unity万能心得体会及感悟 unity手游开发心得(九篇)

  • 上传日期:2022-12-28 11:35:45 |
  • ZTFB |
  • 12页



重点:听说认读四会单词:family parents uncle aunt baby brother

难点:理解parents uncle aunt baby brother等词的含义









1、播放第二册学生用书unit 2《father and mother》的歌曲,让孩子边唱边表演。

2、教师出示单词卡片,孩子抢答。教师在黑板上画出family tree,请孩子把father mother等贴在family tree相应的位置上,大声读一读。

3、教师出示课件(自己的家庭照片),用this is my…. she/he is. …进行介绍和描述。

4、孩子把自己的照片放在投影上,尝试用this is my…. she/he is. …进行介绍和描述。

呈现新课 (presentation)

1、教师出示课件说:“do you know this is my family? 教师把family这个单词贴在黑板上family tree的顶端。 教师:i have a big family. how many people in my family? 学生回答。再问:how many people in your family.鼓励孩子回答。 this is my mother. this is my father. they are my parents. 教师带读,学生练词。教师把parents贴在family tree上相应的位置。 教师指自己的家庭成员说:“this is my uncle. this is my aunt 。”并把两个单词贴在family tree上,说:“my uncle is my father’s or mother’s brother. my aunt is my father’s or my mother’s sister.”

2、播放配套课件:教师说:“this is amy’s family. how many people in amy’s family. who are they? ”指课件中的单词认读。


让孩子扮演amy。其他孩子表演amy的家庭成员,孩子用“this is my….” 介绍家庭成员。

4、进行group work的练习,先让一个孩子拿着自己的家庭照片放在投影上,介绍和描述家庭成员。孩子仿照例子在小组中互相介绍。 然后学生到前面介绍。

(三)趣味操练 (practice)

1、listen to a song 《come and see my family 》



(四) 扩展性活动(add-activities)

边看视频边学唱《come and see my family 》


重点:熟练掌握句型how many ……are there?的用法并能在实践中运用。

难点:理解let’s talk中句子的含义,并能进行初步的运用



2.配套的教学课件 unit 4/b/ let’s talk]





sing the song (上节课扩展练习的中的歌曲)


单词抢答: 教师出示单词卡片,学生快速抢答

教师少拿一张卡片,让孩子猜猜。“how many cards in my hand?”

教师将卡片码成一沓,问:“how many cards in my hand?”

教师将卡片藏在身后,问:“how many cards in my hand?”

(二)呈现新课 (presentation)

教师出示上一课let’s learn部分的课件。说:“this is amy’s family. how many people are there in my family? who are they?” 引导学生回答:“they are my father, my mother, my aunt ,…”


教师分别请几名学生拿着自己的家庭照片提问:how many people are there in my family? who are they?”大家试着猜一猜,用句子:”there are …people in the picture. they are my….”来回答。小组里进行猜一猜的活动。

教师让学生猜一猜自己的照片:(把照片在孩子面前晃一下)问:how many people are there in my family?。学生说:“there are 6 people in your family.”教师说:“my family has 6 members.”

教师提问一些学生how many people are there in the picture?将答案写在黑板上,再请孩子用my family has … members.的句型说一说。


教师指着人数较少的家庭说:“that’s only 3”学生跟读练习。


播放课件,让孩子边听边看。但学生在最后一组对话发生疑问时,教师说:“but, that’s only 6.”学生提出疑问时,教师指着小狗说:“gee, and my little puppy.”节puppy的含义。


7、let’s count


教师和学生一起总结:问:“how many apples are there on the tree?”引导学生回答。


(三)趣味操练 (practice)

1、who are they?

教师快速出示amy 的家庭成员照片,让孩子猜猜who are they? 学生小组游戏。


一学生蒙上眼睛,几组学生分别clap hands、step feet、knock at the door, 让孩子猜一猜how many people are there?

(四) 扩展性活动(add-activities)



how many people are there in your family?

who are they?

my family has …members



unit 6 meet my family

how many people are there in your family?

who are they?

my family has 7 members.

but that’s only 6






2.配套的教学课件 unit 4/b/ let’s learn]







how many boys are there in our classroom?

how many girls are there in our classroom?

how many desks are there in our classroom?


针对how many …?学生在小组中进行问答练习。

listen and act




(二)呈现新课 (presentation)

教师出示read and write部分的课件,问“what can you see?”学生根据情况说出家庭成员的单词。

教师出示词卡,孩子抢答单词,指导每个词读音时提醒学生注意每个单词的最后尾音(mother father sister brother)




教师贴出图片,问:“can you spell these words?”学生回答并拼出单词。教师把家庭成员的单词写在黑板上的四线三格中。


7、学生独立填写write and say.的内容,填完后,大声读一读。小组分角色朗读练习。

(三)趣味操练 (practice)






(四) 扩展性活动(add-activities)

教师出示图画“小熊lulu的一家”,学生用句型:how many people are there in lulu’s family? who are they? 等进行对话。(一个孩子扮演lulu)



重点:词汇:doctor, nurse, driver, farmer, baseball player.

句型:what’s your father? my father is a doctor.

难点:单词发音:baseball player

my father is a doctor.中的“a” 的强调。








1.做“what’s missing”游戏:教师使用词卡father, mother, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother, 让学生认读,然后抽出其中一张,让学生再次认读后说出少了哪一张。







是我student 人人夸。

a song《come and see my family》

(二)呈现新课 (presentation)

about the family: how many people are there in your family? who are they?

2.模仿老师说句子,做连锁游戏:my mother is thin, she likes music. what about your mother/father/brother/sister…?

3.教师指着自己说:i’m a teacher. 再指着一名学生说:he is a student.然后自问自答:what’s he? he is a student. 教师问学生:what’s he? 引导他们说出:he is a student.

4.教师分别拿出画有医生、护士和农民的图片,问学生:what’s he/she?引导他们说出:he/ she is a doctor/nurse/farmer.并教读这三个单词。

5.教师分别拿出画有baseball player和driver的图片,启发学生通过提问what’s he/she?来得知答案。并学习baseball player, driver.



what’s your father? my father is a doctor. he’s tall. he likes sport.

what’s your brother? he’s a baseball player. he’s strong. he likes sports.

what’s your mother? my mother is a nurse. she’s thin. she likes music.

what’s your father? my father is a driver. he’s fat. he likes playing computer games.

what’s your grandpa? he’s a farmer. he likes painting.


8.看let’s learn(b)的动画课件,学习单词。


10. 学生给动画配音,用其他职业单词作替换练习。

11.教师引导学生模仿从事各种职业的动作,教师发指令“act like …”

12. 让学生看let’s do的动画课件,边看边学说并模仿做动作。

13.两人一组根据操练let’s do的内容,一人发指令,一人做动作。教师可适当告诉学生一些其他职业的词汇。

(三)趣味操练 (practice)

1.猜猜看。教师请一个学生上来表演人物,要求表演出人物的职业、外貌特征和兴趣爱好,让其他学生猜:he is a…/ he’s …/he likes…



比赛规则:教师准备好写有英文单词doctor, farmer, nurse, driver, teacher, student, baseball player的单词卡。每个小组依次到教室前面参加比赛。比赛前,小组内的第一名学生坐在椅子上,其他学生面对该名学生蹲在地上。教师站在这名学生的椅子后面,手拿单词卡放在他的头上。比赛计时3分钟,教师最好指派一名学生帮忙计时。比赛开始,教师出示第一张单词卡,蹲在地上的学生要看着这个单词用动作或语言来表述出此单词的含义。(如用语言表达则不能直接说出单词的中文意思,如果说出,视为犯规。)坐在椅子上的学生要根据组内同学的表述来说出英文单词。猜对计分并换人。第二名学生坐在椅子上,继续猜词。如有学生没猜对单词则不能换人,教师出示下一张单词卡让该学生继续猜,直到猜中单词时才可换人。按此规则小组内的学生轮流坐到椅子上进行猜词,直到计时停止,比赛结束。最后看哪个小组猜对的词最多,得分最多,哪个小组就获胜。


let’s sing: 《my father is a doctor》

教师播放歌曲,学生学唱。然后用其他词汇替换演唱歌曲,如“my mother is a teacher.”。


重点:句型is this your…? what’s your…? he looks…

难点:句型:they look young. are they farmers?


