英语言文化心得体会如何写 中国文化英语教程感想(六篇)

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n (1)帮助;援助 first aid 急救


an english-chinese dictionary is an important aid in learning the english. 一本英汉词典是学习英语的重要工具。

习惯用语 do/ give/ offer first aid to sb.对某人进行急救 go to sb’s aid援救某人

在某人的帮助下 with the aid of sb== with sb’s aid in aid of 支持,援助 raising fund in aid of the sick 募捐帮助病人 whats it all in aid of? 这是为了什么目的?

aid vt 帮助;援助 i aided him with money. 我资助了他。

help, assist, aid的区别

help, assist, aid这组动词同义词的相应名词分别为 help (helper),assistance(assistant), aid, 它们都有“帮助”的意思。

(1)help和另外两个词的差别在于,help 含有比较强的“目的”意义。如果你失眠,服安眠药则有助于你入睡,这里包含着目的

a short while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old bookcases up the stairs.


may i help you to some more meat? 让我再给你一些肉好吗?

…but he was too busy helping himself to diamonds to notice any pain.……



he assisted the professor in compiling the dictionary. 他帮助那位教授编了那本词典。

the assistant who served her did not like the way she was dressed.



the red cross often aids flood victims. 红十字会常常帮助受水灾的难民。

vt. , vi (1)把...淹死 (2)使湿透; 淹没; 浸湿 (3)消除(忧愁等); 解(闷) (4)使沉溺于; 使迷恋(in) (5)搀淡; 冲淡(饮料等); (加水)化开(生石灰); 往...里加太多的水

be [get] drowned淹死, 溺死; drown oneself投水(自杀); eyes drowned in tears泪汪汪的眼晴

drown ones cares in wine以酒解忧; be drowned in fishing对钓鱼入迷了

the cheers of the audience drowned the professors voice. 听众的欢呼声淹没了这位教授的声音。

dont drown my whisky. 不要在我的威士忌酒里加太多的水。

nt/ incident/ event

1). accident 指意外或偶然发生的事故,特别是不幸的,有损害性的事故。

e.g. he was killed in a traffic accident.

注:accident为可数名词,前面可加不定冠词an,表示“一个”“一次”,习惯用语by accident为“偶然”,相当于by chance.

e.g. i met her in the street by accident, yet she had a bad accident three days ago.


2). incident 泛指不重要的事件,还可以指政治上有影响的重大事件。

e.g. i remember an incident that took place in mr. li’s class.我记得发生在李先生课上的一件事。

the lugouqiao incident broke out in july 7th, 1937. 1937年7月7日爆发了卢沟桥事变。

3). event 指重要事件,特别是有历史意义的重大事件

how to develop the western part of china well is an important event.如何开发好中国的西部是一项重要的活动。

vi, vt choked, choking (1)使窒息;闷死;使不能呼吸

the smoke from the stove almost choked me.炉子里发出的烟呛得我几乎透不过气来。

the madman choked his own child to death.疯子把他自己的孩子掐死了。

(2)塞住;堵塞;阻塞 the pipe was choked by cotton. 管子被棉花堵住了。


fire: begin to burn be on fire: be burning

e.g. the house caught fire last night. the house is on fire.

注:catch fire 强调着火的动作,为瞬间动词词组,不可和表示一段时间的时间状语连用,无被动形式;be on fire 表静态,作表语或定语,可与表示一段时间的时间状语连用。

ex: the forest caught fire last week. it is still on fire.

复习:1). set fire to sth./ set sth. on fire e.g. the robbers set fire to the bank after robbing.

2). play with fire 3). go through fire and water (for) 为…赴汤蹈火 4). be on fire for 对…充满热情

5). fire n. v. 着火,开枪,开除 (dismiss )

firework 烟火,烟火晚会 fireplace 火炉 fireman/fire fighter 消防员 fire escape 太平梯

ner n. 容器 contain vt.包含,容纳 containment n. 包含

contain / include

e.g. the book contains 10 units. the book doesn’t include unit 11.

six were killed, including the boy. (连那小孩在内六人丧生。)

ical adj. 电的,与电有关的 (of/ concerned with electricity)

electricity n.电流 electric adj. 发电的,使用电的 (using electrical power) electronic adj. 电子的

i want to buy an electric fan. (可不讲) this machine has an electrical fault. 这台机器有电器故障。


n.上边,上部 downside right side left side

upside-down adj/adv 1). 上下翻转过来 e.g. hold a book upside-down 倒拿着书

2). 口乱七八糟的,毫无条理的 e.g. he has an upside-down way of doing things. 他做事毫无条理。

burglars had turned the house upside-down.. 窃贼把房子翻得乱七八糟。

if/ though

1)引导的从句如果是事实过可能性大,多用陈述语气。常于look, seem, taste, smell, sound,ect.搭配

e.g. it looks as if it is going to rain. it seems as if the boy has lost his way.


e.g. he looks as if he were ill.(其实没病) he walks as if he were drunk. 他走路的样子象喝醉了。

he is a happy-go-luck(无忧无虑的) man as if he has no worries and cares in the world.

the young man with long hair looks as if he were a woman.

