暑假完成的心得体会高一如何写 高一的寒假心得体会(2篇)

  • 上传日期:2023-01-06 04:53:14 |
  • ZTFB |
  • 13页






although the colorful summer holiday has passed, i still stay in that happy time.

books make me happy. since my parents are busy with work, i have no time to take me to travel. i had to indulge in the beautiful words in my home, from the sixth grade tutorials, i saw the naughty sowbrook, the beautiful mountain rain... i'm totally absorbed in it. here, i learned to be a man. books made me not feel lonely during the summer holidays.

housework makes me happy. one day, my father and mother had just left, when i saw the dirty and disorderly home, i thought of a good idea. i'll clean the table and then the bowl. then take the cloth and wipe the dust off the furniture. again it is sweeping the floor, after sweeping the ground, i picked up a rag to wipe to again, this brush is also have tips: 1 the brushing is to have the order, a brick a brick to brush, so as not to have wiped. 2 before you wipe it, you won't step on the area you've erased. sometimes it's hard to erase something, so it's my way. put your hands on the bottom of your chest, then your front legs arch your hind legs, and then push the cloth on your hand and the floor will be much cleaner. i'm no longer the baby princess. today, i feel the joy of labor.

how happy this summer vacation is!


下面是为你制定的计划~ 呵呵 不知道怎么样

起床 (夏天是最漂亮的季节,早上的空气也最新鲜,虽然六点半早了点,但是为了新鲜的生活值得付出,呵呵~)

晨练 (想减肥的话 晨练是最重要的 跑步也好打球也好 一定要坚持~~)

早读 学习时间 (我是英语专业的学生 相信我如果想学好英语 早读很重要会锻练你的语感发音口语等各方面从下面的计划可以看到 我为你暑期安排的学习时间不多但这个如果坚持下来的话一定会收获不小)

自由活动 (毕竟是暑假时间 主要还是放松自己嘛这段时间可以上上网见见朋友 反正自己安排吧)

睡觉 (夏天最热的时间还是留下来睡觉 一来避暑二来养神)

自由安排 (还是想做什么就做什么吧 这段时间 打打球 看看电视上上网 依你而定吧)

晚饭 (想减肥的话就要提前吃晚饭了)

读书 (这段时间感觉比较舒服 好好利用一下读一些喜欢的书啊 或者干脆就学学习不是很好吗)

靠墙站立一小时 (这是瑜伽的一种 减肥很有效 不过会很累 坚持住啊~)


ps。 计划里早饭是中饭没有写进去 这个是依你个人而定的 不过不管什么时候吃 饭后一定要站立半小时之后再活动 有利于你的减肥!