1. 不同人物的图片

2. 教材相配套的教学录音带

3. 单词卡片

4. 学生带父母亲的单人照和家庭相册。

5. 教材相配套的教学课件。



1. 教师出示单词卡,让学生认读单词:baseball player, driver, doctor, farmer, nurse

2. let’s do: act like a teacher/doctor/nurse/farmer/driver/baseball player.

(二)呈现新课 (presentation)

1. 教师提问:what’s your mother/father? 学生回答问题后,继续问其他学生。

2. let’s chant:听录音,学歌谣。可采用一问一答的形式唱歌谣。

3. 教师出示一人物图片,说:look! he looks strong.教师出示另一张人物图片问:does he look strong? 引导学生回答:no. he looks fat. 教师再出示其他人物图片,让学生用he/she looks…来表达。

4. 教师找两个较瘦的学生到前面来,指着他们说:they look thin. 然后教师出示一些图片,让学生说they look…

5. 教师指着一学生家庭照片上的人物问:is this your mother/father? 启发学生回答:yes, she /he is. no, she/he isn’t.

6. 教师指着一学生照片上的两位老人说:they look old. are they your grandpa and grandma?引导学生回答:yes, they are my grandpa and grandma. 教师再继续问:are they workers ?鼓励学生用yes, they are. no, they aren’t.来回答。

7. 教师分别出示amy的叔叔,姨,爸爸、妈妈和爷爷、奶奶的图片,问学生:who are they?

8. 让学生观看教学课件后回答问题。

出示uncle的图片问:who’s this man?

出示aunt的图片问:is this amy’s aunt?

出示father的图片问:is this amy’s father?

出示mother的图片问:what’s her mother?

出示grandpa和grandma的图片问:who are they? are they farmers?

10. 听录音,跟读课文。

11. 两人一组给对话中的人物配音。

12. 两人一组用自己的家庭照片模仿本课做对话练习。

(三)趣味操练 (practice)


1. 教师课前收集学生父母的照片,分别出示给全班学生看,让他们用句型is this your…?来猜照片上是谁的父母。

2. 教师每次找三至四个学生到前面来,小声告诉他们一种职业,让他们用肢体语言表现出来。其他学生通过他们的动作表情,用are they…?来猜他们所表演的是哪种职业。

(四) 扩展性活动(add-activities)

try to chant.

work, work, work, work!

people work every day.

fathers work.

mothers work.

teachers work.

nurses work.

work at home.

work at school.

work every where.

work, work, work, work!


unit 6 meet my family

he looks strong.

is this your…?

yes, she/he is.

what’s your…?

he/she is…


本课时在上一课时的基础上,进一步在情景中学习句型is this your...? he/she looks... what's he/she? they look... are they...? 本课时的内容和学生的实际生活贴近,学生对该话题感到亲切,教学新句型时教师运用学生的家庭照片,在师生的对话中自然的呈现新知和操练句型,有助于学生更好的掌握和操练对话。本堂课教学层次分明,教师引导适当,发挥了学生在学习中的主体地位。


重点:单词nurse, doctor, farmer, driver的拼写。

难点:i’m going to be a…


1.图片nurse, doctor, farmer, driver




一 热身/复习(warm-up/revision)

1.口语练习:how many people are there in your family?

who are they?

what are they?

2.让学生改编b部分的chant, 然后表演出来。教师对表现出色的应即使给予奖励。

二 呈现新课 (presentation)



3.教师:i’m a teacher , but you are students now. what are you going to be?(教师指着图片提示学生:are you going to be a driver?) 引导学生说出:i’m going to be a…

4.教师可根据学生的实际情况扩展一些职业词汇:public servant , businessman / businesswoman, soldier, tailor, architect, waiter/waitress, journalist, carpenter.

5. 当学生说出i’m going to be a driver, nurse, doctor, farmer时,问学生can you spell this word?



8. 教师出示write and say部分的内容,让学生看图独立完成短文。

9.通过read and write部分的动画来学习本部分的内容。

10.学生小组为单位,模仿write and say部分表演,拿出自己的家庭照片,介绍自己的家庭。

三 趣味操练 (practice)





四 扩展性活动(add-activities)

1.做let’s check练习:教师播放录音,让学生勾出与录音内容相符的一项,录音内容为:

1) is this your grandpa? yes, he is.

2) how many people are there in your family? there are five.

3) my aunt is a teacher. she is pretty.

4) show me the word “brother”, b-r-o-t-h-e-r.

2.做let’s find out练习


单词有:doctor, sister, father, driver, mother, nurse, baby.


period 1:warming up, speaking & listening

step 1. greetings and warming-up

greet the students as usual.

ask the ss to talk about their hometown and their houses.

qs: where are you from, a city or a small town?

can you describe the buildings in your hometown?

what kind of buildings do you live in, a traditional house or an apartment?

show students two pictures, a tall building and a traditional yard.

t: what can you see in the two pictures?

what is the difference between them?

(when the ss describe the pictures, remind the students to think about the differences in the two pictures. the students may have different opinions. encourage them to think out reasons as many as possible. they may have a discussion.)

suggested answers:

block of flats traditional house



the rooms are big.

every flat has a toilet and bathroom.

not much contact with their neighbors.

people often feel lonely.

flat roof.


the rooms are small.

sometimes no toilet or bathroom.

life is much more interesting. neighbors get on well with each other. people can grow flowers in the yard.

the roof is sloping.(why?)

in which house would you prefer to live? why?

s: i like living in ….because….

i prefer living…

i’d rather live…

the students should tell others their reasons to support their choices. for example, living in the small house makes me feel warm. i like making friends with my neighbors. it looks like a big family. encourage them to express their ideas freely.

t: buildings in the different places are different. so what words and phrases do you think will be useful when you want to talk about art and architecture?

show the students some different kinds of houses , ask them to describe them.

collect their answers.( appearance: high, low, great, the palaces were large and beautiful, and they often looked like something out of a fairy tale.;materials: brick, stone, steel ,glass, wood…)

t: if you were free to design your own dream house, what would that house look like? what materials would you use? explain why you made certain choices about your dream house?

architect: one who designs the construction of buildings or other large structures.

give the students enough time to discuss the question. collect their answers.

step 2 speaking

books open, page 18. ask the students to listen to the sample dialogue and follow the tape. study the useful expressions. remind them to learn the structure how to express their preferences.

practice. ask them to look at the pictures and choose the item they prefer. try to explain the reasons.

two tasks: one is to talk about traditional and classical furniture. and the second task is choosing a picture to decorate their room.

t: in your dream houses, are there any chairs?

(show some chairs) which one do you like? why?

when they answer the question, encourage them to use expressions in the following table. a moment later, ask them to act out their own dialogue.

sample dialogue:

a: which do you like better, classical chairs or modern chairs?

b: i prefer modern chairs.

a: why?

b: in my opinion, modern chairs are lighter and more colorful. they are comfortable.


step 3 : preparation for listening

t: you have already designed your own dream house , it is time to buy some furniture. what kind of furniture will you buy? and why do you prefer them?

have a short discussion in pairs. you can introduce names of furniture, such as heater, air-conditioner and so on.

step 4. listening.

books open, page 18, listening part. it is a talk between a young married couple, danny and amy and a shop assistant.. they want to buy some furniture for their new house. ask the students to go though the exercises and make sure what to do.

play the tape twice for the students to listen and finish the exercises by themselves. they may check the answers in pairs.

then play it a third time for the students to check their answers. check them with the whole class in the end.

step rk

te your bedroom and classroom. and talk about your decoration.

out about the history of art and architecture, names of artists and architects, famous buildings and works of art in the world as much as possible. share the ideas with others.

period 2&3: reading

step1: pre-reading

----enjoy pictures of both modern architecture and classical architecture

1. greetings

t: we’ve really had a wonderful tour around the world last time, seeing the marvelous architecture home and abroad, modern and classical. i hope you enjoy that… but i wonder if all of you can recognize some of the most famous architecture.

torming or guessing game

---name the pictures: sydney house; the eiffel tower; the temple of heaven…

q: among all of these pictures, which ones are different from others? or you may say which ones belong to modern architecture.

ss: …

q: how do you know which ones belong to modern architecture? what’s the difference between modern architecture and classical (ancient) architecture?

ss: …

t: if you want to know more and to enjoy the beauty of modern architecture, you’d better join us, as we are going to have a new journey, the journey to the world of modern architecture.

step2: while-reading

1. fast- reading

----find the difference between modern architecture and classical architecture in the text.

q: what’s the difference between modern architecture and classical architecture?


modern architecture classical architecture

materials steel, iron, glass… stone, brick, wood…

characteristics huge; like boxes; unfriendly beautiful, closer to nature

q: what kind of materials is used? what other materials do you know?

q: what’s the characteristic? how do people feel towards modern architecture?