s n. (1)(=eyewitness)目击者; (在法庭上经过宣誓的)证人 (2)[主要用于give witness, bear witness]证据, 证明; 证词 (3)[常省略定冠词]【律】连署人, 证人

a witness of the accident 事件的目击者;

these facts are a witness to his carelessness.这些事实证明了他的粗心。

she gave witness on behalf of the accused person.她替被告作证。

witness vt. (1)亲眼看见, 目睹 (2)连署, 签名作证 (3)表明, 显示 (4)证明 (5)经历

she witnessed the accident.她亲眼看见该事故。 they witnessed the will.他们在遗嘱上连署。

her blush witnessed her agitation.她脸红表示了她的激动。

none could witness that he was present.没有人能证明他在场。

he has witnessed many battles.他经历过多次战争。

4. count (count for)重要,(count sb/sth as) 认为,看作,被视作

every point in this game counts. 这场比赛每一场比赛都很重要。

the fact that she had apologized counted for nothing with him. 她已经道歉,但他认为这是没有用的。

for tax purposes that money counts / is counted as income. 那笔钱算作收入,需要纳税。

[vn] i count him among my closest friends. 我把他看作一个最亲密的朋友。

[vn-adj] i count myself lucky to have known him. 我觉得很幸运。

[vn-n] she counts herself one of the lucky ones. 她认为自己是一个幸运者。

in mind

keep/ bear/ have sth in mind: remember sth she doesn’t seem to keep the matter in mind.

相关短语: change one’s mind e.g. nothing will make me change my mind.

make up one’s mind e.g. i’ve made up my mind to be a doctor.

keep in touch with e.g. i keep in touch with my friend by internet.

keep in with 和…保持友谊 e.g. she still keeps in with her former husband.

vt. 使镇定, 使平静 the mother calmed her child. 母亲使孩子安静下来。

calm vi. 镇定下来, 平静下来the crying child soon calmed down.哭闹的小孩不多一会就安静下来。

calm adj 平静的

the sea was calm after the storm. 经过这场风暴后,大海平静下来了。

after the storm it became calm again.暴风雨过后,天气又恢复平静无风。

the sea was calm at the beginning of our voyage.我们出海时,海上风平浪静。

he was calm when i told him the bad news. 当我告诉他这个坏消息时,他很平静。

n. the calm before the storm

同义词 calm ,silent, quiet, still 都含 “平静的”意思。

calm主要用于气候、海洋“ 风平浪静的”, 也可指人表示“安静的”、“镇静的”, 如:

the sky is blue, and the sea is calm.天空碧兰, 海上风平浪静。

although she was frightened, she answered with a calm voice. 虽然她害怕, 但还是用平静的声音回答。

quiet 指“没有吵闹声的”、“ 没有噪音的”,它强调“声音很低、很少”或“全然无声”, 如:

he had a quiet life.他过着宁静的生活。

still 指“没声音的”、“没动静的”, 常与躺(lie)、坐(sit)、站(stand)、保持(keep/remain)等静态动词连用, 如: the still hours before dawn 黎明前的寂静时刻。

the students sat still, listening to the teacher. 学生们一动不动地坐着听老师讲课。

silent 主要用于人,指人不说话、不作声、沉默不语。

do you know when to keep silent? 你知道何时保持沉默吗?

考题 1. we must be __________ before danger. (a)

a. calm b. quiet c. still d. silent

2. the library permits________ talking. (b)

a. calm b. quiet c. still d. silent

n. 恐慌, 惊慌; 经济上的大恐慌

be in a panic在惊慌中; be seized with a panic惊慌失措; get up a panic 引起惊慌

cause a panic 引起恐慌

vi. 惊慌, 害怕 (panicked, panicked) panic over sth. 对某事感到惊慌

the crowd panicked at the sound of the guns. 人们听到枪声感到惊慌。

7. respond vi. (respond to sb/sth with sth )(formal)

i asked his name, but he didn’t respond.我问他叫什么名字,他没回答。

she never responded to my letter. 她从来没给过我回信。

when asked about the company’s future, the director responded that the remained optimistic. 问到公司的未来的时候,经理回答说他依然乐观。

how did they respond to the news?他们对这则消息有什么反应?

the car responds very well to the controls. 这辆汽车操纵自如。

response n. she made no response. 她没有回答。

her cries for help met with no/some/little… response. 她那求救的呼声没有激起任何/激起一些/没有激起什么…反映。

answer/ reply/ respond

answer 指以口头,书面或其他方式回答或反应

reply 正式用词,多表示经过考虑,一一答复所提的问题或论点

respond 正式用词,表示“回答”用得较少,多指对外界刺激迅速而自然地作出反应

ous adj (1)有意识的;神志清醒的 (2)了解的;察觉的

consciously adv. consciousness n. 知觉

he is hurt but still conscious. 他受了伤,不过神志还清醒。

she was not conscious of his presence in the room. 她不晓得他在这房间里。(be conscious of sth./ that…) 察觉的 i was conscious of her presence.我知道她在场。

unconscious adj (1)失去知觉的 after she hit her head she was unconscious for several minutes.


(2)无意的;不自觉的 i was unconscious of her presence.我不知道她在场。

the way& in the way

in the way 障碍(阻止你到想去的地方的人或物);on the way 在途中

e.g. please dont stand in the kitchen door-you’re in the way. 你挡了我的路。

let’s not stop too often on the way. 咱们别老在途中停留了。

其他词组:by the way顺便提一下;on the (one’s) way to 去…的路上;in this (that) way这样(那样);by way of 途径;in a (one) way在某种程度上

vt, vi -pp-

i tipped the bottle over and it broke. 我把瓶子弄翻了,瓶子摔破了。(常与over, up连用;打翻,使弄翻)

i tipped the table and the glasses fell off it. 我把桌子弄歪了,玻璃杯掉了下来。(使倾斜;弄歪)

(3)丢弃;倒掉 (4)(与into连用)把…倒入容器

tip n. 尖端,小部分,小物件 v. 给某物装上尖头,置于某物顶端

(have sth.) on the tip of one’s tongue

the tip of the iceberg 重要情况,重大问题等显露出的小部分

e.g. his name is on t he tip of my tongue, but i just can’t think of.

the legs of the table were tipped with rubber. 桌子腿装上了橡皮头。

tip: 轻拍/打/敲; 给…小费; 可能成功; 事先给某人警告或暗示

she just tipped the ball over the net. he tip the driver 5 yuan.

she’s been tipped for promotion. 有人认为她最可能得到提升。

someone tipped off the police about the robbery.

tip n.小费; 有用的小建议;

he left a tip under his plate.

the teacher gives students some tips about how to study english.

