相当于want to,should等,也可用于带if条件句的复合句的主句中。


if anyone is to hear you,you must speak up。如果想让大家都听得见,你就必须大声讲。

5)on the pointvergeevebrink of表示即将发生的事。


he is on the point of making a round-the-world tour。他即将去周游世界。

the country is on the brink of disaster。那个国家正处于灾难的边缘。

6)be about+不定式。这种结构表示即将发生的动作,句中不可用表示将来时光的状语。


sit down everyone。the film's about to start。大家坐下,电影立刻开始。

i met her in the doorway just as she was about to go away。她正要离开时,我在门口遇见了她。



1。 tomorrow will be sunday。 明天就是星期天。

2。 the rain will stop soon。 雨很快就要停了。

用be going to结构表示

二、"be going to+动词原形”用来表示事先研究过的将要发生的动作以及已有迹象证明必将要发生的某事(有一个先兆),意为“打算;就要”。如:

1。 we're going to meet outside the school gate。 我们打算在校门口见面。

2。 look! it's going to rain。 瞧!快下雨了。

三、there be 一般将来形式

肯定形式:there isare going to be there will be

否定形式:there isare not going to be there will not be

一般疑问句 isarewill there;

肯定回答:yes,there isare;yes,there will;

否定回答: no,there isn’taren’t;no,there won’t。


一、主语 + be going to + 动词原形

肯定句:i am going to get up。

he is going to get up。

they are going to get up。

否定句:i am not going to get up。

he is not going to get up。

they are not going to get up。

一般疑问句:are you going to get up?

肯定回答:yes, i am。

否定回答:no, i’m not。

一般疑问句:is he going to get up?

肯定回答:yes, he is。

否定回答:no, he isn’t。

一般疑问句:are they going to get up?

肯定回答:yes, they are。

否定回答:no, they aren’t。

二、主语 + will + 动词原形

肯定句:i will get up。

he will get up。

they will get up。

否定句:i will not get up。

he will not get up。

they will not get up。

一般疑问句:will you get up?

肯定回答:yes, i will。

否定回答:no, i won’t。

一般疑问句:will he get up。

肯定回答:yes, he will。

否定回答:no, he won’t。

一般疑问句:are they going to get up?

肯定回答:yes, they are。

否定回答:no, they aren’t。

一般将来时式(the simple future tense)时态定义

be going to表主观的打算

shall和will常常缩写成'll ,紧接在主语之后。其否定式 shall not 和will not 的缩写式分别为 shall't 和 won't。


be going to表示客观安排或受人指示而做某事。后+动词原形。

be about to+动词原形,意为立刻作某事,不能与tomorrow,next week等表示明确将来时的时光状语连用。

肯定句:iwe shallwill go。 youheshethey will go。

否定句:iwe shallwill not go。 youheshethey will not go。

疑问句:shallwill we go? will youheshethey go?

简略回答:(肯)yes,主语shallwill (否) no,主语 shallwill not


----- why will you be here on sunday?(周日你为什么将要在这儿?)

-----i will have a meeting on sunday(我将要在周日举行一个聚会)



we are going to go on an outing this weekend。-------are you going to go on an outing this weekend?


the letter will be sent tomorrow。


we shall be punished if we break the rule。


注意:will和shall在句子中所表达的“意志”是不一样的,当句子主语是第一人称(i)的时候表示的是主语 i 的自主“意志”,很多人可能会问什么是自主意志。那么下头就举个例子:

i will be clear tomorrow 。 我会把这件事弄个水落石出(词句有多个意思,那里举此例)

分析:这个句子中用will时,主语 i(我) 就带有强烈的意志,意思是我想让事情水落石出,并且有我会为此付诸努力的意思。当第一人称,用shall的时候就是一个普通的句子,就没有主语的意志。

i shall e back in ten minutes 。这句话就是单纯的说 我会在10分钟后回来 没有别的意思

i will e back in ten minutes。 而这句话就有一种意境上的不一样。我会在10分钟后回来,其中的意思还有,就算我有事耽搁了我也会想办法在10分钟后回来的意思


如:he shall be rewarded。 他会得到回报

分析这句话更深度的意思,我说过在shall用在第二三人称时有强烈的“说话者”的意志。而这句话的“说话者”意志就是 他会得到回报,就算他没有得到回报“说话者”也会想办法让“he”得到回报。







































