2. careful-reading

----find out the information according to the key words

modern architecture

q1: when was modernism invented? -----1920s

q2: how many architects are there in the text? ---antonio gaudi/ wright

q3: where were they from? ----spanish/ american architect

q4: what did gaudi want to be used in his works? what’s the characteristic of his architecture? how is his architecture like?

----natural materials/ like a dream, full of fantastic colors and shapes.

q5: what inspired wright? ----japanese seashells

q6: how many examples are there in the text?

----the opera house/ the new olympic stadium

q7: how do they look like? ----seashell/ nest

q8: why do we call the olympic stadium in beijing” the bird’s nest”?

q9: what do they (two architects / two examples) have in common? ---nature

3. listening

----while listening, pay attention to the key points in the text.

step3. post-reading

1. task 1: interview (group work)

2. task2: design (group work)

--- design the architecture of a new school.

---report four elements: what kind of materials is used? / why do you design in this way? / how do the architecture look like? / what’s the style?

step4. homework

1. exchange designs with your classmates and exhibit them.

2. report what you have learned about modern architecture next time.

period 4: language study

step 1, lead-in

t: hello, everybody, yesterday we have seen a lot of wonderful modern architectures and got to know some famous architects. today i’d like to introduce you one of my friends. he is an architect. who can tell me the meaning of “architect”. (a person who designs buildings). he lived in this house when he was young. do you think this house beautiful or not beautiful? (not beautiful) can you use another word to replace “not beautiful”. (ugly). so when he became an architect, he designed some pretty houses. not long ago he designed a new house for me. let’s go and see my new house.

step 2, vocabulary

t: welcome to my new house. could you say something about my new home?

t: i’m not alone here, because i have two neighbors. do you know who are they and where they live? (nest, dog house)

t: let’s learn some new words of house.

(balcony concrete nest brick roof)

try to remember these new words, then fill in the blanks.

an area with a wall or bars around it, joined to the outside wall of a building ________________.

a strong construction material which is a mixture of stone, and sand and water _________________

a shelter made by a bird to hold its eggs and young ____________

the structure on the top of a building to keep the rain out_________

step 3, word study

t: can you tell me which is the most ancient building in my yard? (nest)

a nest is to a bird what a house to a man.

who can tell me the meaning of this sentence?


t: good. let’s try another one

water is to fish what air is to men.


t: well done. these two sentences have something in common-they are using the same sentence pattern. what is it?

→a is to b what c is to d

t: very good. now i will show you more pictures, you should find out the relationship between these pictures, and create sentences using the above pattern.

fur is to a fox what the_____is to a banana.

____are to a house what words are to a text.

an architect is to____________what a painter is to art.

a___is to a boat what an engine is to a car.

a____is to a fisherman what a gun is to a hunter.

arms are to the body what_______are to a tree.

step 4, grammar

t: i’m very glad that you like my new home. our new school is far away from the downtown, so a new market is build near our school. i’ll guide you to the market to see what you can do there.

show the ss the picture and ask them to describe it.

--what can you see in the market?

--let’s see what can we do here?

give examples: i can have my hair cut here.

i can have my bike mended.

ask the ss to make similar sentences.

t: in all these sentences we use a sentence pattern-“have something done”.

now let’s see the pairs of sentences, and compare a and b.

a: i can have my bike mended

b: i can have the car waiting for me.

a: i found myself tied to a tree.

b: i found myself walking in a forest.

watch more sentences on page 22.

examine all the sentences carefully, and find out when we use –ing form and when we use –ed form.

→ passive voice: -ed

active voice: -ing

look at the pictures, can you find out another difference between –ing form and –ed form.

let’s do some exercises.


did you find the city done?

when will he ever get the work greatly changed?

she can’t make herself called.

next week i’ll have my bedroom understood.

you’ve got to keep the door locked.

i got the watch repaired.

she heard her name decorated


i don’t want any bad words____(say) about him behind his back.

please get the work____(do) as soon as possible.

i’ll have the materials_____(send) to you next monday morning.

she won’t have her long and beautiful hair____ (cut) short.

you should make your voice______(hear).

i want you to keep me_________(inform) of how things are going with you.

the rent sounds reasonable. how would you like it________(pay).

at last i succeeded in making myself__________(understand).

we’ll move to the new school, and four people will share one room. there will be a competition on decorating your room. the most beautiful and most special room will he the winner. now work in groups of four to design your room. five minutes later the group leaders should give a simple report. and pay attention to use –ed form in your report. here are some phrases to help you:

step 5, homework

ok page 97, exercises 1-5

ok page 98, exercises 1-2

period 5: integrating skills

step 1. revision:

( talk about new house decoration to revise the grammar: have… done)

--- dear class, i’m especially happy these days, because i’ve just bought a new house. it’s very beautiful. look, here it is. i want to share my happiness with you. so would you like to help me design my house? how should i decorate my room? please discuss it and give me some advice, ok?

--- you should have your walls painted white.

--- you had better have … done.

a few minutes later, call out some pairs to report their design.

--- ok, which group will give me good suggestions?

--- thank you very much! you’re good designers. i’ll decorate my room according to your design.

step 2. lead-in

( talk about how to deal with the old house.)

--- now after i finished decorating the rooms, i moved into my new beautiful house. but what should i do to deal with my old house? should i pull it down? no, i don’t want to do that. anyway it’s so lovely a house. should i let it stand empty? no, not a good idea. i want to give it a second life. what shall i do? please discuss again in groups and this time give me advice on how to deal with the old house.

ss discuss and give advice.

--- wow, you have so many wonderful ideas! i think i like to change it into a beautiful teahouse and i can rent it to somebody else since i am too busy to run it myself. and thus i can give my old house a second life. thank you very much! would you like to come in and have a cup of tea in my teahouse some day?

step 3. fast reading on “ factory 798 ”

--- thank you for your ideas to give my old house a second life. and the same story goes with another old factory which is no longer used in beijing. it is the famous place called “factory 798”. has anybody ever heard of that? if no, let’s open our books and read the passage on page 23. try to find out: “what is factory 798? ”

ss fast reading for a few minutes.

--- who has found out the answer?

→ an old army factory ; an arts centre;

step 4. careful reading

--- now let’s get some detailed information about factory 798. please read the second paragraph of the passage carefully again and find out:

--- what was factory 798 like?

→ huge factory halls of bricks

→ small round windows that remind you of ships

→ bent roofs

→ 20-foot high walls of glass

more questions on the screen to guide the reading:

1. when was factory 798 built? who designed it? who built it?

2. why is it very different from chinese architecture?

--- we’ve known that factory 798 was built in 1950s. as time went by and things developed, what happened to it then?

→ no longer used/ needed

→ stood empty

--- what has happened to it now?

→ turned into an arts center

more questions:

3. how did factory 798 turn into an arts center?

4. why was factory 798 welcomed by painters, music bands, artists and musicians?

step 5. listening and reading

--- now, let’s listen to the tape and get a better understanding of the text. please follow the tape in a low voice and pay attention to the pronunciation of the new words and phrases which you’re not sure of. at the same time, please try to find out the following new language points in the text and see how much you can understand them in english.

show the language points on the screen.