11. slightly adv. 略微,稍微

a slightly different version 略有不同的说法。 we took a slightly more direct route. 我们选择了一条略近的路。

i knew her slightly. 我对她略知一二。 ‘are you worried?’ ‘only slightly.’ 你担心吗?稍微有点。

slight adj. 轻微的, 微小的, 少量的;纤细的, 瘦小的

slight difficulty 小困难; a slight possibility of success很小的成功可能性

a slight girl苗条的女孩; a slight difference微小的区别

ate vi, vt -lated, -lating (1)使循环;环流

the blood circulates round the body. 血液在体内循环。

(2)散布;流传;扩散 rumors circulated rapidly. 谣言迅速散布开来。

people who circulate false news are to be blamed.散布流言者该受遣责。


the prince circulated from group to group at the party. 王子在宴会中穿梭于人群之间。

“the politician circulated at the dance party, talking to lots of people.” “那个政治家在跳舞晚会上到处走动,同许多人交谈。”

circulation n. 流传,传播(不可数);发行额,销售量(可数);血液循环(可数或不可数) e.g. have (a) good/ bad circulation

vt, vi revived, reviving (1)复活;复苏;再生

the fresh air soon revived him. 新鲜空气很快就使他苏醒过来了。

(2)再兴;再用 to revive an old custom 恢复旧习俗

our hopes revived.我们又有希望了。

these flowers will revive in water.这些花在水中会再活。

ry recover 恢复+ -y名词后缀 n -ies

(1) 收回;取回 (2)恢复;复原 (3)(经济)复苏

she made a quick recovery after her illness. 她病后恢复得很快。

over 不及物动词词组

e.g. the car was out of control and rolled over down to the river.

the years roll on.岁月流逝。 roll the ball to me.把球滚给我。

其他词组:get…rolling…使…取得进展;keep the ball to rolling 使保持活跃;

roll in 大量涌来;start the ball rolling 使活跃起来


adj. suddenly adv.

they heard a sudden cry and wondered what was the matter. 他们听到突如其来的叫喊声,不知道出了什么事。

all of a sudden 突然,冷不防 sudden death 暴死

honour of (= in sb’s /sth’s honor) adv.为纪念, 为庆祝

i have cooked a special meal in honor of our visitors. 我做了一道特殊的菜向我们的来客表示敬意。

in…of: in praise of赞美;in need of需要;in place of 代替;in case of 万一;in front of在…(内部)前面;in the front of在…(外部)前面;in favor of 支持

honor n (1)尊敬;敬重

(2)荣誉,名誉;信用 to win honor for ones motherland 为祖国争光

(3)被引以为荣的人物 hes an honor to his parents. 他的父母以他为荣。

(4)(对法官等的尊称)阁下,先生 your honor 阁下,先生


we request the honor of your company at dinner. 谨备便酌,敬请光临(请柬用语)

考题 smith thought it a great _______ to be invited to speak to all of us. (d)

a. pleasure b. success c. happiness d. honor

gton, a state in the united states was named ________ one of the greatest american presidents. (c) a. in honor of b. instead of c. in favor of d. by means of

integrating skills


you dealt with that situation very cleverly. 你很巧妙地处理了那个艰难的局面。(处理,料理;attend to, manage sth.)

the next chapter deals with verbs.下一章讨论动词。(讨论,涉及到;take or have sth. as a subject, discuss sth.)

i hate dealing with large impersonal companies.我讨厌和那些没有人情味的大公司打交道。(与…打交道,与做生意;have social, business etc. relations with…)

另:deal with ab.: behave towards ab. 对付,对待

e.g. they try to deal politely with angry customers. 他们尽量对发怒的顾客彬彬有礼。

注:do with/ deal with/ get rid of

get rid of 表示“处理”,侧重“消灭”“摆脱或清除”;deal with和do with 侧重“处理”的手段,方法或方式。do后可接宾语,deal后不接宾语;do with常与what连用;deal with常与how连用。

e.g. if they are not coming, we can get rid of the tickets.如果他们不来了,我们可以把票处理掉。

how do you deal with matters of this sort?你是怎么处理这类事情的?

what did you do with the broken car? 你怎么处理那辆坏了的车的?

have done

e.g. we could have helped that boy, even we were busy. 那天,即使我们很忙,我们本来也可以帮助那个男孩的。(本可以做,但事实没有做)

he could have told his girl friend the secret. but i’m not very sure. 他或许已经把这个秘密告诉他的女朋友了,不过我也并不确定。(或许已经做过,表示对过去某事的推测)

2). must have done 一定已经做过(表示对过去某事较有把握的推测)

e.g. they must have stayed up late night-all of them looks sleepy.


3). should have done/ ought to have done 本应该做(却没做,表达一种强烈的遗憾,责备之意)

e.g. they should have handed in their homework yesterday.


