北京研学旅行心得体会如何写 北京研学旅行感悟800字(四篇)
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走过由汉白玉雕琢的永安桥、穿过堆云牌楼,您就来到了琼华岛。琼华岛上树木苍郁,殿宇栉(zhì)比,亭台楼阁,错落有致,白塔耸立山巅,成为公园的标志。走进永安寺的山门,拾阶而上您可以登上白塔。关于永安寺的壮丽景观我将在您到达时详细介绍。您走下白塔沿岛步行,你可以欣赏到又一些美景。西侧,那里有著名的“阅古楼” 内存有三希堂法帖,它是享誉世界上最著名的书法作品集成。西北面被一组沿湖长廊所环抱,北面山坡上,可见到相传为秦汉时期的文物“铜仙承露盘”;东侧山脚下是琼岛春阴碑,它是老北京著名的燕京八景之一。“半月城”亦称般若香台,在东坡依山而建;下面是“般若香台牌楼”,过“陟山桥”折而向北就来到东岸景区。
北岸景区从东到西布满景点:东侧有静心斋——人称“乾隆小花园”、大西天景点有西天禅林喇嘛庙建筑群,“华藏界”牌楼、“天王殿”、金丝楠木建成的“大慈真如宝殿” 、九龙壁等建筑;九龙壁西南是“快雪堂”“铁影壁”,再往西您就看到了北海五龙亭、阐(chǎn)福寺、小西天等众多著名景点。
hello everyone! welcome to badaling scenic spot for sightseeing. i'm veryglad to accompany you today. i hope you can have a good time in badaling.
the great wall is a magnificent defensive building in ancient china. itstarts from shanhaiguan in the east and ends at jiayuguan in the west, and runsacross the north of china. winding more than 12000 li, it is famous for the"great wall". it was listed in the world cultural heritage list in 1987. it iscalled "the longest defensive wall in the world" by experts and scholars.
the first time that china built the great wall was in the spring and autumnperiod in the 7th century bc, and the earliest country to build the great wallwas the state of chu. the great wall of the state of chu is called "fangcheng"in historical records, with a length of nearly a thousand li. qi was also one ofthe earliest states to build the great wall. the great wall of qi started frompingyin in shandong province in the west and entered the sea in the east. it isthe most preserved site of the great wall in the spring and autumn period.
qin shihuang was born in 220 bc__ after the unification of china in 1949,the old great wall in the north of qin, zhao and yan was first repaired. at thecost of "building a city of thousands of miles and building a people ofthousands of miles", he began to build the great wall, which is more than 7000kilometers long, from lintao in the west to liaodong in the east. since then,the great wall has stood in the east of the world, experiencing thousands ofyears of wind, frost, rain and snow.
in the early western han dynasty, in order to resist aggression and protectthe newly developed "silk road". it has built a great wall of more than 10000kilometers from lop nor in xinjiang in the west to liaodong in the east. this isalso the longest great wall in the history of our country.
after the establishment of ming dynasty, it faced the threat of mongoliaand jurchen. from the beginning of zhu yuanzhang, general xu da was sent northto build the great wall. until the end of ming dynasty, it was overhauled 18times, lasting more than 260 years. until hongzhi 20__ in, it was completed fromthe yalu river in the east to jiayuguan in the west. through liaoning, hebei,beijing, shanxi, shaanxi, inner mongolia, ningxia, gansu and other provinces andautonomous regions. the great wall is more than 12700 li long. and along thegreat wall is pided into nine defense areas, known as "nine sides and ninetowns". moreover, in many important pass areas, especially in the north ofbeijing city, multiple walls were built. these are the badaling great wall wesee now.
the scale of the great wall built in the qin, han and ming dynasties is thelargest compared with other dynasties. so the three construction climaxes inhistory are the qin dynasty, the han dynasty and the ming dynasty.
now, let me introduce the badaling great wall. badaling great wall islocated in yanqing county, northwest of beijing. it is the best preservedsection of the great wall in beijing with the best engineering quality and themost rigorous structure. this section of the great wall takes the urn city asthe center, reaching the seventh floor in the south and the twelfth floor in thenorth, with a total length of 4770 meters. it is the only channel leading to theoutside of the great wall in beijing area and the front position of here, you can reach yongning and sihai in the east, xuanhua and datong inthe west, jingcheng in the south, yanqing in the north and badaling in alldirections. badaling pass was built in 1520__ the city is 7.5 meters high and 4meters thick. there is a plaque on each of the east and west gates, with "juyongwai town" in the east and "north gate lock key" in the west. at the entrance ofguancheng, there is a cannon with a length of 2.85 meters and a caliber of 10.5cm, which is called "shenwei general". now let's look at the wall of the greatwall in badaling. this section of the city wall is about 5.8 meters narrow atthe top and 6.5 meters wide at the bottom. it consists of four basic structures.1、 city wall, two, city tower, three, pass, four, beacon tower. there is aticket door in the wall and a stone ladder in the middle. the top can hold 5horses in parallel. beacon tower is also known as beacon, beacon, wolf is independent of the city wall, almost every other mile there is a, composedof the great wall defense alarm system.