1. pull down

2. stand

3. with… aid

4. remind … of

5. set aside

step 6. retelling

--- now it’s time for you to read the text by yourselves and try to summarize the text. that is to say, suppose you are a journalist from cctv 9 and you’ve just paid a visit to the famous factory 798. please make a tv program to introduce factory 798 to our citizens in your own words. i’ll give you three minutes to read through the text by yourselves and get prepared for the retelling, ok?

step 7. discussion

--- in almost every city around the world, there are old buildings which are no longer used, such as schools, hospitals, factories or even churches. what do you think people should do with them? why?

→to pull down the old buildings and set up new modern ones to keep up with the pace of the society.

→new uses should be given to old special buildings. it’s a great way to save the architecture from the past.

step 8. writing.

--- since we all agree that giving the old special buildings new uses is a great way to save the architecture from the past, now it’s time for you to have a practice and show your ability. you know our school is moving to the new campus now and the old campus will be left empty then. suppose you are young painters, artists, musicians, and you can rent some parts of the school building to practice. how do you want to change the school buildings? what new uses can be given to the old school buildings? please work in groups and make a plan about it.

step 9. homework.

1. finish the program about factory 798 as a tv reporter.

2. finish your plan about how to reuse our old school buildings.

in this unit you have learnt about art and architecture. how comfortable do you feel doing each of the skills below?

the things i can do evaluation

i can understand and read about art and architecture. 5 4 3 2 1

i can describe buildings and works of art. 5 4 3 2 1

i can tell the differences between traditional architecture and modern architecture. 5 4 3 2 1

i can express my preferences in english. 5 4 3 2 1

i can draw and talk about floor plans of a building. 5 4 3 2 1

i can use the past participle as the object complement. 5 4 3 2 1

i can remember and use the new words and expressions in new situations. 5 4 3 2 1


topic: art and architecture

ate the students’ interests in talking about art and architecture

ate the students’ ability of speaking, reading, discussing.

the students to learn some useful words and expressions: architecture, architect, prefer, design, style

i would not feel happy if …

i would not feel happy if ….

i don not get very excited about …

i really prefer…

i can not stand

teaching important point:

1. enable the students to master the ways of discussing differences between modern and traditional things, to encourage them to talk about their preference.

2. help the students to learn about the past participle: used as object complement

teaching difficult point:

inspire the students to express their design of house.

teaching methods: free talk, communicative method to improve students’ speaking ability and communicative skills.

teaching aids: multimedia. recorder.

teaching procedures:

period 1: warming-up and speaking

period 2: reading

period 3: language study

period 4: listening and writing

period 5: integrating skills

period 1:warming up and speaking

step 1. greetings and warming-up

t: good morning, class.

s: good morning, miss qiu.

t: where are you from, a city or a small town?

can you describe the buildings in your hometown?

what kind of buildings do you live in, a traditional house or an apartment?

s: …

(show students two pictures, a tall building and a traditional yard.)

t: what can you see in the two pictures?

s: we can see two different styles of house: block of flats and traditional house.

t: what is the difference between them?

suggested answers:

block of flats traditional house



the rooms are big.

every flat has a toilet and bathroom.

not much contact with their neighbors.

people often feel lonely.

flat roof.

… old-style.

the rooms are small.

sometimes no toilet or bathroom.

life is much more interesting. neighbors get on well with each other. people can grow flowers in the yard.

the roof is sloping.(why?)

t: in which house would you prefer to live? why?

s: i like living in …. because….

i prefer living…

i’d rather live…

(for example, living in the small house makes me feel warm. i like making friends with my neighbors. it looks like a big family. encourage them to express their ideas freely.)

t: buildings in the different places are different. so what words and phrases do you think will be useful when you want to talk about art and architecture?

(show the students some different kinds of houses, and ask them to describe them.)

s: appearance: high, low, great. the palaces were large and beautiful, and they often looked like something out of a fairy tale.;materials: brick, stone, steel, glass, wood…

t: if you were free to design your own dream house, what would that house look like? what materials would you use? explain why you made certain choices about your dream house?

s: ……

step 2 speaking

t: now let’s move to the speaking part. turn to p18. please listen to the sample dialogue .pay attention to the ways how to express their preferences.

(after listening to the dialogue for once)

t: ok! the dialogue is about two persons talking about their preference for styles of architecture. the noun form of “prefer” is “preference”. the stress should be put on the first syllable. please read the word after me .

s: ……

t: there are some useful expressions in the dialogue. such as “i wouldn’t feel happy if …”

“i prefer something that…” “i don’t get very excited…”

t: now please look at the pictures and talk with your partner which of the things below you prefer. try to explain why you prefer one thing to another.

s: …

(show some chairs on the screen)

t: in your dream houses, are there any chairs? which one do you like? why?

sample dialogue:

a: which do you like better, classical chairs or modern chairs?

b: i prefer modern chairs.

a: why?

b: in my opinion, modern chairs are lighter and more colorful. they are comfortable.

step 3 . homework

decorate your bedroom and classroom. and talk about your decoration.

period 2: reading

step1: pre-reading

(show pictures of both modern architecture and classical architecture)

t: we’ve really had a wonderful tour around the world last time, seeing the marvelous architecture home and abroad, modern and classical. i hope you enjoy that… but i wonder if all of you can recognize some of the most famous architecture.

s: sydney house; the eiffel tower; the temple of heaven…

t: among all of these pictures, which ones belong to modern architecture?

s: …

t: how do you know which ones belong to modern architecture? what’s the difference between modern architecture and classical architecture?

s: …

t: if you want to know more and to enjoy the beauty of modern architecture, you’d better join us, as we are going to have a new journey, the journey to the world of modern architecture.(show modern architecture on the screen)

step2: while-reading

1. fast- reading

t: q1:wha’s the difference between modern architecture and classical architecture?

q2: what kind of materials is used? what other materials do you know?

q3: what’s the characteristic? how do people feel towards modern architecture?


modern architecture classical architecture

materials steel, iron, glass… stone, brick, wood…

characteristics huge; like boxes; unfriendly beautiful, closer to nature

2. careful-reading

t: now please find out the information according to the key words on the screen.

modern architecture

q1: when was modernism invented? -----1920s

q2: how many architects are there in the text? ---antonio gaudi/ wright

q3: what did gaudi want to be used in his works? what’s the characteristic of his architecture? how is his architecture like?

----natural materials/ like a dream, full of fantastic colors and shapes.

q4: what inspired wright? ----japanese seashells

q5: how many examples are there in the text?

----the opera house/ the new olympic stadium

q6: how do they look like? ----seashell/ nest

q7: what do they (two architects / two examples) have in common? ---nature

3. listening

t: while listening, please pay attention to the key points in the text. (show the key points on the screen)

step3. post-reading

interview (group work)

step4. homework

report what you have learned about modern architecture next time.

period 3: language study

step 1 lead-in

t: hello, everybody, yesterday we have seen a lot of wonderful modern architectures and got to know some famous architects. today i’d like to introduce you one of my friends. he is an architect. who can tell me the meaning of “architect”. (a person who designs buildings). he lived in this house when he was young. do you think this house beautiful or not beautiful? (not beautiful) can you use another word to replace “not beautiful”. (ugly). so when he became an architect, he designed some pretty houses. not long ago he designed a new house for me. let’s go and see my new house.

step 2 vocabulary

t: welcome to my new house. could you say something about my new home?

t: i’m not alone here, because i have two neighbors. do you know who are they and where they live? (nest, dog house)

t: let’s learn some new words of house.

(balcony concrete nest brick roof)

try to remember these new words, then fill in the blanks.

1. an area with a wall or bars around it, joined to the outside wall of a building ________________.

2.a strong construction material which is a mixture of stone, and sand and water _________________

3.a shelter made by a bird to hold its eggs and young ____________

structure on the top of a building to keep the rain out_________

step 3 word study

t: can you tell me which is the most ancient building in my yard? (nest)

a nest is to a bird what a house to a man.

who can tell me the meaning of this sentence?


t: good. let’s try another one

water is to fish what air is to men.


t: well done. these two sentences have something in common-they are using the same sentence pattern. what is it?

s: →a is to b what c is to d

t: very good. now i will show you more pictures, you should find out the relationship between these pictures, and create sentences using the above pattern.

fur is to a fox what the_____is to a banana.