4). needn’t have done 本不应该(但事实上已经做了)

e.g. you needn’t have copied the exercise book. i have one more and i can give it to you.


vt, vi bit, bitten, biting (1)咬 my monkey doesnt bite. 我的猴子不咬人。

the boy bit into the apple. 那个男孩子咬了一口苹果。


the dog has bitten a hole in my trousers. 狗把我的裤子咬了一个洞。

(3)(虫)叮 the mosquitoes are biting me. 蚊子叮我。

(4)(鱼)咬饵 (5)抓紧;卡紧

the cars tires would not bite on the snow. 汽车轮胎在雪地里会打滑。

bite n (1)咬; (2)咬下的一块 (3)食物 (4)咬伤

she was covered in insect bites. 她浑身是虫子叮的伤。

this apples good, do you want a bite? 这苹果很好,你想来一口吗?

he took a bite out of the pear.他咬了一口梨。

he hasnt had a bite (to eat) all day. 他整天都没吃东西。

the children havent had a bite to eat all day.孩子们一整天什么也没吃过。

adj (1)没加束缚的;自由的 (2)散装的

“i bought these chocolates loose, not in a box.”“我买的这些巧克力是散装的,不是盒装的。”

(3)不坚固的,不牢的 (4)宽大的,肥大的(衣服) (5)疏松的

the ringleader of the gang had one hand loose but the other was tied to another robbers.


(6)不精确的 (7)放荡的 a loose woman 一个放荡的女人

(8)无拘束的 a loose tongue 藏不住话的嘴(舌头)

(9)随便的;不严格的 a loose translation 不拘泥原文的翻译

loose play lost them the match. 不经心的比赛使他们输了。

loose vt loosed, loosing (1)放松;释放

he loosened his collar of his overcoat.他解开了大衣领口。

(2)射(箭) (3)开,放(枪、炮) (4)使不受约束

wine loosed his tongue. 酒后他说话随便起来。

a doctor看医生see sb off 为某人送行see into调查,领会

see to sth处理某事 see to it that务必


call on sb拜访某人 call at place去某地造访 call sb up给某人打电话

call in a doctor请医生=send for a doctor call on sb to do sth号召某人干call for sb to do sth请求某人干

call out for help大声呼救make a phone call打电话

case of 如果;万一 in case of rain they cant go. 万一下雨,他们就不能去了。

in case以防;可能;倘若 take a hat with you in case the sun is very hot. 倘若太阳很利害,你就把帽子戴上。

in the case of 就…而言

e.g. it’s the kind of story we think of as myth. but in the case of him, the story is true.


注:in case of/ in the case of + n./ pron. 不接从句

in case + 从句 he left early in case he should miss the train. in case of danger, you must be calm.

in any case无论如何, 总之; in good case健康, 生活富裕; in no case决不

in that case如果是那样的话; in the case of 就...来说, 关于; in this case假如这样的话

it /this/ that is not the case.情况不是这样; 并非事实。

step ⅱ grammar


1. would rather 的虚拟用法:

marry would rather (not) have a fresh-tasting toothpaste.

the mayor (市长) would rather have handled that press conference last week.

the kids would rather play outdoors than indoors.

the aged man would rather have participated in social service than amused himself by watching tv at home several years ago.

i’d rather you didn’t make any comment in the issue for the time being. (暂时)

e.g. david would rather that jim had called at chinese economic and trade exhibitions yesterday.

2. would as soon, would sooner, would prefer 表“希望或婉转的责备”要求用虚拟语气,谓语动词为过去式表示现在或将来情况,谓语动词为过去完成时表示过去情况

i would just prefer you had returned the book to him yesterday.

3. otherwise, if only, suppose/ supposing 引导含蓄条件句表愿望,建议用虚拟语气

e.g. if only i knew how to operate the internet phone. 要是我知道怎么打网络电话就好了。

4. it is (high/ right/ about/ good) time + 从句用虚拟语气(是…的时候)

it’s high time you stopped idling about and started looking for a job. 闲逛

5. but for…(要不是…)& without … 用在句首,引导虚拟条件句,时态随句意改变

but for/ without his uncle, the kid would have been drowned in the pool.

6. if it were not for… (要不是…) 与现在相反

if it were not for the fact that his father is on the board directors, he would never have a job.

if it had not been for your advice, i would have made a serious mistake.

7). but that + 从句(用虚拟语气)

e.g. i would go by steamer but that i’m a poor sailor. 要不是因为晕船,我就坐船去了。

8). as it is & as it were

as it is 用在句首“事实上,实际上,就目前的情况而言”

as it were 用在句尾“照现状,照原样”

cao yu is a sort of chinese shakespeare as it were.

unit8 first aid

n (1)帮助;援助 first aid___________ (2)帮助者;有帮助的事物

an english-chinese dictionary is an important aid in learning the english.

习惯用语 do/ give/ offer first aid to sb.____ go to sb’s aid___ with the aid of sb== with sb’s aid_____

in aid of _____________ raising fund in aid of the sick whats it all in aid of? 这是为了什么目的?

aid vt 帮助;援助 i aided him with money. 我资助了他。


(1)help和另外两个词的差别在于,help 含有比较强的“目的”意义。如果你失眠,服安眠药则有助于你入睡,这里包含着目的

a short while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old bookcases up the stairs.

may i help you to some more meat?…but he was too busy helping himself to diamonds to notice any pain.……


he assisted the professor in compiling the dictionary.

the assistant who served her did not like the way she was dressed.