whenever enemy troops invade, the beacon towers burn beacon fires to conveymilitary information. burning smoke during the day is called beacon. at night afire is called a flint. and because wolf dung is often used as fuel, the smokeis high and hard to dissipate, so it is also called "wolf smoke". moreover, itwas stipulated in the ming dynasty. more than 100 of the invading soldiers lit acigarette and fired a gun, about 500 soldiers fired two cigarettes and two guns,more than 1000 soldiers fired three cigarettes and three guns, more than 5000soldiers fired four cigarettes and four guns, if more than 10000 soldiers wereinvolved, five cigarettes and five guns.
from badaling to the south is the famous xiongguan, juyong pass. juyongpass is one of the most famous passes of the great wall and an important barrierto the northwest of ancient beijing. it got its name from qin shihuang'sconstruction of the great wall. that is to say, the prisoners and the people whohave been punished in the palace are caught here to let them build the greatwall. and lived. juyongguan was called juyongsai in han dynasty and junduguan insui dynasty. when it was rebuilt in the ming dynasty, it became the strongestsection of the ming great wall. there are both military headquarters andadministrative organizations here. juyong pass in ancient times was also lushwith extraordinary scenery. juyong jucui, one of the eight famous scenic spotsin yanjing, refers to this place. in addition, there are many places ofinterest, such as yang liulang's shuanmazhuang, mu guiying's dianjiangtai, andbaifengzhong, where dragons and phoenixes play. not only that, but also juyongguanzhong has a white jade platform, called yuntai, which was built in e there were three tibetan pagodas built on the stage and the couponsunder the stage, it was originally called "crossing the street pagoda". in theearly ming dynasty, the pagoda was destroyed, and then the tai'an temple wasbuilt. in the early qing dynasty, the temple was destroyed again, and now thereare only pillar bases and watchposts. there are also six kinds of seal cuttingscriptures in sanskrit, tibetan and basiba on the inner wall, which areimportant objects for studying ancient chinese characters.
having said so much, let me tell you a story to relax. the name of thestory is called "meng jiangnu crying the great wall". it's about qin shihuangbuilding the great wall. at that time, in order to speed up the project, itbegan to draw civil servants from all over the country. meng jiangnu's husband,fan qiliang, was also transferred to build the great wall soon after herwedding.
in the twinkling of an eye, three years later, fan qiliang never heard fromhim. meng jiangnu couldn't eat well and sleep well. suddenly, one night. mengjiangnu had a dream that her husband was hungry and cold, and his clothes didn'tcover her body. she kept shouting "i'm cold, i'm hungry!" meng jiangnu woke upand decided to go to her husband, and brought him dry food and warm clothes. allthe way along the great wall in search of his husband. she went to shanhaiguanto find out that many people had died to build the great wall. her husband, fanqiliang, was also tired to death and buried under the great wall. this news islike a bolt from the blue, meng jiangnu immediately began to cry, crying earthshaking, sections of the great wall collapsed, eight hundred miles long. now theproject manager was in a hurry to report to qin shihuang who was coming here toinspect the progress of the project. the first emperor of qin sent someone toarrest meng jiangnu to find out the reason. after seeing her, qin shihuang wasfascinated by her beauty and insisted on calling her "empress zhenggong".although meng jiangnu was full of anger, she still held down her hatred and hadan idea. she had to ask qin shihuang to agree to her three conditions before shecould become the "empress of the palace". the first is to find the body of hishusband fan qiliang; the second is to hold a state funeral for his husband; andthe third is to ask the first emperor of qin to wear mourning and flag for fanqiliang. after listening to the three conditions proposed by meng jiangnu, thefirst emperor of qin thought for a moment. in order to get the beautiful mengjiangnu, he insisted. meng jiangnu, wearing filial piety, paid homage to thetomb of fan zhaliang, who died for the construction of the city. her longcherished wish was fulfilled. facing the rolling bohai sea, she jumped up andthrew herself into the sea.
at the end of the story, do you think qin shihuang is fatuous andoverbearing? let's ignore him first. start climbing the great wall and be ahero!!
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