____are to a house what words are to a text.

an architect is to_______what a painter is to art.

a___is to a boat what an engine is to a car.

a____is to a fisherman what a gun is to a hunter.

arms are to the body what_______are to a tree.

step 4 grammar

t: i’m very glad that you like my new home. our new school is far away from the downtown, so a new market is build near our school. i’ll guide you to the market to see what you can do there.

(show the ss the picture and ask them to describe it.)

t: what can you see in the market? let’s see what can we do here?

for examples: i can have my hair cut here. i can have my bike mended.

please make similar sentences.


t: in all these sentences we use a sentence pattern-“have something done”.

now let’s see the pairs of sentences, and compare a and b.

a: i can have my bike mended

b: i can have the car waiting for me.

a: i found myself tied to a tree.

b: i found myself walking in a forest.

t: when we use –ing form, we are using passive voice. when we use –ed form, we are using active voice.

→ passive voice: -ed

active voice: - ing

t: now let’s do some exercises.


did you find the city done?

when will he ever get the work greatly changed?

she can’t make herself called.

next week i’ll have my bedroom understood.

you’ve got to keep the door locked.

i got the watch repaired.

she heard her name decorated


i don’t want any bad words____(say) about him behind his back.

please get the work____(do) as soon as possible.

i’ll have the materials_____(send) to you next monday morning.

she won’t have her long and beautiful hair____ (cut) short.

you should make your voice______(hear).

i want you to keep me_________(inform) of how things are going with you.

the rent sounds reasonable. how would you like it________(pay).

at last i succeeded in making myself__________(understand).

we’ll move to the new school, and four people will share one room. there will be a competition on decorating your room. the most beautiful and most special room will he the winner. now work in groups of four to design your room. five minutes later the group leaders should give a simple report. and pay attention to use –ed form in your report.

step 5 homework

ok page 97, exercises 1-5

ok page 98, exercises 1-2

period4: listening and writing

step 1 : greeting and warming up

t: the national day is coming. i know most students in our class are waiting for the exciting day, so am i .on holiday ,we can do many exciting things. such as going shopping, visiting beautiful place, visiting good friends…now i will ask some students to share your ideas. **, please, what are you going to do on the national day?

s: …

t: what about you? what’s your opinion?

s: …

t: on national day, what cloth will you put on? school uniforms or cloth with personal style?

t: …

t: i think most students in our class will put on cloth with personal style ,because this kind of cloth can make us feel confident .right?

s :…

t: it is time to buy some furniture. what kind of furniture will you buy? and why do you prefer them?


t: for most young person, their choices in buying furniture is very much like buying clothes, while old people often choose traditional furniture that is made of strong materials and can be used for a long time .

step 2. listening

t: today, we are going to learn the listening part . turn to p18. this dialogue is about a young married couple, danny and amy and a shop assistant.. they want to buy some furniture for their new house. they visit a shop and talk with a shop assistant about their tastes and preferences.

(play the tape twice for the students to listen and finish the exercises by themselves. they may check the answers in pairs. then play it a third time for the students to check their answers. check them with the whole class in the end..)

step 3. writing

t: do you think the building in our school is beautiful?”

s1: it is very beautiful…

s2: the school looks like a desert ,the walls are white-washed and there aren’t any art works on them.

t: we think the building would be more beautiful if the school would be decorated with paintings ,photos and art works. we think art in the school could give us many new experiences and enrich our lives. but suppose that the school does not have a lot of money. how can our school be decorated? now please work in groups of 4 to make a plan that show how the whole school can be decorated? i will give you 3 minutes to have a discussion.

suggest answer:

1. mangy art works ca be made by teachers and students.

2. art posters can be used for decorating.

step 4. homework.

t: please write a letter to the headmaster explaining how you want to decorate the school with art works. describe the art of your choice, what function it should have in your school and why it is important to have art in school buildings.

paragraph1. explain why the school should be decorated.

paragraph2. explain what function the art should have in the school.

paragraph3. describe different types of art works that could be chosen and where they should be hung up in the school.

paragraph4. discuss the different prices of different art works and write a plan to decorate the school as well as possible using little money .

period 5: integrating skills

step 1. revision:

t: dear class, i’m especially happy these days, because i’ve just bought a new house. it’s very beautiful. look, here it is. i want to share my happiness with you. so would you like to help me design my house? how should i decorate my room? please discuss it and give me some advice, ok?

(show them the sentence pattern on the screen to revise the grammar.

--- you should have your walls painted white.

--- you had better have … done. )

t: now i will call out some pairs to report their design. which group will give me good suggestions?


t: thank you very much! you’re good designers. i’ll decorate my room according to your design.

step 2. lead-in

t: now after i finished decorating the rooms, i moved into my new beautiful house. but what should i do to deal with my old house? should i pull it down? no, i don’t want to do that. anyway it’s so lovely a house. should i let it stand empty? no, not a good idea. i want to give it a second life. what shall i do? please discuss again in groups and this time give me advice on how to deal with the old house.


t: wow, you have so many wonderful ideas! i think i like to change it into a beautiful teahouse and i can rent it to somebody else since i am too busy to run it myself. and thus i can give my old house a second life. thank you very much! would you like to come in and have a cup of tea in my teahouse some day?

step 3. fast reading on “ factory 798 ”

t: thank you for your ideas to give my old house a second life. and the same story goes with another old factory which is no longer used in beijing. it is the famous place called “factory 798”. has anybody ever heard of that? if no, let’s open our books and read the passage on page 23. try to find out: “what is factory 798? ” i will give you 2 minutes.

(a few minutes later. )

t: who has found out the answer?

s: → an old army factory ; an arts centre;

step 4. listening and reading

t: now, let’s listen to the tape and get a better understanding of the text. please follow the tape in a low voice and pay attention to the pronunciation of the new words and phrases which you’re not sure of. at the same time, please try to find out the following new language points in the text and see how much you can understand them in english.

( show the language points on the screen. )

1. pull down

2. stand

3. with… aid

4. remind … of

5. set aside

step 5. careful reading

t: now let’s get some detailed information about factory 798. please read the second paragraph of the passage carefully again and find out:

q1:what was factory 798 like?

→ huge factory halls of bricks

→ small round windows that remind you of ships

→ bent roofs

→ 20-foot high walls of glass

q2:when was factory 798 built?

--- we’ve known that factory 798 was built in 1950s.

q3:as time went by and things developed, what happened to it then?

→ no longer used/ needed

→ stood empty

q4: what has happened to it now?

→ turned into an arts center

q5:why was factory 798 welcomed by painters, music bands, artists and musicians?

(check the answers with ss one by one, explain the language points meanwhile. explain some difficult sentences in the text at the same time)

step 6. retelling

t: now it’s time for you to read the text by yourselves and try to summarize the text. that is to say, suppose you are a journalist from cctv 9 and you’ve just paid a visit to the famous factory 798. please make a tv program to introduce factory 798 to our citizens in your own words. i’ll give you three minutes to read through the text by yourselves and get prepared for the retelling, ok?

s: …

step 7. discussion

t: in almost every city around the world, there are old buildings which are no longer used, such as schools, hospitals, factories or even churches. what do you think people should do with them? why?

s1: to pull down the old buildings and set up new modern ones to keep up with the pace of the society.

s2: new uses should be given to old special buildings. it’s a great way to save the architecture from the past.

step 8. homework.

1. finish the program about factory 798 as a tv reporter.

2. make your plan about how to reuse our old school buildings.





1.句型:the suit was so expensive that he could not buy it. 2) we were so busytalking that i forgot to pay.