(3)aid含有接受帮助者因为弱小而需要帮助的意思。the red cross often aids flood victims.

vt. , vi (1)_________ (2)____________ (3)消除(忧愁等); 解(闷) (4)使沉溺于; 使迷恋(in) (5)搀淡; 冲淡(饮料等); (加水)化开(生石灰); 往...里加太多的水

be [get] drowned____________ drown oneself___________eyes drowned in tears__________

drown ones cares in wine_______________ be drowned in fishing____________-

the cheers of the audience drowned the professors voice. dont drown my whisky.

nt/ incident/ event 的区别

4. count (count for)______,(count sb/sth as) _____________

every point in this game counts. the fact that she had apologized counted for nothing with him. for tax purposes that money counts / is counted as income. [vn] i count him among my closest friends. [vn-adj] i count myself lucky to have known him. [vn-n] she counts herself one of the lucky ones.

vi, vt choked, choking (1)_________________

the smoke from the stove almost choked me the madman choked his own child to death.

(2)_______________ the pipe was choked by cotton.


fire: _______________ be on fire:__________________

the forest caught fire last week. it is still on fire.

复习:1). set fire to sth./ set sth. on fire _________________2). play with fire ____________

3). go through fire and water (for)_________________4). be on fire for ______________

5). fire v. 着火,开枪,开除 (dismiss )

firework 烟火,烟火晚会 fireplace 火炉 fireman/fire fighter 消防员 fire escape 太平梯

ner n. 容器 contain vt.包含,容纳 containment n. 包含

contain / include the book ___________10 units. the book doesn’t ____________unit 11.

six were killed, ___________the boy. (连那小孩在内六人丧生。)

ical adj. 电的,与电有关的 (of/ concerned with electricity)

_________ n.电流 __________adj. 发电的,使用电的 (using electrical power)_________ adj. 电子的


n.上边,上部 upside-down adj/adv

1). ________hold a book upside-down 2). _______ he has an upside-down way of doing things.

burglars had turned the house upside-down..

if/ though 引导的从句什么时候用陈述语气,什么时候又用虚拟语气?

s n. (1)(=eyewitness)______ (2)[主要用于give witness, bear witness]证据, 证明; 证词 (3)[常省略定冠词]【律】连署人, 证人

a witness of the accident these facts are a witness to his carelessness.

she gave witness on behalf of the accused person.

witness vt. (1)______________ (2)连署, 签名作证 (3)表明, 显示 (4)证明 (5)经历

she witnessed the accident. they witnessed the will. her blush witnessed her agitation.

none could witness that he was present. he has witnessed many battles.

in mind keep/ bear/ have sth in mind: remember sth she doesn’t seem to keep the matter in mind.

相关短语: change one’s mind ________make up one’s mind__________keep in touch with _________keep in with _________________

vt. _____________ the mother calmed her child.

calm vi.___________the crying child soon calmed down.

calm adj the sea was calm after the storm.。 after the storm it became calm again.

the sea was calm at the beginning of our voyage. he was calm when i told him the bad news.

n. e.g. the calm before the storm

同义词 calm ,silent, quiet, still 的区别

考题 1. we must be __________ before danger. a. calm b. quiet c. still d. silent

2. the library permits________ talking. a. calm b. quiet c. still d. silent

n. 恐慌, 惊慌; 经济上的大恐慌

be in a panic____________; be seized with a panic_______________; cause a panic __________

vi. 惊慌, 害怕 (panicked, panicked) panic over sth. ___________

the crowd panicked at the sound of the guns.

7. (respond to sb/sth with sth )(formal) _____________

i asked his name, but he didn’t respond. she never responded to my letter.

when asked about the company’s future, the director responded that the remained optimistic.

how did they respond to the news? the car responds very well to the controls.

response n. ________ she made no response.

her cries for help met with no/some/little… response.

her cries for help met with no/some/little… response.

answer/ reply/ respond 的区别

ous adj (1)_______________(2)_________________

consciously adv. consciousness n. 知觉

he is hurt but still conscious.

she was not conscious of his presence in the room. (be conscious of sth./ that…)

i was conscious of her presence.

unconscious adj (1)__________ after she hit her head she was unconscious for several minutes.

(2)_____________ i was unconscious of her presence.

the way& in the way

in the way, on the way 的含义分别是什么?

e.g. please dont stand in the kitchen door-you’re in the way.

let’s not stop too often on the way.

其他词组:by the way_____on the (one’s) way to _____;in this (that) way___by way of ____

in a (one) way__________

i tipped the bottle over and it broke. (常与over, up连用;打翻,使弄翻)

i tipped the table and the glasses fell off it. (使倾斜;弄歪)

(3)丢弃;倒掉 (4)(与into连用)把…倒入容器

(have sth.) on the tip of one’s tongue

the tip of the iceberg 重要情况,重大问题等显露出的小部分

the legs of the table were tipped with rubber. she just tipped the ball over the net.

he tip the driver 5 yuan. she’s been tipped for promotion. someone tipped off the police about the robbery.

he left a tip under his plate. the teacher gives students some tips about how to study english.

11. adv. __________

a slightly different version we took a slightly more direct route. i knew her slightly.

‘are you worried?’ ‘only slightly.’

slight adj._______________ slight difficulty ________ a slight possibility of success_______

a slight girl___________; a slight difference________________

ate vi, vt -lated, -lating (1)_________ the blood circulates round the body.

(2)_________________ rumors circulated rapidly. people who circulate false news are to be blamed.

(3)____________ the prince circulated from group to group at the party.

“the politician circulated at the dance party, talking to lots of people.”

circulation n. 流传,传播(不可数);发行额,销售量(可数);血液循环(可数或不可数) e.g. have (a) good/ bad circulation

vt, vi revived, reviving (1)____________the fresh air soon revived him.