2.语法:过去完成时态(1)(the past perfect tense)

3.日常交际用语:〔购物(shopping) 〕1) can i help you? 2) i'm looking for a pair ofshoes. 3) what size do you want? 4) how much does it (do they) cost? 5) have yougot any other colour/size/kind? 6) can i try it (them) on, please? 7) that's tooexpensive. have you got anything cheaper? 8) that's cheap. i'll have it, please.9) that's a bit expensive. i'll think about it. i don't think i'll take it. 10)none of them are the right size. they are either too big or too small.



参考教案 unit 21 shopping 第八十一课 示例一

第八十一课 lesson eighty-one



2.日常交际用语:学习以下购物用语(shopping): 1) can i help you? 2) i'm looking for a pairof shoes. 3) what size do you want? 4) how much does it (do they) cost? 5) haveyou got any other colour/ size/kind? 6) can i try it (them) on, please? 7)that's too expensive. have you got anything cheaper? 8) that's cheap. i'll have(take) it, please. 9) that's a bit expensive. i'll think about it. 10) i don'tthink i'll take it.




1.复习 值日生报告。


t: today i'm going to do some shopping after school. what am i going tobuy? now look at these shoes of mine.(出示事先准备好的旧鞋。如果穿在脚上,可增加表演效果。)they are tooold. or we may say they are worn out. so i want a new pair of shoes. what sizedo i need? oh, i know, i need size eight.


3.准备听课文第1部分录音,教师用投影仪打出听前提问 (pre-listening questions): 1) what's wrong withthe man's shoes? 2) what does the woman ask him to do?


教师再用投影仪打出课文第2部分的听前提问 (pre-listening questions): 1) what size of the shoesdoes the man want? 2) how much do the shoes cost?









shoes are worn out. 我的鞋穿坏了。

wear out是“穿破、穿坏”的意思。



the window was broken by a boy just now. 窗户刚才被一男孩打破了。(被动语态)

the window is broken. 窗子是破的。(系表结构)

everything was done by his parents. 一切都是由他父母干的。(被动语态)

everything was done. 一切就绪。(系表结构)

2.i'm afraid we haven't got any black shoes in than size at the moment. butwe've got some brown ones. 恐怕我们眼下还没有这种尺寸的黑鞋,但我们有些棕色的。


参考教案 unit 21 shopping 第八十二课 示例一

第八十二课 lesson eighty-two



2.句型:1) they were either too big or too small. 2) that's much tooexpensive.





1.复习 值日生报告。


t: yesterday i went to do some shopping. i wanted to buy a pair of shoesbecause my shoes were worn out. first i went to a small shop, but they didn'thave any shoes. they sold out all the shoes. then i went to another shop. butthe shoes there were either too big or too small (借助手势加以说明). the shopkeeper saidperhaps (or: maybe) they would have more shoes soon. i'll go there again andhave a look.


3.布置学生阅读课文。给学生六分半钟时间(本课计约264个词),允许学生查阅其它个别生词。教师用投影仪打出读前提问 (pre-readingquestions): 1) what was the boy going to do a week later? 2) what did he decideto buy at last?






1)练习朗读本课课文,抄写生词;2)准备复述课文; 3)书面完成练习册习题。


shop was quite new, for it had opened only the week before.商店很新,因为它上一周刚刚开张。


were either too big or too small. 它们(指鞋)要么太大,要么太小。


either you or i must go. 你和我总要有一个人去。

you can either do it yourself, of you can ask someone else to do it.要么你自己做,要么你找人来做。

either the teachers or the head master is in the office.或是老师们,或是校长在办公室。

's cheap. i'll have it, please. 这东西便宜,我买下了。

that's much too expensive. i don't think i'll take it. 这东西太贵了,我不想买。


much可以和too连用,修饰名词或形容词,但位置不同:修饰名词时,用too much;修饰形容词时,用much too。例如:

the doctor asked the fat lady not to eat too much food every day.医生告诫那个胖女士每天不要吃太多的食物。

we can't go out. it's much too cold today! 我们不能出去,今天太冷了!

参考教案 unit 21 shopping 第八十三课 示例一

第八十三课 lesson eighty-three



2.句型: 1) they were so pleased to see each other that they forgot everythingelse. 2)the jacket cost so much that they didn't buy it.






1.复习 教师就第82课课文内容进行提问,学生迅速地给予回答(问题设计可参阅第82课练习1)。


3.给学生四分半钟时间默读课文(本课文计约186个词),教师用投影仪打出读前提问 (pre-reading questions): 1) whatwere john and his friend busy doing in the shop? 2) what did john almost forgetto do?









were so pleased to see each other that they forgot everything else.他们又见面了,高兴得把其它的事都忘了。

句中so…that引导的是表示结果的状语从句。so既可以修饰形容词,也可以修饰副词。例如:the coat was so expensive thathe didn't buy it. 这件外衣太贵了,他没有买。





talked on and on very happily. 他们都很高兴,不停地聊起来。

句中 on and on是副词短语,表示“不停地做某事”。

参考教案 unit 21 shopping 第八十四课 示例一

第八十四课 lesson eighty-four








1.复习 检查第82、83课课文复述。检查前,可将两部分课文录音再放一遍。









































2月13号——3月1号 unit 6

3月2号——3月15号 unit 7

3月16号——3月30号 unit 8

4月1号——4月20号 unit 9

4月21号——5月4号 unit 10

5月5号——期末 总复习


教学过程 批注

一、warm-up & revision

the song “where is the toy car?”


s1:where is my bag?

s2:it’s in the desk.

二、presentation & practice

1.在课件上展示盒子图片,说:“this is a box.”板书box并带读。


t:what’s this?(用手指着小狗)

ss:it’s a dog.

t:where is the dog?

ss:it’s in the box.


3.在课件上呈现一个橙子的图片,说:“this is an ’s orange.”板书orange并带读。

4.教师拍拍自己的身体说:“look!this is my body.”板书body并带读。

5.播放listen,repeat and chant.部分的录音,学生跟读。



8.点学生读read,listen and number.部分的八个单词,提醒学生注意字母o的发音。

9.播放两遍read,listen and number.部分的录音,完成题目。播放第三遍录音,检查题目的答案。



作业设计 在家庭作业本上规范地将本课单词各抄写两行。 板书设计 unit 4 where is my car?

box dog orange body


part b

教学内容 let’s talk let’s play let’s learn let’s do start to read let’s check (c story time)

教学目标 【知识目标】

能够掌握let's learn中的三会单词和let's talk中的重点句子。

【能力目标】会利用句型“—is it in/on/under...?—yes,it is./no,it isn’t.”猜测物品的位置。


教学重点 1.掌握词汇cap,ball,car,boat,map的听、说、认读;

2.句型“—is it in/on/under...?—yes,it is./no,it isn’t.”的运用。

教学难点 1.更加熟练自如地运用where询问物品的方位;


教学准备 课本、录音机、磁带、相关单词卡片、相关物品、课件等。 课时安排 3课时。


教学过程 批注

一、warm-up & revision


2.向学生展示on或in或under的单词卡片,让学生根据单词卡片造句。教师先做示范,如展示on的卡片,可以说:“the ruler in on the book.”


二、presentation & practice

’s learn

(1)教师展示一幅地图,说:“it’s a ,map,map.”板书map并带读。教师利用同样的方法教授cap,ball。

(2)教师展示小汽车图片,说:“it’s a ,car,car.”板书car并带读。利用同样的方法教授boat。


(4)展示let’s learn部分的教学挂图,根据图片中物品的位置问答。如:

t:is the car in the box?yes or no?


t:is the map on the desk?yes or no?


t:where is it?

s2:it’s under the desk.

教师讲解上面对话中的两个一般疑问句的完整回答分别为“yes,it is.”与“no,it isn’t.”


(6)教师在课件上出示几幅展示物品位置的图片,让看图选取一个物品,两人仿照let’s learn部分对话(可适当改编)编对话。如:


s1:where is the ball?is it under the chair?

s2:yes,it is.

’s do

(1)教师一边假装做划船的动作,一边说:“row a boat.”然后反复说三遍,示意让学生跟读。利用同样的方法帮助学生理解“drive a car.”。

(2)教师利用实物球一边做拍球的动作,一边说:“bounce a ball.” 然后反复说三遍,示意让学生跟读。利用同样的方法帮助学生理解“put on a cap.”与“read a map.”。




刚开始学习一般疑问句“is it...?”学生不能回答其完整句子,先引导学生用yes或no回答,再教授其完整答语。


作业设计 1.熟读五个生单词,读给家长听。

2.自主预习let’s talk部分的对话。 板书设计 unit 4 where is my car?

map cap ball car boat

—is it in/on/under the...?

—yes,it is./no,it isn’t.


教学过程 批注

一、warm-up & revision

游戏:低声传话。五人一组进行游戏,第一个学生在第二个学生耳边小声说一个单词,第二个学生在第三个学生耳边说刚听到的单词,再从第三个学生传到第四个学生,第四个学生传到第五个学生,第一个与第五个学生同时说出单词,若说的不一样,整组要受惩罚——合唱“where is the toy car?”


二、presentation & practice

’s talk



this is a is a toy,too.(指着玩具盒里的玩具)

this is a ’s a toy box.(指着玩具盒)

(3)教师介绍对话情境:“mike will go can’t find the is the cap?is it in the toy box?”


(5)播放第二遍录音,回答问题:where is the cap? is it in the toy box?



(8)讲解“have a good time!”的用法。对于询问较多的句子教师要在全班进行讲解。


’s play



s1:where is my pencil box?

s2:is it in the desk?

s1:no,it isn’t.

s2:is it on the desk?

s1:yes,it is.


作业设计 将let’s talk部分的对话读给家长听。

板书设计 unit 4 where is my car?

have a good time!

—where is...?

—is it in/on/under...?

—yes,it is./no,it isn’t.


































2月13号——3月1号 unit 6

3月2号——3月15号 unit 7

3月16号——3月30号 unit 8

4月1号——4月20号 unit 9

4月21号——5月4号 unit 10

5月5号——期末 总复习



1. 课前让学生准备以前学过的五个字母的大写和小写卡片。

2. 让学生准备与本节课相关的单词卡。

一. 热身/复习(warming up)

1. 随着录音机唱一唱abc的歌曲。

2. 猜一猜

把学过的字母a-e 写在卡片上,依次展示卡片的背面,让学生猜字母。对猜对的同学给于口头表扬。

二. 新课呈现(presentation)

1. 游戏(game):


2. 教师将学过的字母一一展示在黑板上,让学生认读,引出字母ff,教读并将大小写出后再教授几遍。用同样的方法教学g g。

3. 出示以这些字母为首字母的单词的相关图片,问what’s this? father和girl在前面已学过,复习一下。

4. 出示图片让学生看let’s say 的部分。问:what can you see、引导学生回答:i can see a man .问;what is he doing?然后指着鱼:what’s this ?can you tell me? 教学教读it’s a fish.用同样的方法教goose,并不时出示单词卡片让学生认读。

三. 趣味操练(practice)

1. 游戏:找朋友

将学过的七个字母按大小写分开,一部分学生拿大写字母卡,一部分拿小写字母卡。让拿大写字母卡的学生分别起立读出手中的字母,那对应小写字母卡的学生跟到他前方举起手中的字母,说:i’m… 两人握手并说:nice to meet you.

2. 将图片与单词卡片同时呈现,让学生找出本课刚学的字母。

3. 教师在四线三格上教写字母,强调学生注意占格,学生观察后在活动手册上描红。

4. 听let’s chant部分的歌谣,学生跟着节奏一起拍手说,


四. 拓展活动(extension)

1.找出我们所学过的单词中分别含有字母f和g的单词(good goodbye girl food friend)

五. 课堂总结(assessment)

1. 让学生总结本课要求会读的单词。

2. 听录音,跟着说唱 chant。

3. 把字母学会。

课 题 unit 2 my family (第四课时)

教学目标 1. 学习本课句型:is she/he your…?. yes, she’s my sister. / no, she’s my mom..

词汇(短语):come on! really? watch tv.

2. 使学生掌握一些感叹词来表达心中的想法,如cool!great!wow!及常用口语 come on!really?

教学重点 1.使学生进一步巩固句型:who’s this girl/boy? she’s/he’s…

is she/he your….? yes,shehe is. no, shehe isn’t.

2.词汇(短语):come on! really? watch tv.

教学难点 本课句型:is she/he your…?及回答yes, she’s my sister. / no, she’s my mom.

教具准备 教材相配套的教学录音带

导学过程 二次备课


1. 课前让学生听录音,复习part a let’s talk的内容:who’s that woman/man? she’s/he’s…

2. 课前让学生准备了一张自己的全家福并练习对话。

一. 热身/复习(warming up)

学生各自拿出自己的全家福,根据part a的句型,两人一组进行操练,表现好的同学奖励贴花。

s1:this is my family。

s2:who’s that woman?

s1:she’s my mother.

s2: who’s that man?

s1: he’s…

二. 新课呈现:(presentation)

1. game: i say you do

让学生在游戏中学习新知识。教师发号口令,学生做动作。教师说:come on, children!

stand up, please! cool!

sit down, please.

open your books.

watch tv. (手指电视,做按遥控器的动作)等。对于学生完成的动作,教师及时给予学生表扬和肯定。如:great!cool!等。

2. 领读词组 come on! watch tv. 并板书。

3. 对读的好的同学适当表扬,用上语气词:wow, cool.

4. 板书wow, cool.,教授几个感叹词,其实此词学生已大多数知道cool! great! wow! 的意思。

5. 让学生看书,听录音边跟读,并注意新授词组 watch tv, come on, 并讲授中文“really?”“how funny!”的发音和释义。特别是语气词一定要读出语气来。

三. 趣味操练(practice)

1. 让学生拿出课前准备的图画,教师指着画中人物问: is she/he your…? 反复问几次,提示学生用yesno 做简单回答。

2. 教读句子:is she your mom? yes, she’s my mom. no, she’s my sister. 表扬读的好的学生:cool/great.

3. listen and number.要求学生根据录音内容及顺序,给对应的图标标号,教师放录音,指导学生标号。

4. 游戏(game)

学生用自己课前准备的画分小组完成let’s practice.中的游戏活动。

四. 课堂总结(assessment)

1. 让学生总结本节课所学的感叹词和常用口语。


课题 unit 2 my family (第五课时)

教学目标 1.能够听、说、认读本课时的主要单词:sister, brother

2.在学习let’s chant 中的歌谣时,要让学生通过有节奏地说唱,复习和巩固本课所学单词。

教学重点 1. 单词sister, brother。

2. 学习let’s chant 中的歌谣

教学难点 能够听懂本单元的小故事。

教具准备 1.教材相配套的教学录音带

2. 本课相关的照片,挂图

导学过程 二次备课


1. 课前先让学生复习本单元part a let’s learn 部分的内容。

2. 让学生准备好与本课相关的照片。

一.热身/复习(warming up)

用句型:is she your …?来做对话。

教师作示范:教师拿出自己家庭成员的不同照片,让学生提问,教师根据提问回答。小组合作:学生以小组为单位(变换小组成员),拿着家庭成员的照片互相询问:“is she/he your …?”



1.教师出示b let’s learn的挂图

教师提问:what can you see? what are they doing? 在挂图中有几个人?他们什么关系?引出单词brother, sister,指导学生认读。


2.在挂图上,你还看到什么?what’s this?依次引出单词“fish,boat,goose,flower”

学生回答:fish, boat, goose, flower等并板书。


教师指着鱼说:wow! what a big fish! 教师做动作并领读句子,提醒学生注意语调,体会句子的意思。


what a big goose!

what a tall tree!

what a nice girl!


great! cool! oh! look! how funny!


5. 教师出示家庭成员的单词卡片,请读的最好的学生到前面来带读,让学生开火车认读。。



1. listen and do听一听,做一做


t: who’s he? who’s he?s: he’s my father.

t: who’s she? who’s she?s: she’s my mother. ….

’s chant

展示let’s chant的挂图,先帮助学生理解chant的意思。




学生们做自己的family tree.