(2)__________ to revive an old custom our hopes flowers will revive in water.

ry recover 恢复+ -y名词后缀 n -ies

she made a quick recovery after her illness.

over 不及物动词词组

the car was out of control and rolled over down to the river.

the years roll on.岁月流逝。 roll the ball to me.把球滚给我。

其他词组:get…rolling…_____keep the ball to rolling ____roll in _____start the ball rolling _____


adj. suddenly adv.

they heard a sudden cry and wondered what was the matter.

all of a sudden _____________

honour of (= in sb’s /sth’s honor) _____________________

i have cooked a special meal in honor of our visitors.

in…of: in praise of____in need of_____in place of ____;in case of ____;in favor of ________

honor n (1)尊敬;敬重 (2)荣誉,名誉;信用 to win honor for ones motherland 为祖国争光

(3)被引以为荣的人物hes an honor to his parents.

(4)(对法官等的尊称)阁下,先生 your honor 阁下,先生 (5)(用于客套语中)荣幸

we request the honor of your company at dinner. 谨备便酌,敬请光临(请柬用语)

考题 smith thought it a great _______ to be invited to speak to all of us.

a. pleasure b. success c. happiness d. honor

gton, a state in the united states was named ________ one of the greatest american presidents. a. in honor of b. instead of c. in favor of d. by means of

integrating skills

with 含义?与do with 区别是什么?

have done,must have done, should/ought to have done, needn’t have done 的区别是什么?

vt, vi bit, bitten, biting (1)________ my monkey doesnt bite. the boy bit into the apple.

(2)_________________the dog has bitten a hole in my trousers.

(3)_______the mosquitoes are biting me.

(4)(鱼)咬饵 (5)抓紧;卡紧 the cars tires would not bite on the snow.

bite n she was covered in insect bites. this apples good, do you want a bite?

he took a bite out of the pear. he hasnt had a bite (to eat) all day.

the children havent had a bite to eat all day

a doctor______see sb off __________see into ________see to sth________see to it that______

for________call on sb___________ call at place_____________call sb up____________call in a doctor__________=_____________call on sb to do sth____________call for sb to do sth___________call out for help_____________make a phone call___________

case of _______ in case of rain they cant go.

in case_____________ take a hat with you in case the sun is very hot.

in the case of ________e.g. it’s the kind of story we think of as myth. but in the case of him, the story is true.

in any case________________ in good case_____________in no case__________

in that case_______________ in the case of_____________ in this case___________-

it /this/ that is not the case.___________________







6、 本文讨论了跨文化交际中存在的潜在障碍,并提出了一系列改善交际效果的建议。作者能够掌握基本理论,对跨文化交际作出了思考。全文结构合理,条理清晰,语言表达流畅。但总来说,研究不够深入,分析比较抽象,实证和实例不够充分。




10、 本文立意新颖。全文以xxx为线索,结合各地的准规较全面的分析了xxxxxx的问题和原因。并针对存在的问题提出解决问题的对策。内容论证也教科学合理。全文充分体现行政管理专业特色,格式规范。但创新点不够。
















开始大多数学生只是用笔列提纲,没有人主动起来讲述,于是我先作了示范,让学生理解我说的每一句话,再把一些对讲述有帮助的词组、句型,如:my name is……;iam from……;i graduated from……;my father is……;i’m good at……;my favorite sport is……;ect;写在黑板上,以请几位成绩较好的同学试讲,到结束,每个同学都争先恐后地要求讲述,有的学生还使用了在课文中学过的新词汇、词组。


每节课开始,按序号由一位同学用英语讲一讲今天的天气、班级情况,再讲一则事先准备好的小故事,在学生讲的过程中,我把他故事中的key words(关键词)写到黑板上,等他讲完后,我向全班同学提问,并请大家复述他的故事。虽然每次只用 七、八分钟,但对同学们说英语的能力及听力、注意力都有不少帮助。


把学生分成四个组用英语讨论我提出的可以引起不同意见的问题,如what qualifications does a good teacher need?(什么是你心目中合格的教师),will you continue education after graduation ?(毕业后是否继续学习),are you going to do after graduation?(毕业后你打算干什么?)等问题的讨论后,由每组派一位代表讲述他们的观点,同学们都很有兴致地参加讨论,通过讨论,不仅提高了他们的英语交际水平,也使师生之间有了进一步的了解。





2)、smith says(史密斯说)

由教师发命令,如:eyes on head,books in the bag,point to your nose等,当命令前加上smith says 时,学生就执行命令,如不加,则静止动,坚持到最后的一个学生为优胜,这个游戏对培养听觉理解能力有帮助。





唱英语歌有助于训练语音和记忆单词,也很容易引起学生兴趣。为此我教了学生们很多英语歌。有儿歌如《ten little indian boys》、《happy birthday to you》,有流传广泛的电影歌曲如《do―re―mi》、《say you,say me》也有如《the colour of the night》《careless whisper》等学生们喜爱的流行歌曲,通过学歌学生们都觉得英语学习并非死板,乏味而是充满乐趣的。


英语课上,学生常处于积极紧张状态,容易感到疲劳,教师除了注意要经常变换教学方式,多数授新内容外,还可以用一、两分钟讲一些幽默故事如《absent―minded professor》(心不在焉的教授)的系列故事,也可问一些有趣的silly question(笨问题),这些小安排往往能起到出人意料的`调节效果,使教学得以顺利进行。