学生们自由走到其他同学那里,谈论家庭成员,运用句型“who’s he/she? is she/he your …?”进行问答。

课题 unit 2 my family (第六课时)

教学目标 1.能够听、说、读、写字母h h, ii,并能听说认读以这些字母为首字母的单词:hamburger, hot dog ,ice-cream, ice.

2.听懂let’s do 中的字母和短语,并做出相应的动作。如:a b c, look and see.

3.听懂story time 的内容。

教学重点 掌握字母h h, i i单词:hamburger, hot dog ,ice-cream, ice。

教学难点 1.能够听懂一些指令性短语,并做出相应的动作。

2. story time 的内容

教具准备 1.本课时相关的单词卡和图片

2. 教材相配套的教学录音带

导学过程 二次备课


1. 课前了解一些食物英语的名称。

2. 课前先让学生复习三年级上册unit 5 food part a let’s learn 部分的单词:cake ,bread, chicken…

一.热身/复习(warming up)

1. 游戏:找朋友

将学过的七个字母按大小写分开,一部分学生拿大写字母卡,一部分拿小写字母卡。让拿大写字母卡的学生分别起立读出手中的字母,那对应小写字母卡的学生跟到他前方举起手中的字母,说:i’m… 两人握手

2.让学生听三年级上册unit 5 part a let’s learn部分的录音,了解相关的食物的名称。.


1. 教师出示肯德基海报,问这是什么,在这些食物中你最喜欢吃什么?引出“hamburger”领读。

同样的方法教hot dog, ice-cream和ice并总结出这些单词的首

字母h h,ii,教师出示字母h h,反复教读几遍,然后,出示hamburger, hot dog, ice-cream和ice的图片,教师可出示其中一张问:what’s that? oh ,it’s a hamburger.教师先让学生跟读单词,然后模仿回答。


3.放let’s say 部分的录音,学生跟读两遍。


1. 放let’s do录音,学生先听两遍,然后教师讲解并示范。


3. 听录音教师讲解part c story time的内容意思。





教学重点:学习this is my classroom the wall is white. the floor is green…;学习单词computer, teacher’s desk, fan, wall, floor

教学难点:the 的发音与运用,表达复数时be动词的运用


1.教材相配套的教学课件[unit 1 let’s learn/b]





(一)热身、复习 (warm-up / revision)



1.复习本单元a部分let’s learn的内容。

t:look!this is our classroom. what’s in the classroom?

学生利用所学知识回答问题。然后教师补充说:there is a floor, a teacher’s desk, a computer, two fans and four walls in the classroom, too.

2.教本课所学的单词。(教师分别指着教室中的讲台桌,地面,墙,风扇和计算机问学生:what’s this? 让学生试着回答问题。)



5.教师提出问题:what colour is the wall? what colou is the floor.通过让学生回答问题,学说句子the wall is white. the floor is green.

6.学生跟读并模仿“let’s learn” 部分。

7.对课文中的句子进行扩展练习。教师可用提问的方式加以引导:what colour is the fan/computer/teachers’ desk?

8.引导学生完整的表达:look! this is my classroom. the wall is white. the floor is fan is green, too. the computer is blue. the teacher’s desk is yellow.(可小组互相说一下)




talk about it in your group.(适当增加句型,进行扩展会话练习。)

如:this is my classroom. it’s very big. the door is yellow. the windows are green… i like my classroom.






unit 1 my classroom

look! this is my classroom.

unit 1 my classroom

课题: unit one my classroom



1.学习let’s… 和let me…及其表示赞同的回答:good idea.和all right.

2.学习词组clean the classroom, clean the desks and chairs, clean the window, clean the board.


1.区分和正确使用let’s…与let me…




1.教材相配套的教学课件[unit 1 let’s talk/b]




(一)热身、复习 (warm-up / revision)

1.复习本单元a部分let’s do的内容,让学生听指令做动作。教师也可把这一练习改为simon says的游戏。如果听到教师说simon says: open the door.学生必须要做出相应的动作,如果教师的指令中没有说simon says,学生则不必做出相应的动作,而应保持原来的姿势不动。



1.(课件15-16)用学过的词组clean the window导出新词组。教师先出示卡片,让学生认读clean the window并做出相应的动作或说出中文意思。然后分别出示卡片并贴到黑板上:clean the classroom, clean the desks and chairs, clean the board, 让学生认读词组,并启发学生说出中文。

2.教师创设情景,呈现新知。教师指着书本的人物,让学生使用this is…介绍这些人物:wu yifan, sarah, amy, zhang peng, john, mike, chen jie 和miss white.教师创设情景:they are classmates. one day they are going to clean the classroom. every one wants to do something . now let’s look! what do they want to do?

3.师生共同观看教学课件2遍[unit 1 let’s talk/b]


(1)who says: let’s clean the classroom? (wu yifan)

(2)who says: let’s clean the desks and chairs? (zhang peng)

(3)sarah 和 amy 同意他们提出的建议吗? 他们是怎么回答的呢?(good idea. all right)

告诉学生在表示同意别人提出的建议时可用good idea和all right来表示,让学生学说这两个句子。(课件19)

(4)who want to clean the window. (mike)

(5)who want to clean the board? (chen jie)

(6)is the picture nice? (yes. it’s nice.) nice在nice to meet?you.句子中曾经学过,教师可稍做解释,与good同义。(课件20)

(7)is the classroom nice and clean? (’s nice and clean.让学生用完整句回答问题) (课件21)

(8)what does miss white say? (good job!并板书)

5.教师提出问题让学生思考:wu yifan, zhang peng与mike, chen jie所说的句子相同吗?有什么区别?让学生带着问题再看一遍教学件。

6.学生回答问题,教师进一步做讲解。let’s…是建议让我们做什么事情,是一个人对其他人说的话,意思是让大家和自己一同做一件什么事。而let me…也是一个人对其他人说的话,但是只是让自己做某事,没有让大家一起做的意思。(课件22)


8.看书听录音并跟读。(使用教材相配套的教学录音带,unit 1 let’s talk/b)

9.让学生观看教学课件,给学生分小组,扮演对话中的人物进行实际交流。(此时,学生可以运用教材中的人物头饰。 )





游戏1 猜词游戏 (老师出示单词,一学生猜,一学生)

clean the window, clean the desk, clean the chair, clean the board, clean the classroom, open the door, turn on the light, put up the picture, sweep the floor.

(四)扩展性活动( add-activities)

你能用let’s…或let me…说出多少个句子?



unit 1 my classroom

let’s clean the window.

all right.

let me clean the window.

unit 1 my classroom

课题:unit one my classroom


教学重点:学习书写英文字母ff, gg, hh, ii的大小写;学习单词farmer, hat, ice water。

教学难点:大写c和g, 大写e和f的外形易混。容易错的地方:大写f, h和小写i的笔顺,小写f, g, i的占格位置。


1.写有大小写ff, gg, hh, ii的字母卡











1)教师分别用鼠标点击鱼和薯条,让学生回答:what’s this? 随着学生回答出:it’s a fish.和french fries时,用鼠标操作显示英文单词。点击农民,让学生模仿发音。再次点击,显示英文单词,教师教读。然后问学生这三个词的第一个字母是什么,让学生说出ff。




3.看课本听录音跟读单词和字母。[使用教材相配套的教学录音带,unit 1, read and write/b]


5.教师出示部分图片,下面写有不完整的单词,让学生通过看图填入所缺字母后朗读出来。此活动与“write and say”相结合。









教师每念一个字母, 学生便将该字母找到并背朝上摆好。教师共念三个字母,最快使把好的字母成一直线(横线、竖线、斜线皆可)的学生就喊:bingo!在其他学生检查无误后给予以分奖励,游戏继续进行,看谁的分数最多。


学生两人一组。一个学生在另一个学生的后背上用手书写字母,让他凭着感觉来猜出书写的是哪个字母。 然后相互交换。


1.让学生回家教家长书写大小写字母ff, gg, hh, ii




unit 1 my classroom

黑板上方:上课前打好的四线三格,在课堂上随讲随写的字母ff, gg, hh, ii

黑板下方: ___ ce—cream ___ ish ____ oose ___ amburger