其二,营造民主,和谐的教学氛围。如在学阅读famous people时,我鼓励学生谈他们所知道的中外名人,有的同学讲了他们的国籍,有的讲了他们的作品及科研成果。我不断地鼓励他们畅所欲言,学生不管讲多讲少,都享受了成功的喜悦。人人都能用英语表达自己的思想,这大大激活了他们的思维,创造能力得到了尽可能的发挥。有时候学生在讲话中有些错误,我以友好平等的态度加以指正,或通过启发引导由其自行纠正,让学生感到自己真正是学习的主人。
















































warming up

1. make a/no/some difference 有作用,关系,影响

the rain didn’t make much difference to the game. 这场雨对比赛没多大影响。

your age shouldn’t make any difference to whether you get the job or not. 你能否得到工作与你的年龄无关。

changing schools made a big difference to my life. 转学对我的一生有重大影响。

i don’t think it makes a lot of difference what color it is. 我认为颜色无关紧要。

2. undertake(undertook,undertaken) vt.承担 ,从事,负责;(允诺,答应 undertake to do )

例:he undertook the difficult task willingly.他欣然承担那项困难的工作。

1 will undertake the responsibility for you.我会为你负起责任。

he undertook to finish the job by friday. 他答应星期五或之前完成这项工作。


3. there is no doubt that. 毫无疑问 ..

例:there is no doubt that our team will win.我队获胜是毫无疑问的。

i dont doubt that we will win the game.(否定句用that)我不怀疑我们将会赢得这场比赛。

do you doubt that he has passed the final examination ? (疑问句用that)你怀疑他已通过期末考试了吗?

i doubt whether he is the best man for the job.(肯定句用whether)我怀疑他是否是担任那项工作的最适当人选。


4. imagine 用法 (imagine (sb) doing, imagine that …. )

5. promising (形) 有希望的,有前途的,前途光明的

例:a promising actress有前途的女演员

6. give up

7. dream of /about /that

8. hope for / to do /that

9. there didnt seem much point in working on my phd-i didnt expect to survive that long


1)phd(doctor of philosophy ) 指“博士学位”

2)there is no point in doing sth.表示“做某事没有作用或没有意义”。

例:there is no point in arguing further. 继续争执下去没有意义了。

there is no point in protesting.it won’t help much.抗议没有什么用处,于事无补。

expect 预料,预计,期待,盼望;期望 常用搭配:expect (sb) to do, expect that

3)survive vi. 生存,存活 vt. 幸存,挺过,艰难度过

she was the last surviving member of the family. 她是这家人中仅存的一员。

of the six people injured in the crash, only two survived. 因车祸受伤的6人中, 只有2人幸存。

the company managed to survive the crisis. 公司设法度过了危机。

many birds didn’t survive the severe winter. 许多鸟死于这次严冬。


例:i didnt expect he was that rude. 我没料到他会那么粗鲁。

10. in fact,things were going rather well for me and i had gotten engaged to a very nice girl,jan wilde.事实上,事情发展得还挺顺利。我和一位非常好的女孩简怀尔得订婚了。

get/be engaged to sb.“与某人订婚”

did you hear they have got engaged last month? 你有没有听说他们上个月订婚的消息?

be engaged in(on)+n./doing sth.从事(工作)的,忙于……的

例:she was engaged in protecting wild birds.她从事保护野生鸟类的工作。

he is now engaged on his second novel. 他正埋头写他的第二部小说。

be engaged (电话等)通话中的,占线中的,相当于美国英语的busy.

例:the line/number is engaged。线路被占用。

engagement n.订婚(to)

例:announce ones engagement to…宣布与…订婚

break off ones engagement解除婚约,解约

engagement ring订婚戒指(戴在左手无名指上)

11. since then,hawking has continued to seek answers to questions about the nature of the universe.从那时起,霍金就继续寻求关于宇宙特征的问题的答案。

seek+(for after)+名词 搜寻,寻找;寻求,探求;追求

例:they sought shelter from the rain.他们找寻避雨的地方。

he found it worthless to seek fame.他发现追求名声是不值得的。

we must seek (for) a solution to the problem 我们必须寻求解决问题的方法。

seek to do 试图,设法

they quickly sought to distance themselves from the protester. 他们迅速设法远离抗议者。

12. scientists,on the other hand,hawking writes,know that their job is never finished and that even the best theory can turn out to be wrong.


turn out to be“结果是”“最后的情况是”+副/+形/+to do/+that..

the weatherman said it was going to rain this afternoon but it turned out to be very lovely.天气预报说今天下午有雨,其实今天天气非常好。

despite our worries everything turned out well. 尽管我们很担心, 一切都很顺利。

the lecture turned out to be very dull.讲座结果很无聊。

the rumor turned out (to be) true.那谣言后来证明是真的。

it turned out (that) two travelers had been killed 后来证实(查明)有两位旅客丧生。

turn out vt. (可分开用 ) 生产 (产品),出产

the factory can turn out l000cars a day. 这家工厂一天能生产1000辆汽车。

13. observe vt.观察,看到,注意到

she has observed the stars all her life. 她一生观察星体。

they observed the thief stealing /steal the money. 他们看见这个小偷偷了钱。(observe sb do /doing sth.)

vt. 遵守(规则,法律等)

language study

14. use sth up 用光

making soup is a good way of using up leftover vegetables. 把剩下的蔬菜全部用来做汤是个好主意。

integrating skills

15. everyone has his or her special skills and interests,and only by discovering what we do best can we hope to reach our goals and truly make a difference.



例:only at that time did i realize its importance. 直到那时我才意识到它的重要性。

only in this way can you make progress in your english study. 只有这样你才能在英语学习上取得进步。


例:only you understand me.只有你了解我。


例:she only eats vegetables.她只吃蔬菜。

i only lent you the money.那笔钱我只是借给你(不是给你)。

he only works when he’s got homework. 他只在有家庭作业时才做功课。

i’ve only seen him once. 我只见过他一次。


1) 不定式动词在介词but,except,后面时,如果这些介词之前有行为动词do的各种形式,那么,这些介词后的不定式不带to,否则要带to。

例如: she could do nothing but cry.她只会哭了。

i have no choice but to go.我不得不走。


he is looking for a room to live in . 他在找一个房间住。

there is nothing to worry about. 无什么可担心的。

please give me a knife to cut with. 请给我把刀子来切东西。


a)have you anything to send?你有什么东西要寄吗?(不定式tosend的动作执行者是you)

b)have you anything to be sent?你有什么要(我或别人)寄的东西吗?(不定式to be sent的动作执行者是已被省略的me或someone else)


have you got a key to unlock the door? 你有开门的钥匙吗?


i have got a letter to write. 我有封信要写。

he needs a room to live in. 他需要间屋子住。

6)不定式作表语形容词的状语,和句中的主语构成逻辑上的动宾关系时,不定式多用主动形式,这是因为人们往往认为形容词后省去了for one或for people.例如:

he is hard to talk to.很难跟他交谈。

the book is difficult to understand.这本书很难懂。


the handwriting is very difficult to be read. 这字太难认读了。

the box is to heavy to be lifted. 这箱子太重举不起来。

7)在there be结构中,当说话人考虑的是必须有人去完成某件事时,不定式用主动形式,如果说话人强调的是事情本身必须完成,则用被动形式。

there is a lot of work to do. (somebody has to do the work.)

there is a lot of work to be done.(the work has to be done.)


there is nothing to do.意为无事可做,感到十分乏味。

there is nothing to be done.意为某东西坏了,无法使之恢复正常。

unit 1 知识清单

warming up

1. make a/no/some difference 意义是什么?

the rain didn’t make much difference to the game.

your age shouldn’t make any difference to whether you get the job or not.

changing schools made a big difference to my life.

i don’t think it makes a lot of difference what color it is.

2. undertake过去式和过去分词形式是什么?两个常用意思是什么?

例:he undertook the difficult task willingly.

1 will undertake the responsibility for you.

he undertook to finish the job by friday.

3. there is no doubt(毫无疑问 ..) 后面的同位语从句的连词是什么?.

there is no doubt_______ our team will win.我队获胜是毫无疑问的。

i dont doubt_______we will win the game.(否定句用_______)我不怀疑我们将会赢得这场比赛。

do you doubt_______ he has passed the final examination ? (疑问句用that)你怀疑他已通过期末考试了吗?

i doubt_______ he is the best man for the job.(肯定句用_______)我怀疑他是否是担任那项工作的最适当人选。


4. imagine 用法是什么?

5. promising (形) 是什么意思?

例:a promising actress

6. give up是什么意思?

7. dream 常用搭配有哪些?

8. hope for / to do /that 分别是什么意思?

9。 phd(doctor of philosophy ) 指“__________”

10. there is no point in doing sth.表示“__________”。

例:there is no point in arguing further.

there is no point in protesting.it won’t help much.

11. expect 有哪些意思? 常用搭配有哪些?

12. survive vi. ________ vt. _________________

she was the last surviving member of the family.

of the six people injured in the crash, only two survived.

the company managed to survive the crisis.

many birds didn’t survive the severe winter.

13. there didnt seem much point in working on my phd-i didnt expect to survive that long 这里that 用法是什么?

14. get/be engaged to sb.意思是“_____________”; 而 be engaged in(on)+n./doing sth.意思是_____________________.

did you hear they have got engaged last month?

例:she was engaged in protecting wild birds.

he is now engaged on his second novel.

be engaged (电话等________________,相当于美国英语的busy.

engagement n. (to) 是什么意思?

例:announce ones engagement to; break off ones engagement; engagement ring

15. seek+(for after)+名词 意思是什么?

例:they sought shelter from the rain.

he found it worthless to seek fame.

we must seek (for) a solution to the problem

seek to do 意思是什么?

they quickly sought to distance themselves from the protester. 他们迅速设法远离抗议者。

16. turn out to be+副/+形/+to do/+that..是什么意思?

the weatherman said it was going to rain this afternoon but it turned out to be very lovely.

despite our worries everything turned out well.

the lecture turned out to be very dull.

the rumor turned out (to be) true.

it turned out (that) two travelers had been killed

turn out vt. 还有什么意思?

the factory can turn out l000cars a day. 这家工厂一天能生产1000辆汽车。

17. observe vt. 意思是_____________ 作为感官动词常用的搭配是_________

she has observed the stars all her life.

they observed the thief stealing /steal the money.

vt. ______________ 如:observe the law

18. use sth up 意思是___________

making soup is a good way of using up leftover vegetables.

19. only 在句子中的位置一般在哪里?另外,只要在句首就倒装吗?

20. 语法:不定式易错点

1) 不定式动词在介词but,except后面时,要注意哪些问题?

例如: she could do nothing but cry.

i have no choice but to go.


he is looking for a room to live in . 他在找一个房间住。

there is nothing to worry about. 无什么可担心的。

please give me a knife to cut with. 请给我把刀子来切东西。


a)have you anything to send?

b)have you anything to be sent?


如:have you got a key to unlock the door?

i have got a letter to write.

he needs a room to live in.


如: he is hard to______.a talk to b be talked with 很难跟他交谈。

the book is difficult to. a understand b be understood 这本书很难懂。

7)在there be结构中,to do 做定语要注意些什么?

there is a lot of work to do. (somebody has to do the work.)

there is a lot of work to be done.(the work has to be done.)


there is nothing to do.

there is nothing to be done.
